Monday, February 4, 2013

Faculty: apply by March 8 for Academy for Civic Professionalism, May 14-16 in Auburn, Alabama

[Announcement from Comm-engagedscholarship]

Dear community-engaged scholarship colleagues,

The Community and Civic Engagement Initiative within Auburn Universityʼs College of Liberal Arts announces the first Academy for Civic Professionalism for faculty in the arts, social sciences and humanities who are interested in incorporating the tenents of civic professionalism into their courses, outreach scholarship and promotion and tenure documentation. ACP will provide an intense three-day workshop for successful participants. 

The purpose of the Academy for Civic Professionalism is:

·       To promote and develop civic professionalism knowledge and initiatives among faculty and colleges in the nation

·       To encourage faculty to  rethink their teaching strategies and goals as they develop courses with civic professionalism as a focus for students

·       To develop an emphasis on ethics and responsibility as it pertains to knowledge and application

·       To foster collaborative teaching, research, and outreach efforts among faculty and across universities

·       To provide resources and support for engaged faculty


ACP will take place in Auburn, Alabama from May 14-16, 2013. 

The schedule for the Academy will include a rigorous and invigorating schedule of speakers, workshops, working sessions led by Engaged Scholars from Auburn University, and project site visits. Speakers include Rick Battistoni, Director of the Feinsten Institute for Public Service at Providence College, KerryAnn OʼMeara, Associate Professor at the University of Maryland, Timothy Eatman, Co-director of Imagining America, and Julie Ellison, Professor at the University of Michigan and lead organizer of Citizen Alum.

Cost is $1,950 per person.  This includes instructional materials, on-site faculty coaching, access to planning tools and resources, a half-day site visit, a pre-Academy reception on Monday, and breakfast and lunch each day.

The application deadline is March 8, 2013.

ACP is limited to 25 participants so get your application for admission in early.  Visit the website for the Academy for Civic Professionalism at to download your application and find out more information.  Feel free to contact Dr. Giovanna Summerfield, Associate Dean for Educational Affairs College of Liberal Arts, Auburn University,, 334-844-2890 with any questions or comments.

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