Monday, August 3, 2015

Early-bird ERCC 2015 Registration Deadline extended to 8/10

[Announcement from he-sl listerv]

Dear Colleagues: 

We are excited about this fall's ERCC 2015 in Newark, NJ. Please note that the early-bird registration deadline has been extended to 8/10. This year's ERCC 2015 includes a SUMMIT ON COLLECTIVE IMPACT & PANEL PRESENTATION, Thursday, October 15th
1:00 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.; Facilitated by Jeff Edmundson of StriveTogether

How can higher education be leveraged to empower communities? How can higher education be leveraged to create systemic change that creates equitable, sustainable communities and strengthens our democracy? Across the nation, collective impact is being used as a framework to align resources, create a shared vision, and make data-driven decisions to create lasting, systematic change. During this summit, participants will be challenged to think creatively about the intersection of community engagement and collective impact and how the two strategies may work together to increase the public good.

Jeff Edmondson, Managing Director of StriveTogether, will lead the Summit through an engaging presentation of StriveTogether’s strategy for accelerating the progress of cradle to career partnerships, paying special attention to higher education’s roles and responsibilities in the effort to improve student outcomes and build better communities. Participants will be asked to identify ways in which they may begin to advocate for broader change on their campuses and begin to use the principles of collective impact in their communities.

For more information contact Char Gray ( on behalf of ERCC 2015


Char Gray, PhD
Executive Director, PA Campus Compact

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