Sunday, October 7, 2012

PPI Report by Ira Harkavy and Rita Hodges-Netter Center

[Announcement from he-sl listserv]

Dear Colleagues,

We thought you would be interested in the new report by Netter Center Director Ira Harkavy and Assistant  Director Rita Hodges  on Democratic Devolution: How America’s Colleges and Universities Can Strengthen Their Communities, which was just released by the Progressive Policy Institute (PPI). PPI is an independent, DC-based think tank.

The link to the Full Report is:

In announcing the report, PPI president Will Marshall noted that  "Harkavy and Hodges call for a 'democratic devolution'--new civic partnerships between government and 'higher eds' to tackle urgent community problems, especially low-performing schools."  It is time, Marshall further notes, for higher eds "to make service to their communities once again an integral part of the public mission of every U.S. college and university."

Best, Joann
Joann M. Weeks
Associate Director
Netter Center for Community Partnerships
and Penn Program for Public Service, 
    School of Arts and Sciences
University of Pennsylvania
133 South 36th Street, Suite 519
Philadelphia, PA 19104-3246
Phone:  215-898-0872
FAX:    215-573-2799

1 comment:

  1. The nation’s four-year colleges and universities are a prime example. In a new report for PPI, Best PPI Claims Service
