Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Job Posting in LA: Community Engagement Grad Assistant

[Announcement from he-sl listserv]

Please post widely!

Occidental College is a private four-year liberal arts institution that is consistently ranked among the top liberal arts colleges in the nation. Student enrollment is approximately 2,200 undergraduates.  The campus is located in Eagle Rock, a suburb of Los Angeles that is 10 minutes north of downtown and 5 minutes west of Pasadena.
The Graduate Assistant (GA) is integral to the division’s effort to provide a purposefully engaging out-of-class experience for students. We seek a graduate assistant who is capable of linking student development theory to practice. The GA-ship is a professional, entry-level preparatory experience that is directly supervised by the Assistant Dean for Community Engagement.
The goal of the OCE is to support Occidental students, faculty and staff in engaging with the Los Angeles community and beyond as well as to help create links with community partners who would like to be engaged with the campus. Through our various programs and collaborations, we help enact the college's mission of community and service.   It is the aim of the Office of Community Engagement to offer programs that are rooted in social justice.  We look to foster a purposeful, open, just, caring, and celebrative community. 
The GA is an essential member of the Student Affairs team. General duties include maintaining the Office of Community Engagement, planning and implementing campus-wide programs, and coordinating leadership development and social justice training for students.  The GA will also assist the Assistant Dean with special projects.
Duties of the Graduate Assistant will include:
 Hold regular office hours
  Work 15-20 hours/week on-campus
  Assist with supervision of student staff
  Plan and implement campus-wide programs
 Maintain the Office of Community Engagement (i.e. space, resource library, etc.)
 Attend campus meetings as necessary
 Opportunities for projects, programs and research items in area of interest
Compensation is $4,000 for the Academic Year.

Send resume, cover letter and references by AUGUST 15, 2013 to: 
Ella Turenne
Assistant Dean of Community Engagement

NJ CC Executive Director Search underway

[Announcement from he-sl listserv]

Hello all,

Please circulate this position to qualified candidates:

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, NEW JERSEY CAMPUS COMPACT.  To serve as chief executive officer for NJ Compact, reporting directly to co-chairs of the Executive Board. S/he promotes the mission and strategic objectives of New Jersey Campus Compact; provides leadership in the areas of service-learning, community-based research, and civic engagement; collaborates and builds community and campus partnerships; secures funding; and is the primary administrator for New Jersey Campus Compact.  New Jersey Campus Compact is in its second year and being formed as a non-profit 501c3 organization.
For detailed information on position description and job requirements go to http://www.compact.org/ or for more information email to www.NJCampusCompact@Stockton.edu

NJCC is an equal opportunity organization.

Register for the Eastern Region Campus Compact Conference, October 23-25, 2013: Moving Us Forward: Aligning Civic and Community Engagement with Mission and Institutional Effectiveness, PhiladelphiaSee www.ercompact.org

Char Gray, PhD
Executive Director, PA Campus Compact
28 S. Dewberry Street, Box 8, Harrisburg, PA  17101
717-796-5072 (w), 717-571-0326 (cell)
717-796-5078 (fax), www.paccompact.org

2013 Campus Compact Heartland Regional Conference

[Announcement from he-sl listserv]

Join colleagues from Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska and Oklahoma in Tulsa, Oklahoma for the 2013 Heartland Campus Compact Regional Conference on Thursday and Friday, September 19-20th.  Keynoted by Stephen Black, the grandson of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black, Mr. Black created and directs the University of Alabama Center for Ethics and Social Responsibility, and founded Impact Alabama, the state’s first nonprofit dedicated to developing and implementing substantive service-learning projects in coordination with twenty-four colleges and universities.

This conference will bring together individuals in concurrent sessions to explore different perspectives on service-learning and civic engagement and provide an opportunity for service-learning professionals and community partners to share program models and best practices, and network with one another.

