Monday, August 4, 2014

Exciting Undergraduate Research Coordinator position at Loyola University Chicago

[Announcement from he-sl listserv]

Undergraduate Research Coordinator Opportunity in Loyola’s Center for Experiential Learning
Please share the exciting opportunity of Undergraduate Research Coordinator in the Center for Experiential Learning at Loyola University Chicago with interested candidates. To apply for this position, please go directly to the Loyola Human Resources webpage and apply online. This position is now posted at . 

This exciting position works closely with the members of the Center for Experiential Learning at Loyola University Chicago to foster the university mission to “expand knowledge in the service of humanity through learning, justice, and faith.” Important new initiatives include community-based research and the social justice research fellowship. More information about Loyola's Center for Experiential Learning may be found at:

An overview of the position is below:
Reporting to the Director of Experiential Learning, the Undergraduate Research Coordinator will provide quality student service by coordinating the undergraduate research initiatives at Loyola University Chicago through Loyola Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (LUROP).

Essential Duties and Responsibilities:
- Supports students currently engaged with LUROP with enhanced programs and resources.
- Creates a community of scholars with Loyola students engaged in LUROP programs by fostering workshops, gatherings, and scholarly programs.
- Develops and implements an advertisement and promotion campaign to market undergraduate research to Loyola students (both summer and academic year opportunities).
- Supports students seeking undergraduate research opportunities, including conducting informational meetings, distributing promotional materials, facilitating open houses, and providing workshops with students, faculty, and staff on LUROP-related issues.
- Facilitates student and faculty mentor connections.
- Advises potential student applicants and faculty mentors.
- Serves as a resource for faculty and students regarding undergraduate research questions which might include assisting with new faculty orientation and hosting workshops.
- Forwards information to students and faculty about additional undergraduate research opportunities, including conferences, essay contests, scholarships/fellowships, and internships relevant to their fields of research.
- Coordinates undergraduate research programs in LUROP with program directors.
- Facilitates LUROP Directors Meetings and facilitates regular communication with LUROP program directors.
- Works with Director to create and implement LUROP assessment measures as well as gather and analyze assessment data.
- Prepares annual report on undergraduate research with assessment statistics on undergraduate research at Loyola.
- Manages Provost Fellowship application and Social Justice Fellowship application review process (in coordination with Director), including review of applications, facilitation of faculty review committee, communication of outcome to applicants, award decisions and paperwork, and collection of follow-up report from successful candidates.
- Plans and oversees all research budget expenditures from the LUROP account including working with Accounts Payable regarding reimbursements, expenditures, and dispersal of funds.
- Facilitates LUROP award announcements for all undergraduate research programs.
- Maintains LUROP website to develop and distribute publicity, informational materials, program deadlines, and applications.
- Plans, coordinates and implements the Undergraduate Research and Engagement Symposium.
- Promotes the development of new undergraduate research efforts and programs at Loyola.
- Creates innovative undergraduate research programs possibly supported by extramural funding to the undergraduate research program to create new fellowships.
- Oversees the planning, developing, implementing, and evaluating of all LUROP activities to promote undergraduate research at Loyola in order to strengthen and expand the current undergraduate research program. 

To apply for this position, please go directly to the Loyola Human Resources webpage and apply online. This position is now posted at . 

Patrick M. Green, Ed.D.
Director, Center for Experiential Learning
Clinical Instructor of Experiential Learning
Loyola University Chicago

View my Professional Portfolio at:

"Democracy needs to be born anew every generation, and education is the midwife." - John Dewey

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