Monday, August 29, 2016

Position at Georgetown University

[Announcement from he-sl listserv]

Hi all,

The Center for Social Justice Research, Teaching & Service at Georgetown University is seeking a new Program Director, DC Reads. This position coordinates Georgetown's literacy and educational initiatives at CSJ, including the DC Reads Program and the Summer Institute for Teaching and Learning.

Please see the position description below and share this posting with anyone who may be interested.

Take care,


Program Director of the DC Reads Program in the Center for Social Justice Research, Teaching, and Service (CSJ) at Georgetown University.
The Program Director, DC Reads is a full-time position responsible for connecting Georgetown students to service and social justice opportunities through literacy tutoring programs and learning about education policies, practice, and advocacy. The position oversees and supervises the DC Reads Program, which provides for effective tutoring and learning for elementary school-aged youth. Coordination of the DC Reads Program requires creating and maintaining strong school site relationships and community partnerships; recruiting volunteers, hiring, training and supervising part-time university student volunteers that provide literacy tutoring and mentorship in DC Public Schools, community centers, and other community partners; curriculum development; and program assessment.
This work also includes collecting, reviewing, analyzing and reporting on research and issues in education. This work has both a national and local focus and is used to guide and support CSJ’s work in education. During the summer months this position is responsible for working in coordination with other CSJ staff and campus units to provide Georgetown students structured opportunities in social justice, particularly around the Summer Institute for Teaching and Learning. 
The Program Director is the direct supervisor of the STEM Afterschool Program Coordinator. The position will oversee the program’s quality and build upon the strengths of the program. The position contributes to the coordinator’s professional development and provides strategic guidance to the program’s development and operations.
The Program Director leads the Center’s efforts in learning about education policies, practice, and advocacy. The position disseminates this information to inform the Center’s education work and in collaboration with relevant campus partners and faculty.
The Program Director participates in Center for Social Justice activities and acts as a representative of CSJ in university-wide activities, such as cross-departmental committees, position searches and student organization activities.
Georgetown DC Reads is a tutoring, mentoring and advocacy program for 1st-5th grade students who are a grade level or more behind in literacy skills. The program began in 1997 as the University’s response to the passage of the America Reads Act, a literacy initiative established to improve reading proficiency for all elementary students by engaging college students as volunteer and Federal Work Study-funded tutors. Twenty-four student coordinators lead the program through which over 200 Georgetown students a semester have weekly tutoring commitments at nine sites in Ward 7.
The Summer Institute for Teaching and Learning (SITL) is an eight-week summer program open to undergraduate and graduate students who are looking for a meaningful experience engaging in educational issues by working in a classroom setting. SITL partners with DC Public Schools’ summer schools, community centers and other nonprofit organizations to reduce summer learning loss and provide academic enrichment opportunities to underserved youth.
  • Bachelor's degree in education, social work, urban studies, or a related field.  A master’s degree and a three years experience in community-based education or literacy programming (or comparable experience) are preferred. 
  • Knowledge of educational issues, lesson planning, and curriculum development; training experience; volunteer recruitment and management experience; fiscal management experience; advanced organizational skills; and good interpersonal skills.
  • Familiarity and experience with university culture, student development, and the DC metropolitan area are preferred.

Ray Shiu, Associate Director

Center for Social Justice Research, Teaching & Service
Georgetown University
1421 37th Street, NW
Poulton Hall, Suite 130
Washington, DC 20057
202.687.8834 | 202.687.8980 (fax)

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