Event:  2013 Campus Compact Heartland Regional Conference
Date:  September 19-20, 2013
Place:  Hyatt Regency Hotel, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Conference Website and Registration:  http://associations.missouristate.edu/heartland/default.htm
Contacts:  Debbie Terlip, (405) 225-9128, dterlip@osrhe.edu, or Lisa Walker, (405) 225-9154, lwalker@osrhe.edu

Debbie Terlip, Assoc. Dir. Campus Compact
  and Student Relations Liaison
Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
Physical:  655 Research Parkway, Suite 200
Oklahoma City, OK   73104-6217
Mailing:  P. O. Box 108850
Oklahoma City, OK  73101-8850
Phone:  405-225-9128  Fax:  405-225-9230

Supporting Literacy Tutors- Response Requested (deadline August 1)

[Announcement from he-sl listserv]

Hello Service-Learning Community,

SCALE is revamping its membership program to better fit the needs of student volunteers and student organizations engaging in literacy tutoring efforts and we are asking for your input to know what are the most valuable resources we can offer to you and to the students you support.  Please read the email below for more information! Or take the survey now.

We are also looking to connect with other campus-based programs engage students literacy tutoring and other literacy related service activities.  Please email us at readwriteact@unc.edu if you are interested in connecting.  Also, please forward this email to any colleges, students, or community programs who engage in literacy tutoring service activities.




In 1989, two undergraduate students believed that young people could have an impact on literacy, become leaders on their campuses, and raise awareness of literacy as a social justice issue. The problem was there wasn’t a national organization to help support students in these goals. Thus, they founded The Student Coalition for Action in Literacy Education (SCALE).

Today, SCALE continues to serve as a training and technical assistance organization to university students. We want to help support student groups and volunteers to gain not only literacy skills and knowledge, but also tools to advocate for social justice causes, create effective student groups, and learn about working for community organizations.

We need your help. You have been chosen because you support students in some capacity. What could SCALE offer you that would most help your office? Please complete our survey, which will take no more than 10 minutes. One random person who enters will win a SCALE tee-shirt (pictured here). Additionally, anyone who forwards this email to student volunteers, community, centers and other individuals who could benefit form training support for their literacy program and copies SCALE (readwriteact@unc.edu) will also be entered. 


Megan McCurley                       
Executive Director
Phone: 919.843.4494
Fax:   919.962.6020

IARSLCE practitioner meeting announcement and news

[Announcement from IARSLCE listserv]

IARSLCE logo tree 

July 29, 2013

Are you a service-learning and community engagement practitioner?
A growing number of IARSLCE members identify as practitioners rather than researchers or faculty. IARSLCE would like to host a conversation with practitioners (those who identify as community engagement administrators and staff) to learn about their hopes for the association.  Join us on Thursday, August 15 at 1:30PM EDT for a call to discuss the role of the practitioner within service-learning and community engagement research.  Lina Dostilio (IARSLCE) and Maureen Curley (Campus Compact) will co-host a conversation in which attendees will discuss:
  • The particular experience and skill set that practitioners bring to research on service-learning and community engagement and the role of IARSLCE to leverage practitioner contribution to research. 
  • The capacities that practitioners would like to build for research on service-learning and community engagement and the role of IARSLCE in helping practitioners build those capacities. 
  • What areas of research practitioners consider to be leading edge and the opportunities for IARSLCE to encourage and foster that type of research. 
To RSVP and to receive call-in information, please email Tara Luparello (info@researchslce.org). Space is limited, so please secure your spot ASAP.
Calling all conference presenters
The conference schedule will be out very soon, but please remember that the deadline for presenters to register is Wednesday, July 31.  Thanks to all that have registered, and if you have not please visit www.researchslce.org/conferences to register before the Wednesday deadline. 

Get social with IARSLCE!
A great way to keep up with all things IARLSCE is to like us on Facebook and connect on LinkedIn!  Join us now!

2013 IARSLCE Conference - 14 weeks and counting
The 2013 is around the corner! A listing of sessions being offered at this year's conference, November 6-8, 2013 in Omaha, are now online. To learn more about the conference, view the slated presentations, or to register, please visit www.researchslce.org/conferences.  

