Saturday, January 11, 2014

Call for Manuscripts on Science and Service Learning for RISE Research, Volume 8, Description of Proposed Chapters due January 30

[Announcement from Comm-engagedscholarship listserv]

Dear community-engaged scholarship colleagues,

The next RISE Research (Volume 8) focuses on science and service-learning as a multifaceted research-based learning strategy designed to improve academic engagement, civic responsibility, and/or resiliency for students “at-risk” to drop out of school. In addition, science and service-learning is recognized as an effective strategy for motivating students to attend college, plan for STEM careers, and encourage students and adults to collaborate as partners to improve their communities.

Manuscripts are being requested for this RISE Volume 8 relating to areas such as integrating classroom instruction in science and service-learning to:
a.            make learning more engaging,

b.            encourage collaboration among students, teachers, and community partners,

c.             improve academic competence,

d.            create social/civic responsibility,

e.            develop workforce readiness,

f.             stimulate resiliency in “at-risk” students,

g.            improve student interest in STEM subjects and majors, and

h.            develop STEM career interest.

It is recommended that authors first send by January 30, 2014, a brief one-page description of the proposed manuscript chapter (listing authors and affiliations) and including a description of the author’s original research to be included for editor’s comment. This should be done before preparing and sending a chapter manuscript draft. Invited chapter manuscripts to be considered for review must be submitted by April 30, 2014, to be evaluated by the Volume 8 review committee for possible inclusion. RISE is a peer reviewed research series.

This RISE Volume 8, Science and Service-Learning, Editors include: 

Dr. Jane Newman, University of Alabama, and Dr. Dennis Sunal, University of Alabama,

Rise Series Editors: Dr. Dennis Sunal, University of Alabama, and Dr. Emmett Wright, Kansas State University.

Send all questions and manuscripts to Dr. Jane Newman,, Phone: 205.967.4163. 

We look forward to hearing from you.  If you have questions, please contact me.

Jane Newman

Jane L. Newman,  Associate Professor
College of Education
The University of Alabama
215-B Graves Hall
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487

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