Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Where are you & Where do you want to go: Assessing the Institutionalization of Community Engagement

[Announcement from HE-SL]

Join me for a brief but informative webinar on self-assessment procedures and tools related to community engagement. Self-assessment enables you and/or your institution to determine where you are in a journey towards excellence in and planning for the next steps of authentic and meaningful community engagement. A number of tools have been developed over the past thirty years to assist parts of or an entire institution in benchmarking the principle characteristics of community engagement activities (alignment with mission, assessment activities, dedication of resources, leadership, etc.). Through this webinar, attendees will be given an overview of not only the best-known self-assessment tools (e.g., Holland’s Matrix, Kecskes’s Engaged Department Rubric, Campus Compact’s Indicators of Engagement) but also some lesser known ones.  Participants will also be able to engage in a discussion with each other and the presenter about how to best use and adapt these resources for the unique context of your institution/campus.


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