The 2013 IARSLCE conference keynote will be delivered by internationally acclaimed writer, speaker and activist Parker J. Palmer.  With his focus on contemplation and social activism, Palmer is an exciting and motivating speaker who focuses on education, community, leadership, and spirituality.

This will be a not-to-miss conference. Register now during early bird registration to get a discounted rate.

Conference Mentorship program
IARSLCE is happy to once again facilitate mentorship between senior members and those seeking mentors.

Contact Kristin Medlin (kdbuchne@uncg.edu) for more information, or simply indicate your wish to serve as or to be paired with a mentor on your conference registration when prompted.

Conference sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities
Conference sponsorships and exhibitor space are available and a great way to reach IARSLCE members. Please contact Tara Luparello at info@reseachslce.org to receive the sponsor and exhibitor information packet and form.  

Passing the word along...

Fall 2013 International Service Learning Summit

Service learning postcard


Buffett Center for International and Comparative Studies,
Northwestern University
Center for Global Engagement, Northwestern University


Center for Social Development and Gephardt Institute for Public Service,
Washington University in St. Louis
In collaboration with the Building Bridges Coalition
Please join us at Northwestern from October 23-25, 2013 as we continue to explore the most cutting-edge trends, as well as the biggest opportunities and challenges in higher education related to global/service learning. This summit will build on the success of the “International Service and Higher Education: At the Threshold of a New Era” conference held at Washington University in St. Louis in 2011. We look forward to hosting a gathering that builds a community of practice among international service learning facilitators by inviting constructive examination of our work and engaging in critical conversations about our impact in communities abroad.
The conference schedule and program will be developed by a conference planning committee, including staff and faculty from the convening universities and partners.
This conference will bring together those involved in community-based, experiential or service learning efforts abroad to examine critical issues facing the field and create an agenda for developing and measuring our success as international educators.
We envision various discussion areas framed by panel presentations followed up by break-out sessions with a final report back session to share feedback, summarize group discussions and explore actions to be taken.
The Summit will include:
•  Opening Keynote
•  1-2 Plenary Speakers
•  Various panel presentations with facilitated break-out/group discussion sessions
•  Significant time for discussion, dialogue and sharing
Discussion areas could include the following:
•  Partner organizations and host communities
•  Goals of international experiential learning
•  Program assessment and evaluation
•  Group formation
•  Preparation of students and with partner organizations
•  Following up: post-experience reflection and integration
•  Potential for cross-university collaboration
Further details and logistics:
•  Registration fee: $300
•  Lodging: A room block has been arranged at Hotel Orrington in Evanston, IL.
The on-line booking code for the group is NUISLS which can be entered in the area that asks for “Group/Convention Code.” Hotel reservations may also be made by calling  1-800-445-8667  ( 1-800-HILTONS ). In order to receive the group rate, let them know you are with the NU International Service Learning Summit.

Click here to register.

Friday, July 26, 2013

2013 NW Eco-Community Psy Conference

[Announcement from SCRA-L]

8th Annual Northwest Ecological Community Psychology Conference
Portland State University

Portland, Oregon

Friday, October 25th, 2013    

8:30 am - 5 pm (w/local group dinner starting at 6 p.m.)
Portland State Native American Student and Community Center

This conference is organized annually by graduate students and faculty in the region as a means for sharing research in progress, reflections on community research and action projects, dialogues on contemporary issues in social research, and issues of diversity and social justice.  Graduate and undergraduate students, as well as community members and professionals in the non-profit sector, are invited to propose presentations in a variety of formats: paper (20 min), roundtable (60 min), multimedia (e.g., community film or art projects) (60 min), posters, and innovative sessions (e.g., workshops; interactive learning experiences) (up to 60 minutes).

This regional conference is held in informal affiliation with the Society for Community Research and Action (Division 27 of the American Psychological Association).

