Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Power & Privilege in Film - Resource Developed from Suggestions

[Announcement from he-sl listserv]

Dear Colleagues:

Many of you responded to this inquiry (a few suggesting films, many asking for suggestions to be passed forward). I've therefore put together a blog post on films relating to power and privilege in development planning - along with links to other social justice film resources. Here's the post: Power, Privilege, and Film.  I'll also follow-up on that site in the future with an additional post on power, privilege, and representation in film - a related and challenging topic.

All the best,


On Thu, Mar 8, 2012 at 9:44 AM, Eric Hartman <emhartman@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Colleagues:

Yesterday I was planning to write you in search of suggestions for films that portray the unintended consequences that often come with development efforts planned and executed from un-reflective positions of power and privilege. I'm aware of Darwin's Nightmare focusing on Tanzania / Lake Victoria, but I am seeking other films that specifically address power and privilege in development / service as part of the narrative. This could be power and privilege in domestic or international contexts. I'd deeply appreciate any suggestions.

Ironically, I got distracted yesterday by the firestorm of controversy around the recent release of the Invisible Children Advocacy Film, Kony 2012. I say ironically because at the end of the day so much of the controversy relates to power and privilege within advocacy and film-making itself. I've assembled some resources and reflections on the topic under Joseph Kony and Invisible Children Top the Charts.

All the best to all of you - may we all find ways to honor International Women's Day!


Eric Hartman, Ph.D. 
Instructor, Civic Engagement, Drexel University
Instructor, College of Education, Temple University
Co-Founder, Building a Better World Forum for Global Service-Learning
Building a Better World Tweets @BuildingBetterW

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