Wednesday, August 10, 2011

EPA Announces Environmental Justice eco-Ambassador Internship Program

[Announcement from SCRA listserv]

EPA's Student Diversity Internship Program EJ eco-Ambassador Focus

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is announcing the
Environmental Justice (EJ) eco-Ambassador program. Last year
Administrator Lisa P. Jackson introduced the EPA eco-Ambassador
program with the goal to empower communities to be safer and
healthier. We are happy to launch this internship program to focus on
environmental justice, one of Administrator Jackson's top priorities.

EPA is looking for energetic and highly motivated graduate level
students to work on addressing environmental justice. Numerous
opportunities are available within EPA for students to gain valuable
work experience while contributing to the mission of protecting human
health and the environment. Student internship opportunities are
available at EPA's regional offices nationwide through the EJ
eco-Ambassador program.

The goal of the internship program is to:

Provide an opportunity for graduate level students to work
collaboratively with EPA offices to support community based programs
and increase local community's capacity to address environmental

Facilitate career development opportunities for graduate level
students who have been involved in or have a strong interest in
environmental justice.


Graduate students interested in the EJ eco-Ambassador program should
apply through to the Student Diversity Internship Program (SDIP) by
August 19th, 2011 at Internship
placements are within a 50 mile radius of student academic
institution. In your application please indicate that you are
interested in the EJ eco-Ambassador Program.


All U.S. citizens, including residents of Puerto Rico, the Virgin
Islands, and other U.S. territories may apply

Applicants must be full-time graduate students attending an U.S.
accredited institution as recognized by the U.S. Department of

Applicants must have a minimum 2.8 on a 4.0 grading scale (B average
and above); and

Have previously been involved or have a strong interest in
environmental justice , social justice issues and/or environmental
health disparities in an academic, volunteer and/ or employment

Applicants may be pursuing a degree in: Environmental Health Science,
Public Health, Public Policy, Environmental Management, Environmental
Law, other areas relating to public service, and environmental


Stipend and Support: Graduate Stipend ($6,000)

Internship Experience: 10-week part-time experience at EPA
Headquarters, Regions and/or Labs.

Professional Development: Student orientation, web-based professional
development training, networking through UNCFSP Virtual Network and
portal opportunity (internships, scholarships, etc).

Visit the EPA Environmental Justice website for additional Information
on Environmental Justice Activities.

If you are not already a member, the Office of Environmental Justice
would like to invite you to join the EJ ListServ. The purpose of this
information tool is to notify individuals about activities at EPA in
the field of environmental justice. By subscribing to this list you
will receive information on EPA's activities, programs, projects
grants and about environmental justice activities at other agencies.
Noteworthy news items, National meeting announcements, meeting
summaries of NEJAC meetings, and new publication notices will also be
distributed. Postings can only be made by the Office of Environmental
Justice. To request an item to be posted, send your information to and indicate in the subject "Post to
EPA-EJ ListServ"

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