Send proposals or inquiries to NWECO2013@gmail.com.

Proposals should include:

Title, presenter(s), program affiliation(s) or organization, requested session format, 150-word summary abstract.

Deadline for proposal submission:  Friday, August 30, 2013; 2nd deadline: Friday, September 13th
Decisions on proposals will be communicated one week following each of the above deadlines.

Registration costs are kept low to encourage attendance.  Further information will be available on the website of the Applied Social & Community Psychology graduate program at Portland State University, http://www.pdx.edu/psy/graduate-study-in-applied-social-community-psychology by early August.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Practice Council’s Blog

[Announcement from SCRA-L]

Dear SCRA colleagues,

I am contacting you on behalf of the Practice Council’s Blog (http://communitypsychologypractice.blogspot.com/). Among other things, the blog is designed to share community psychology related content with practitioners or people interested in the field. The blog is always looking for contributors. There are no guidelines for the posts. You can submit a few paragraphs highlighting your own or a colleague’s work. You can send us a link to a story/article/blog post/etc. that you think we should cross-post. Or you can write a brief “call for action.”
If you have written something in the past that you would like to share, we invite you write one to two paragraph summary or introduction of your piece to be featured on the Blog. We will, of course, link to your full text piece if it is available.
Our blog gets a large mix of readers both nationally and internationally, including students, practitioners, academics, and members of fields allied with community psychology. I hope you will take advantage of this opportunity to share your work in a wider fashion.
In addition, every month, we get to cross-post with the APA’s blog (http://psychologybenefits.org/). This is a great opportunity to raise awareness about our field. Every month, the APA blog has a theme. This month’s theme is Minority Mental Health. It would be great if we could send them something to cross-post.

Olya Glantsman~

Practice Blog Co-Coordinator

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Australian Community Psychologist Vol 25 Issue 1

[Announcement from SCRA-L]

Dear friends and colleagues,

The latest issue of The Australian Community Psychologist has been published and includes a special section on psychology and poverty reduction comprising 4 articles and 2 book reviews, and well as a ‘general’ section comprising 2 additional research papers and 2 book reviews. The journal can be accessed online via the link http://www.groups.psychology.org.au/ccom/publications/ (if the link doesn’t work, please cut and paste it into your browser). Further information about the journal, upcoming issues, and instructions for authors can be found via the aforementioned link.

The table of contents appears below.

Lauren (on behalf of the editorial board)
Editor, Australian Community Psychologist
Lauren J. Breen

Special Section: Psychology and Poverty Reduction
Guest Editorial
David Fryer and Cathy McCormack

Special Section Articles
Manufacturing the right way to be in debt: Can psychologists explore the UK debt industry?
Carl Walker

Community psychologists advocating for action on poverty and social inclusion
Emma Sampson, Heather Gridley and Colleen Turner
Commentary on Sampson et al
Carl Walker
Authors’ reply
Emma Sampson, Heather Gridley and Colleen Turner

Researching poverty to make a difference: The need for reciprocity and advocacy in
community research

Darrin Hodgetts, Kerry Chamberlain, Yardena Tankel and Shiloh Groot

The price of economic barbarism: An uncomfortable truth
Cathy McCormack

Special Section Book Reviews
Human life matters: The ecology of sustainable human living vs. The rule of the

Author: Katie Thomas
Reviewer: Katie Thomas

Representations of global poverty: Aid, development and international NGOs
Author: Nandita Dogra
Reviewer: Darrin Hodgetts

Research Papers
Duty stations and the regulation of space in mental health wards: A South Australian
case study

Damien W. Riggs, Clemence Due and Kathleen Connellan

Ageing research in community psychology: Where are our elders?
Harriet Rademacher and Paul Duckett

Book Reviews
Methodological approaches to community-based research
Editors: Leonard A. Jason and David S. Glenwick
Reviewer: Brian Bishop

