Thursday, September 6, 2012

IARSLCE 2012 conference Proceedings

[Announcement from IARSLCE listserv]

Encouraging everyone to visit the Proceedings wiki, use it as a resource in your work, and join colleagues there in conversation about some of the latest scholarship ...

Patti Clayton

The International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement (IARSLCE) invites you to join in conversation with fellow researchers and practitioner-scholars through our second annual conference Proceedings, now available online at

The Proceedings is an online, interactive publication that provides summaries and references for the over 175 sessions to be facilitated by scholars from around the world at the 12th annual conference this fall (Sep. 23 – 25th, Baltimore, MD). It is intended to increase the public visibility of research related to service-learning and community engagement and to facilitate communication and collaboration among researchers and practitioner-scholars.

How might you use the Proceedings?

~ Discover the exciting range of current research on service-learning and community engagement.
~ Connect with colleagues.
~ Plan your participation at the conference.
~ Engage in conversation before, during, and after the conference.
~ Find new resources and references to support your own scholarship and enhance your own practice.

You do not need to be a member of the Proceedings wiki in order to access information on the conference sessions. However, you do need to be a member in order to post comments or questions. Requesting membership is quick and easy - see instructions on the wiki at:

The Proceedings is co-created and produced by an international team of graduate student Editorial Fellows (see,
supported by co-editors Patti Clayton (IUPUI & UNCG, USA) and Billy O'Steen (University of Canterbury, New Zealand).

For more information about the IARSLCE annual conference, including lodging and registration, please visit

Please feel free to disseminate widely.

Patti H. Clayton, Ph.D., PHC Ventures
Senior Scholar, CSL, IUPUI
Visiting Scholar, ORED, UNCG
Visiting Fellow, NERCHE

“As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.” [Nelson Mandela, 1994 inaugural speech]

CCPH is Hiring a National Study Coordinator - Apply by Sept 14

[Announcement from SCRA-L]

Dear SCRA colleagues,

*Are you committed to health equity and social justice?
*Are you interested in ensuring that health research that takes place in communities is responsive to community-identified needs and concerns?
*Would you like to apply your research and project management skills to assist in a National Institutes of Health funded study?

Community-Campus Partnerships for Health is seeking a coordinator for a two-year (2012-2014) NIH funded national study that will conduct case studies of community-based organizations and the processes they have established for determining whether to support or participate in health research.  By studying community-based Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) and research review committees, we hope to understand the contributions they make to research ethics and integrity.  Further, the study aims to develop practical products that can support communities to have greater ownership and decision-making authority for research.

This contract position is intended to be full-time through August 2013 and half-time from September 2013 through August 2014.   We would consider hiring two people for the position, each working part-time.  Graduate students and post-docs may apply.   Compensation will be commensurate with experience.  We prefer the position to be based in Seattle, WA, but will consider any location in the United States. 

[Please see for details.]  Applications are due no later than Sept 14.

If you have any questions, please contact us at

Community-Campus Partnerships for Health promotes health equity and social justice through partnerships between communities and academic institutions.
Stay on top of the latest CCPH news through Facebook, LinkedIn & Twitter!

Without Limits, The 24th Annual National Service-Learning Conference

[Announcement from he-sl listserv]

Greetings everyone,

I am pleased to announce that the official conference website for the 24th Annual National Service-Learning Conference, Without Limits, has launched! Please visit for anything and everything that you would ever want to know about the 2013 conference. Find answers to your questions about conference programming, transportation, registration, housing, and much more.

Below are some upcoming deadlines to put on your calendar:

Workshops and Service-Learning Showcase. Presenting a workshop is your chance to share what you know about service-learning and how it can make a difference with others. The service-learning showcase is your opportunity to showcase service-learning projects that you and your organization or school is working on in your community.
Apply online. Deadline to apply is September 21, 2012.

Youth Emcee. Do you have the desire to be on the plenary stage? Have you ever wanted to introduce a conference keynote presenter? Do you have the skills it takes to present in front of nearly 2,000 of your fellow attendees? If you answered “Yes!” to these questions, this opportunity is for you. Youth emcees are essential to the success of the plenary sessions. They introduce keynote speakers, set the stage for the day’s session, inform attendees about upcoming events, and keep the audience smiling!
Apply online. Deadline to apply is October 12, 2012.

Scholarships. Each year, NYLC is pleased to provide scholarship dollars to conference attendees in need of support to attend the conference.  Scholarship notifications will be made by October 10, 2012. 
Apply online. Deadline to apply is October 3, 2012. Be sure to also check out our fundraising tips

Award Nominations. Recognize someone that you believe has been a service-learning superstar.  Nominate youth, practitioners, and service-learning leaders for the Youth Leadership for Service-Learning Excellence Award, the Service-Learning Practitioner Leadership Award, and the Alec Dickson Servant Leader Award. What better way to recognize and thank these individuals for their work in the community?

