Tuesday, July 23, 2013

GJCPP - videos from Jim Kelly on the history of community psychology

[Announcement from GJCPP]

Dear Colleagues,
We wish to share with everyone the videos compiled by Jim Kelly over the years on the History of Community Psychology. These interviews with many of the early founders of our field have been the stuff of myth and legend for some time, but they are now available through the Global Journal of Community Psychology Vimeo channel. The URL is http://vimeo.com/channels/554219.

These videos can be embedded in other web sites, used for courses, and other professional purposes. Jim Dalton deserves tremendous credit for collecting these videos, and working with colleagues at his university to get them digitized. Most of the videos are interviews of key leaders in the field (many of the interviews were part of Jim Kelly's courses).
Others include a compilation video (in two parts) with clips from the video interviews, and a video of the 1997 APA panel on the history of SCRA that Irwin Sandler chaired. Here is the full list of people in the videos:
 - George Albee,
 - Emory Cowen,
 - Wil Edgerton,
 - G.W. (Bill) Fairweather,
 - John Glidewell,
 - Steve Goldston,
 - Ira Iscoe,
 - Marie Jahoda,
 - James Kelly,
 - Don Klein,
 - Murray Levine,
 - Rudolf Moos,
 - Bob Newbrough,
 - Charles Payne on Civil Rights Movements,
 - Gershen Rosenblum,
 - Seymour Sarason,
 - Stanley Schneider,
 - Alvin Zander on Kurt Lewin.

We hope that you enjoy and learn as much as we do from the videos. We also hope that this effort will continue, and will lead to documentation of the great people and efforts of community psychology outside the USA. We all have a lot to learn from each other.
 best, vtf

Vincent T Francisco, PhD
Associate Professor
Editor, Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice Dept of Public Health Education The Univ. of North Carolina at Greensboro
437 HHP Building, P.O. Box 26170
1408 Walker Avenue
Greensboro, NC 27402-6170
voice: 336.334.5520, Fax: 336.334.3238

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