Principles of social change
Author: Leonard A. Jason
Reviewer: Brian Bishop

Kind regards,

Dr Lauren Breen
ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher and Senior Lecturer | Undergraduate Psychology
School of Psychology and Speech Pathology | Faculty of Health Sciences

Curtin University
Tel |
+61 8 9266 7943
Fax | +61 8 9266 2464
Postal address | GPO Box U1987 Perth WA 6845
Web | http://psych.curtin.edu.au/about/staff_new.cfm/Lauren.Breen

Job Opportunity: Asst. Director for Experiential Learning

[Announcement from he-sl listserv]

Assistant Director for Experiential Learning
Holden Center for Leadership & Community Engagement
University of Oregon

The Holden Center for Leadership & Community Engagement at the University of Oregon is now accepting applications for the position of Assistant Director for Experiential Education. The Assistant Director for Experiential Learning plays a leading role in the creative design and implementation of a growing suite of intentionally crafted and assessed experiences that assist students in personal growth, critical reflection, and development.  More detailed information about this position, including a complete list of requirements, application procedure and priority deadline, is located at: http://jobs.uoregon.edu/unclassified.php?id=4327.

The University of Oregon provides excellent benefits, including comprehensive medical and dental insurance coverage, retirement plans, and paid leave policies.  The University of Oregon is an equal opportunity, affirmative action institution committed to cultural diversity and compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.  Candidates with a demonstrated commitment to promoting a diverse and inclusive learning and working environment are strongly encouraged to apply.

Christopher Ruiz de Esparza
Associate Director
Holden Center for Leadership & Community Engagement

1228 University of Oregon, EMU Suite 17
Eugene, OR 97403-1228
Office: 541-346-1151

New issue of Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement

[Announcement from he-sl listserv]

Dear Colleagues,

The Anchor Institutions Task Force is pleased to announce the publication of the Anchor Institutions Task Force Edition of the Journal of Higher Education Outreach & Engagement. The description of this volume is below.

This volume of the Journal emerges from the growing need to share experiences, challenges, successes and strategies of anchor institution-community partnerships.  As interest in the role and value of anchor institutions for community and economic development continues to grow, so does the need to improve and share our knowledge about what it takes to create and sustain collaborative strategies. 

In this edition, several Anchor Institutions Task Force members have come together to voice some of our thoughts and stories on the potential of anchors, especially colleges and universities, to stabilize and transform lives and livelihoods in localities. Special thanks to this issue’s editors: Eugenie Birch, David C. Perry, and Henry Louis Taylor. All three of these editors are on the AITF’s Steering Committee.  Authors are: Eugenie Birch (University of Pennsylvania), David C. Perry (University of Illinois at Chicago), Henry Taylor (University at Buffalo, SUNY), Nancy Cantor, Peter Englot, and Marilyn Higgins (Syracuse University), James T. Harris III and Marcine Pickron-Davis (Widener University), Eduardo J. Padrón (Miami Dade College), Thomas K. McKeon (Tulsa Community College), Frederick J. McGrail (Lehigh University), Elizabeth Hudson (University of Michigan), Robert F. Kronick and Robert B. Cunningham (University of Tennessee).

        Joann Weeks

Joann M. Weeks
Associate Director
Netter Center for Community Partnerships
and Penn Program for Public Service, 
    School of Arts and Sciences
University of Pennsylvania
133 South 36th Street, Suite 519
Philadelphia, PA 19104-3246
Phone:  215-898-0872
FAX:    215-573-2799

Weber State University Community Partner Coordinator

[Announcement from he-sl listserv]

Hello CSDs,

The Weber State University Center for Community Engaged Learning is hiring for a Community Partner Coordinator.  This is a new full-time position at our University.  We will be replacing a successful VISTA volunteer cycle with this full-time role. 

The Community Partner Coordinator will manage the Center for Community Engaged Learning's community partnerships and programs.

Please review the information at the following link for a complete description of the Community Partner Coordinator's responsibilities: https://jobs.weber.edu/applicants/jsp/shared/frameset/Frameset.jsp?time=1372281073032
Feel free to forward this on to all you feel may be interested.

