Friday, May 29, 2015

Journal of Urban Affairs encouraging Community Psychology submissions

[Announcement from SCRA-L]

SCRA Colleagues,

Starting July 1, I will begin serving as one of the new editors of the Journal of Urban Affairs.  Although this journal may not have been on your radar in the past, I would like to encourage submissions from SCRA members and on topics of interest to community psychologists.

The Journal of Urban Affairs (JUA) is the official journal of the the Urban Affairs Association, and is an interdisciplinary journal that publishes original research on all topics related to cities and urban communities.  We invite submissions from any discipline, using quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-method designs.  You can find additional details about the journal on its webpage at

Here are a couple important points:
-- JUA's impact factor is currently 1.298, and has been steadily rising over the past three years.

-- Average time from submission to decision is 24 days (yes, 24 days).

-- We receive around 280 submissions annually, of which approximately 10% are accepted following peer review.

-- As an urban journal, it is essential that all submissions make a clear contribution to a topic of significance specifically to cities or urban communities, or be situated in a specifically urban context.

-- JUA has four editors. If you would like to request that a specific editor handle your submission, please note this in your cover letter.

There will be a "Meet the Editors" session at the upcoming SCRA Biennial, on Friday morning at 8am.  I will be on hand to answer any questions you might have about JUA, but please feel free to track me down in the hallways of the Lowell Conference Center or send an email to

I look forward to including some community psychology research in future issues of JUA.


Zachary Neal, Assistant Professor
Michigan State University
Department of Psychology & Global Urban Studies Program
316 Physics Road, Rm 262
East Lansing, MI 48824
Twitter: @zpneal

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