Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Advance registration rates end Apr 10 for Community-Campus Partnerships for Health's 15th Anniversary Conference!

[Announcement from Comm-engagedscholarship listserv]

Dear community-engaged scholarship colleagues,

Don't miss out on Community-Campus Partnerships for Health’s 15th anniversary conference, April 18-21 in Houston, TX!  If you’re promoting health or social justice through community-based participatory research, service-learning or community-academic partnerships, you’ll gain new knowledge and practical skills while developing lasting relationships. Hundreds of colleagues from 38 states and 4 continents are already registered for what promises to be our best conference yet!

REGISTER TODAY at http://bit.ly/uLxLPf!   Advance online registration rates end
on April 10th.  If you’re not already a member of CCPH, you also get a one-year individual premium membership when you register!

Highlights of the conference include:

* Hundreds of sessions that share innovative models, promising practices and lessons learned: http://bit.ly/slWgvN

*  Pre-conference workshops that offer in-depth, hands-on learning:

* Plenary participatory performances by the environmental justice theatre group El Teatro Lucha de Salud del Barrio: http://bit.ly/uwd1Vt

*Site visits of exemplary partnerships that reflect the diverse communities of

*  "Issue thrash" sessions that provide participants with a unique opportunity to reflect on their work and plan ahead for the future

"This conference was one of the best few days of my life. I am going to capitalize on the amazing connections I made. It was very inspiring and the many workshops were of practical help to my work."

  ~ 2010 CCPH conference participant

"The conference is the premier professional development event for those interested and involved in community-based participatory research...we are thrilled that CCPH decided to hold it in our home city."

~ Patricia Gail Bray, Executive Director of St. Luke's Episcopal Health Charities, Houston


Visit the conference homepage at http://bit.ly/hFPPlr or contact Shelly Tolo at toloevents@aol.com or 1 (206) 962-0012.

Connect with us on LinkedIn at http://bit.ly/hICqlL and Facebook at

Follow the latest conference developments on Twitter at http://twitter.com/CCPHconference

We look forward to seeing you in Houston!

The CCPH Conference Planning Committee

Community-Campus Partnerships for Health promotes health (broadly defined) through partnerships between communities and higher educational institutions.
Join us for our 15th anniversary conference, April 18-21, 2012 in Houston TX!
Stay on top of the latest CCPH news through Facebook, LinkedIn & Twitter!

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