Friday, July 6, 2012

Trust Your Students, They Will Shine: New in Community Works Journal

Yes, there is still time
to register!

LIMITED Space Remains,
Don't Miss These Events!

only 5 spaces remain!
CWI's Summer WEST
Institute on Service-Learning

July 30-August 3, 2012
Los Angeles, California
at Loyola Marymount University
register online l more info
tel: 909-480-3966 l email

only 3 spaces remain!
CWI's Summer EAST
Institute on Service-Learning

July 16-20, 2012
at Shelburne Farms, Vermont

register online l more info
tel: 909-480-3966 l email



“I can't over state the importance
of this event to my vision and
Julie Metzler, Director
Community Arts and
Kansas City Art Institute

“I loved the week! CWI’s Institute
allows for personal and professional
Dan Gaudiano
High School Science Teacher
Punahou School, Hawaii

“You make the five day
commitment worth it!
Leitzel Schoen,
S-L Coordinator
Westminster School
Atlanta, Georgia

“I feel empowered! Thank you!
Kathleen Harte, Teacher
The Gillispie School
La Jolla, California

“This Institute has made me
appreciate who I am and who
I want to be as an educator
and learner.
Krista Zielinski, Spanish Teacher
Wells Memorial School
New Hampshire

“I felt reaffirmed...Thank you for a
stimulating, thoughtful, and useful
week. I learned a lot, met wonderful
people, and had time to think and
plan. I was inspired!”
Chris Tananone
Global Issues/Service Coordinator
International School of Bangkok

“Thank you! The Institute exceeded
my expectations and fed my spirit in
a way that will accelerate my impact.
It offered a rare opportunity to connect
to other educators and look at purpose
and intention on a deeper level.
Paula Cohen, Teacher
Orville Wright Middle School
Los Angeles, California

CWI's Summer Institutes 2012

Don't wait, space is limited!
summer institute information
NEW! from Community Works Journal SUMMER 2012
the Online Magazine for K-16 and Community Educators

We are pleased to share with you several brand new online articles.

Steve Colangeli, a veteran high school science teacher and faculty member  with CWI's Summer EAST reflects on approaching alternative education through his school garden and food related curriculum. And Donna Andrews, a former  K-12 teacher and now a professor at California State University, Stanislaus, speaks eloquently of her experiences mentoring a new teacher, an experience that led to exciting new curriculum opportunities for both of their classrooms.

Brief excerpts are included below, with the full article link provided. Be sure to visit for many more educator contributed pieces just like these. And, with summer the perfect time to do a little writing yourself, we remind you that we welcome unsolicited submissions.

Subscribe to Community Works Journal for regular online updates. Be sure to check out our summer professional development events link below.

Happy Summer,

Joe Brooks, Publisher
Community Works Journal

Trust Your Students, They Will Shine
One of my students who comes from a tough home life, and has a tough exterior became the sweetest most engaging person when teaching elementary students about the respiratory system or how to plant lettuce seeds. Elementary students would hang on her every word and she had them laughing out loud with their full attention. It was as if she was a different person and so the culture of our program during these projects took on an amazingly positive vibe that is difficult to adequately explain or describe. read more

Don't Miss these Summer PD Opportunities!
There is still time to register for CWI's annual series of unique professional development events. Among the events being offered are CWI's Summer EAST and WEST Institutes on Service-Learning and our partner Shelburne Farm's Education for Sustainability Institute. All events are appropriate for K-16 and community educators and administrators. Join with educators from around the world for a week of intense exploration, learning , and practical application. read more

Mentoring a New Teacher without a Magic Filing Cabinet
I remember the day I met Emily like it was yesterday. I was helping out in the guidance office before the start of the school year, completely overwhelmed with last minute schedule changes for students, and the scheduling server was down. In desperation, I had decided to build a schedule the old fashioned way with paper and pencil when Emily walked into the office. I could tell she was very sweet and extremely anxious about teaching geometry for the first time. read more

Burning Brush: Playing with Fire
The glad animal play of childhood, the complete immersive quality, is one of the elixirs of life and also one of the indispensable proteins that build a sturdy adult soul. Middle childhood offers a window of opportunity to have these experiences, and if a child misses that opportunity, the quality of immersion is less accessible later in life. When, as adults, we sink into a novel or get lost in creative work or tussle with new ideas or improvise on the job, we’re using the skills that were roughed in during childhood play. read more


Small Versus Large Schools: The Truth About Equity,
Cost, and Diversity of Programming

Why do we keep the focus on building gigantic schools when we now have over 30 years of promising small schools data? Here is one big reason the data are ignored: cultural expectations about high school are deeply embedded. Powerful and often compelling myths about “real” schooling tend to govern our collective assumptions about normalcy, and these myths have silently, steadfastly advanced the move to larger, more consolidated schools. read more

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copyright 1995-2012, all rights reserved, Community Works Institute (CWI)
The properly credited re-publication of articles is welcomed.
more information

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