Thank you
Mike Moon
Assistant Director | Center for Community Engaged Learning
2113 University Cir. Ogden, UT 84403


Program Coordinator position in Academic Service Learning at the University of Vermont

[Announcement from he-sl listserv]

Hello all,
a position at UVM.


Posting Number:  0040898

Position Title:  Program Coordinator

The University of Vermont Office of Community-University Partnerships & Service-Learning (CUPS) is currently searching for a Program Coordinator to support both service-learning and community-based research initiatives. This position includes work with students, staff, faculty and community partners to help fulfill CUPS' mission of connecting the university and community as partners in addressing real-world challenges. Candidates should have some experience in higher education community engagement and student affairs, an ability to work independently and with a variety of constituents, and high levels of self-motivation.
Education and experience equivalent to Bachelor's degree in related field. One to three years' experience in education, nonprofit, or other related field. Presentation/training skills required. 
Familiarity with a range of computer applications including, but not limited to, Constant Contact and Dreamweaver. The position is a 9-month, full-time position, with benefits. For more information, and a full position description, visit: 

Susan Munkres, PhD -- Director
Office of Community-University Partnerships & Service-Learning
409 Billings Center
University of Vermont
Burlington, VT 05405


Assistant Director of Community Service - Washington University in St. Louis

[Announcement from he-sl listserv]

Dear colleagues,

I'm delighted to announce an Assistant Director of Community Service opening in the Community Service Office at Washington University in St. Louis, and would appreciate your assistance circulating this widely!

Many thanks,

Stephanie N. Kurtzman
Director, Community Service Office
Associate Director, Gephardt Institute for Public Service Washington University in St. Louis


Position Overview
The Assistant Director of Community Service cultivates student leadership and student learning through community service opportunities that foster positive community impact and a life-long ethic of civic engagement.  The assistant director is responsible for developing and implementing a comprehensive leadership program, coordinating and advising high impact student initiatives, overseeing University-wide outreach and communications, and managing central office functions.

As an advisor and mentor, the assistant director works closely with students as they develop, implement, evaluate, and reflect on their community service initiatives.  The assistant director frequently engages students and student groups in critical conversations about social justice and sustained community impact, and demonstrates enthusiasm for the wide variety of causes and passions brought forward by students.

Essential Responsibilities
** Oversee creation and implementation of a student leadership development plan for the office.  Define a cohesive model, articulate and assess learning outcomes, and provide training and consultation to student leaders and staff advisors of community service and philanthropy efforts. (25%)

** Manage student staff of ten paid interns with substantive responsibilities.  Supervise three interns, and coordinate student staff recruitment, selection, training, leadership development, staff meetings & retreats, and reception desk operations.  Oversee leadership development for volunteer Leadership Teams that support Each One Teach One, K-12 Connections, Blood Drives, and Marrow Registry. (20%)

** Advise high impact student-led community service groups with attention to student learning and organizational development.  Groups include: Dance Marathon, Relay For Life, and Alpha Phi Omega. (20%)

** Coordinate programs that support student-led initiatives in domestic and international locations outside of St. Louis, with attention to risk management, positive community impact, group development, reflection, and mentorship of rising social entrepreneurs.  Programs include service trips, Social Change Grants, and student participation in the Clinton Global Initiative University Network. (15%)

** Coordinate outreach, marketing, and communication initiatives for the office.  Initiatives include social media, print & electronic communications, Drop-In Hours, and special events. (10%)

** Contribute to initiatives, meetings, and events of the Community Service Office, units within Campus Life, and the Gephardt Institute for Public Service, including: Service First, PB&Joy University-Wide Food Drive, St. Louis Up Close, Civic Engagement Fund, and communication with local non-profits. (10%)

To Apply
Interested candidates should apply via the Human Resources website: https://jobs.wustl.edu (job ID 26122) with a cover letter, resume, list of at least three references, and responses to three questions provided online.  Please learn more about the office at www.communityservice.wustl.edu, and direct questions to communityservice@wustl.edu.