Review the application criteria online. Deadline to submit an award application is October 3, 2012.
Registration for the conference opens Thursday, September 6, 2012! Register soon to receive early bird rates by October 31, 2012.

Keep on top of upcoming deadlines for Without Limits by following @nylcorg on Twitter and use the official conference hashtag, #NYLC13.

Thank you!
Sam Schultz
Marketing Associate, NYLC

"Exploring Engagement: Beyond Traditional Campus Community Partnerships" Registration open!

[Announcement from he-sl]

Good afternoon,

Registration for the 2012 WNYSLC Conference, "Exploring Engagement: Beyond Traditional Campus Community Partnerships" is now open! Join colleagues, practitioners and friends on October 26-27, 2012 at Niagara University, Niagara, New York for this exciting event!

Highlights include:
·  Keynote presentation on Friday, October 26th at the Castellani Art Museum by renowned community-based learning advocate, speaker, author and independent scholar, Nadinne Cruz. Nadinne's presentation, "Service-Learning on Fire with Urgency, Courage, and Hope: A Call to Renewal is sure to be thought provoking and engaging.
·  A cocktail reception and poster presentation on Friday, October 26th immediately following the keynote presentation.
·  A full slate of workshops, panel discussions and presentations on Saturday, October 27th with something for everyone. Topics range from pedagogy to project sustainability to institutionalization of service learning programs to community based research and more.
·  Opportunity to hear from experts in the field from around the region and the country.
Register online at

We hope to see you there!

Stephanie Malinenko
Assistant Professor - Health Care Studies
Executive Director - WNY Service Learning Coalition
Daemen College
4380 Main Street
Amherst, NY 14226

Monday, September 3, 2012

Call for Proposals: AJCP Special Issue on Relational and Social Network Perspectives in Community Psychology

[Announcement from SCRA-L]

Hi all,

Below, please find a call for paper proposals for a special issue of American Journal of Community Psychology that Brian Christens and I are guest editing.  The special issue will focus on "Relational and Social Network Perspectives in Community Psychology".  We welcome conceptual, empirical, and praxis-oriented pieces, and encourage contributions from community psychologists as well as researchers in other fields or disciplines.  The deadline for proposals is 11/15/12.

Please feel free to contact Brian or I if you have any questions about the call and also feel free to share the attached call with interested colleagues.

Jenna Watling Neal
Jennifer Watling Neal, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Michigan State University
Department of Psychology
127A Psychology Building
East Lansing, Mi, 48824-1116

Relational and Social Network Perspectives in Community Psychology
A special issue of the American Journal of Community Psychology
Guest editors: Jennifer Watling Neal & Brian D. Christens

Relational and social network perspectives focus on patterns of relationships between sets of actors (e.g., people, organizations, communities). Community psychologists have long recognized the conceptual importance of relationships and the potential of social network analysis to enhance methodological sophistication in the field. Moreover, recent groundbreaking studies have thrust social network dynamics to the forefront of contemporary social science. The growing prominence of social network studies provides an opportunity not only for increasing methodological sophistication, but also for reconsiderations of theory.

A relational perspective is, fundamentally, a challenge to the psychological tradition of individualism, which has viewed individuals as discrete and bounded entities. Community psychology has long sought to provide a counter-perspective to individualism, yet has struggled to articulate a theory of “community” that does not position it as a discrete entity, dualistically related to individuals. Relational and social network perspectives provide potential insights into how patterns of relationships shape perceptions and behaviors, affect the distribution of resources, and define communities.
This special issue aims to advance relational and social network perspectives in community psychology. Proposals (up to 750 words) for manuscripts are invited which address the aim. Possible topical areas include, but are not limited to:
(1) Power and empowerment
(2) Dissemination and implementation of community-based interventions
(3) Understanding communities, partnerships and coalitions.

Manuscripts may be conceptual, empirical studies or praxis-oriented pieces, but all must hold promise for linking relational and social network perspectives to theory that is relevant to community psychology. Thus, proposals should include a description of how the manuscript makes these links. In addition to contributions from community psychologists, we encourage contributions from researchers in other fields or disciplines who are doing related work.

Submission process: Authors should submit proposals by email to the Guest Editors of the Special Issue no later than November 15, 2012. Guest Editors will review the proposals and invite authors within 4 weeks to submit a full manuscript, subject to peer review and consistent with AJCP guidelines for reviewers. All submissions should be in English and proposals should state the type of article proposed as described in the AJCP Instructions for Authors available on the online submission portal ( Types of articles may include: original articles (theory or research), mixed methods research, first person accounts, advancing science, or empirical reviews. The deadline for submission of manuscripts is May 15, 2013. Initial acceptance and Online First publication is anticipated as early as Fall 2013.
Send proposal submissions or inquiries to the Guest Editors: Jennifer Watling Neal: or Brian D. Christens: Please share this call for proposals with interested colleagues.