Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Call for Proposals for Edited Book

[Announcement from he-sl]

Hello Everyone,

My colleagues and I are requesting proposals for an edited book on libraries and community engagement. See details below on the topic and what should be included in the proposals.

Book Title:
Partnerships – Library, Interprofessional and Community Collaborations for Health and Quality of Life

Co-editors are from the University of Louisville:
Fannie M. Cox, MLS, MPA Outreach and Reference Librarian, University of Louisville, KY
Henry R. Cunningham, PhD Director of Community Engagement, University of Louisville, KY
Vicki Hines-Martin, PhD, PMHCNS, RN, FAAN Director of the Office of Health Disparities and Community Engagement School of Nursing, University of Louisville, KY
Proposal submission deadline: September 25, 2017
This book will serve as a resource for anyone interested or involved in developing partnerships involving professional, community and library organizations. It will present specific techniques and strategies that have been used by community organizations, technical, community and/or academic libraries and professionals in a variety of disciplines who have successfully collaborated to make a difference to identify health, wellbeing and/ or quality of life outcomes of diverse populations in a variety of settings.  Integral to each chapter, will be presentation of the collaborative projects from the perspectives of members of the partnership and the impact the project made among members of the developed partnership as well as the targeted populations.

The framework for the book will be focused on Carnegie definition of Community Engagement which describes the collaboration between institutions, professionals and their larger communities (local, regional/state, national, global) for the mutually beneficial exchange of knowledge, resources and activities in a context of partnership and reciprocity.

However, developing partnerships based on the differing definitions of, and goals for, Community Engagement when working with community partners and diverse professionals requires consensus, shared decision making and negotiation.  Discussion of challenges and lessons learned as a result of the collaborative project will also be a component of proposals that will be accepted.

Book Chapter Proposals - Topics of Interest
We seek chapter proposals for an edited book which includes case studies that illustrate how libraries, community organizations, and professionals have partnered to enhance health and quality of life of populations in a variety of settings. Chapter proposals should describe successful partnership across the life span and include the perspectives of those who were partners in the project. Partnerships that include the following areas would be of particular interest (although others will be considered):

·         Information Literacy
·         Leisure
·         Arts & Humanities
·         Education
·         Science & engineering 
·         Media & Communications   
·         Law and Social Justice
·         Culture & Customs
·         Health and behavior

Guidelines for Proposal Authors
Proposals should be submitted via email as a PDF or Microsoft Word file.  Authors should submit the following information:

·         Multiple or single author name(s)
o   Lead author should be designated.
o   Author names submitted need to have materially contributed to the project and/or the proposed case study
·         Institutional affiliation(s) and position title(s) for each author
·         Author(s)’ previous writing and publishing history on the topical area, if any

Project Title (for use as chapter title)
Summary or abstract of the proposed chapter (maximum of 700 words) which will address the following:
·         Description of the project goal(s) and/or purpose(s)
·         Project Partners and roles (Professionals, professional organizations, non-profit, community at large, etc.)
·         How did the project get started and how long did it last or has been going on?
·         How did the team function?
·         What did each partner bring to the partnership?
·         What were/are the outcomes?
·         What were the challenges and lessons learned?
·         Recommendations for those who would like to engage in a similar project

Authors of selected proposals will be notified in Spring 2018.  Chapter Requirements for selected proposals:
·         20-page minimum to 30-page maximum double- spaced page narrative
·         Font and size are Arial 12
·         One inch margins
·         Permission to use chart(s) and figure(s) must be obtained by the authors
·         Black & white photos preferred at 300 dpi minimal quality
·         Color photos 300 dpi used at the discretion of the Editors
·         Proposed chapters should be unique to this publication – no materials that were previously published or simultaneously submitted to another publication will be included.
Proposals should be emailed to:
Dr. Henry Cunningham, the University of Louisville at ceserv@louisville.edu 

Henry R. Cunningham, PhD
Director, Community Engagement
Adjunct Faculty, Caribbean Studies
Office of the Vice President for Community Engagement
Suite 100 Administrative Annex
University of Louisville
Phone: 502-852-6026

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