Friday, June 19, 2015

Deadline approaching for IARSLCE Recognitions

[Announcement from he-sl listserv]

The nomination period for the 2015 IARSLCE recognitions is coming to a close, but there’s still time! Nominate yourself or someone who’s significantly influenced your research and/or practice!  Visit for detailed information on each category.

The Recognition of Exemplary Contributions through Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement: Distinguished Career acknowledges and celebrates intellectual leadership through a body of work that has broad and deep impact on service-learning and community engagement--including the study of it, the practice of it, and the cultures and systems within which it is undertaken.

The Recognition of Exemplary Contributions through Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement: Early Career acknowledges and celebrates intellectual leadership through an emerging body of work that has begun to demonstrate broad and deep impact on service-learning and community engagement -- including the study of it, the practice of it, and the cultures and/or systems within which it is undertaken.

The Recognition of Exemplary Contributions through Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement: Dissertation acknowledges and celebrates a dissertation that advances research on service-learning and community engagement through rigorous and innovative inquiry and has the potential for impact -- including on the study of it, the practice of it, and/or the cultures and systems within which it is undertaken.

The Recognition of Exemplary Contributions through Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement: Community-Engaged Research Team acknowledges and celebrates the scholarly contributions of teams, in which community members are co-researchers with scholars in educational institutions, that both (a) demonstrate the potential for impact on service-learning and community engagement -- including on the study of it, the practice of it, and/or the cultures and systems within which it is undertaken -- and (b) model a high standard of reciprocity in the inquiry process and in the implementation of the partnership.

Ten $500 Graduate Student Scholarships are provided by the Association to support graduate student participation in the 2015 IARSLCE Conference in Boston, MA. Scholarship recipients fall into two categories: (a) early graduate students and (b) advanced graduate students. A total of ten scholarships will be awarded across the two categories. Within each category, at least one scholarship will be awarded to an international graduate student based outside the US.

Nominations for 2015 recognitions and applications for graduate student scholarships are due by June 22nd and should be submitted electronically to; self-nominations are welcome. All nominees and scholarship applicants will be notified of their status in July. Nominees for recognitions will be invited to share a poster, and recognition recipients will facilitate an interactive session on their work at the annual conference (November 16 - 18, 2015, in Boston, MA, USA). For details about the conference, please visit  

*** Serve on a Recognition Committee ***
IARSLCE invites members to participate in the review process that will determine the recipients for the recognitions and scholarships the Association will confer this year. Review committees are comprised of Board members, past recipients, and IARSLCE members in good standing.

Ideal reviewers have a record of research in service-learning or community engagement, have been involved with the Association for two or more years, and have no conflicts of interest within the category they review. We encourage graduate students to apply to serve as reviewers.

If you are interested in serving, please submit electronically to (a) your name, role/position, and contact information, (b) a brief description of your previous and/or desired involvement with IARSLCE, (c) and a ranking of your review assignment preferences across the 5 committees (first choice, second choice, third choice, etc. across: graduate student scholarships, dissertation, community-engaged research team, early career, and distinguished career).

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