About Us
Washington University in St. Louis is a premier, highly selective, independent research university, serving approximately 6400 full-time undergraduates and 5900 full-time graduate/professional students.  Approximately 40% of undergraduates identify as multicultural or international, and 79% of undergraduates live in University housing.

Our mission for the undergraduate experience is to build and sustain an undergraduate experience of exceptional quality where students, known by name and story, prepare themselves for lives of purpose and meaning.

The Gephardt Institute for Public Service serves as the campus-wide nexus for civic engagement and service through four key areas: community-based teaching and learning, global service and cross-cultural learning,     co-curricular service, and civic life & public service careers.  

The Community Service Office serves as a catalyst for students to connect with, build, and sustain meaningful service initiatives in partnership with communities in St. Louis and around the globe.  Our office is uniquely situated within both the department of Campus Life (which focuses on student involvement, engagement, and leadership) and the Gephardt Institute for Public Service.  Our efforts are led by four professional staff and ten student interns.

Student involvement in community service is motivated by genuine passion for social justice.  All community service opportunities are led by students with staff support and advising.  Student participation in community service is voluntary.  68% of our undergraduates participate in community service (an average of 9 points higher than our top 17 comparison schools), and 80% of our seniors participate in community service.    

Reminder: ERCC Conference Registration and Update--Campus-Wide Assessment Summit and Workshops

[Announcement from he-sl listserv]

REGISTER for Eastern Region Campus Compact's Conference, October 23-25, 2013 at the Philadelphia Downtown Marriott:  MOVING US FORWARD: Aligning Civic and Community Engagement with Mission and Institutional Effectiveness (Go to www.ercompact.org


Three Pre-Conference Institutes
1.      Developing Institutional Strategies for Rewarding Engaged Scholarship in Promotion and Tenure (Team Institute, 2 parts)
    Dr. Kerry Ann O'Meara and Dr. Tim Stanton  
2.       The Culture of the Engaged CampusDr. Matt Hartley & Dr. Laurie Worrall 
3.       Institute for Academic Leadership on Community Engagement, (for academic leaders only), Dr. Barbara Holland

Conference Features: 

Conference Launch and Keynote: Dr. Wendell Pritchett, President, Rutgers-Camden University

Campus-Wide Assessment Summit: As the definitions and activities of civic engagement are wide ranging within higher education, so are the various ways in which institutions measure the outcomes and impacts.  The assessment summit will offer attendees an opportunity to learn about several national efforts to track and measure engagement initiatives in higher education, and to discuss the relationship between these national measures and our own campus efforts to assess the impacts of engagement on students, community, and other stakeholders/issues.  A panel of national experts will be followed by an opportunity for questions and discussion.  Immediately following the summit, Concurrent Session One will focus on assessment in order to offer the opportunity for continued focused discussions, professional development, and dialogue on the topic.

Four Concurrent Workshop Sessions

Poster Sessions

Presidents Panel, moderated by Dr. Ira Harkavy 

Conference Registration Deadline is October 16th www.ercompact.org;    Hotel Registration Deadline is October 2nd. 

Register for the Eastern Region Campus Compact Conference, October 23-25, 2013: Moving Us Forward: Aligning Civic and Community Engagement with Mission and Institutional Effectiveness, PhiladelphiaSee www.ercompact.org

Char Gray, PhD
Executive Director, PA Campus Compact
28 S. Dewberry Street, Box 8, Harrisburg, PA  17101
717-796-5072 (w), 717-571-0326 (cell)
717-796-5078 (fax), www.paccompact.org

Save the Date | 17th Annual Continuums of Service Conference | April 2-4, 2014

[Announcement from he-sl listserv]

Save the date: 17th Annual Continuums of Service Conference
Copyright © 2013 Washington Campus Compact, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Washington Campus Compact
516 High St.
Bellingham, Wa 98225