Monday, April 16, 2012

Contributions due June 20 for The Social Work Activist Reader

[Announcement from Comm-engagedscholarship listserv]

See forwarded announcement below.

Rahma Osman
CCPH Program Assistant

The Social Work Activist Reader is now accepting contributions for publication of our summer zine! Articles are sought in diverse areas of social work and humyn service that strengthen our vision and skill with social work activism and justice-centered, anti-oppressive practice—art, poetry and dreams also welcome. The Social Work Activist Reader is a welcoming, consciousness raising, holistic community forum for exploring justice, and our vision for humyn service work, through the lens of justice. All are welcome to participate, please simply have commitment to justice, equality and anti-oppression, a willingness to be a critical thinker (and encourage critical thinking!), a commitment to growing in your work and developing your skills, and have the intention of sharing something that will support our growth as a community of justice weavers.

To offer submissions, request information on submission guidelines, be added to the SWAR distribution list, or otherwise connect, email  Submissions for the summer zine will be accepted through June 20th, 2012. 

Community-Campus Partnerships for Health promotes health (broadly defined) through partnerships between communities and higher educational institutions.
Join us for our 15th anniversary conference, April 18-21, 2012 in Houston TX!
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1 comment:

  1. thanks so much for posting the call! You can check out the last version of the zine at:
