Wednesday, August 1, 2018

SE Eco Call For Proposals *Deadline August 31st*

[Announcement from SCRA-L]

Decolonizing the Future of Community Psychology
Southeast Ecological Community Psychology Conference 2018
North Carolina State University
September 28th & 29th, 2018

Call for Proposals

The Southeast Region of the Society for Community Research and Action invites you to submit a proposal to the 2018 Southeast ECO Conference - Architects of Humanity: Decolonizing the Future of Community Psychology to be held at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, NC on September 28th & 29th, 2018.

Submission Website: Google Form

Submission Deadline: August 31, 2018, 5:00 pm EST

Southeast ECO is a regional extension of the Society for Community Research and Action (SCRA, ECO conferences are organized by graduate students and allow community psychologists and other folx from applied settings to gather. We welcome cross-collaboration, including but not limited to community organizers, public health, social work, the arts, and technology.  The theme for the conference is "Architects of Humanity: Decolonizing the Future of Community Psychology." We are guided by a call to explore worlds where those who are most marginalized thrive, humanity is affirmed, and communities’ well-being is reflective of a commitment to liberation. The conference will include storytelling, poster presentations, research talks, and teach-ins. We encourage multidisciplinary work and work that centers marginalized communities. We invite submissions that acknowledge and include strengths and knowledge from multiple perspectives. Join us as we bring together scholars, community members, writers, health professionals, educators, scientists, and artists for teaching, workshops, storytelling, and the practical application of psychology to communities.

Topics may include, but are not limited to:
· Community Empowerment
· Decolonizing Efforts and Practice (Health, Psychology, Education, Arts, Technology, etc.)
· Prevention, Intervention, Sustainability
· Intersection of the Arts and Psychology
· Community Healing and Public Health
Submission Guidelines

Submission Deadline: August 31, 2018, 5:00pm EST.

Submission Formats:
1.     Poster Presentation.  Posters are individual, free-standing presentations. They allow for the brief explanation of a research or community project. They are useful for presenters who would benefit from interactive discussion around their work. These projects are suited for graphic and visual presentation. Undergraduate and graduate student research proposals are encouraged. Works in progress are also encouraged. Proposals should include background, hypothesis, methods, results or expected results, and conclusions.

2.              Teach-Ins. Teach-Ins are opportunities for an expert on a social or political issue to present a lecture, debate, or discussion to fellow conference members. This format is encouraged for members who can teach the SE ECO community around a particular method, theory, practical application, or lessons learned from a community-based experience. Teach-Ins will be allotted 30-45 minutes each. Proposals should include the nature and significance of the proposed topic, description of activities and goals, and the background of the presenter(s).
3.        Research & Practice Quick Talks. Quick Talks are a platform to present a new idea in a short amount of time. Sessions will be organized by topic, and presenters will have 6-minutes to talk about a new research idea, a new theoretical model or addition, a new method of engaging communities & research, or recent advances related to community psychology. Each session will have 3-5 quick talks, and then 20-30 minutes for questions and discussion. Proposals should include the 1 or 2 main points of the quick talk and explanation of why it is an appropriate topic for a quick talk. We welcome individual and group quick talk submissions.

4.              Storytelling. Storytelling is a social and cultural way to share narratives and experiences for entertainment, education, and cultural preservation. This platform is open for students, community members, teachers, and researchers to share experiences and narratives that speak to our theme: Decolonizing the Future for Community Psychology. Proposals should outline the main points of the narrative and how it fits with the conference theme. Storytelling submissions can also include an audio file with a summary or snippet of the story. We welcome individual and group storytelling submissions.

Submission Instructions: What will you need to submit a proposal?

1.     Title. Your title should concise and descriptive. Please limit your title to 15-20 words.
2.     Authors. Full name, affiliation, and email address for each author.
3.     Proposal/Abstract. Proposals/Abstracts should be 300 words or less. Your proposal must be copied and pasted into the submission website. Do not include the title of the abstract or any identifying information in your abstract. Use standard reference citations, but do not include a reference list.
4.     For Storytelling Proposals Only: You may upload an audio file with a quick version or snippet of your story/storytelling idea to accompany the written proposal. Audio files should be 1GB or less and should be less than 5 minutes long.

Geena Washington (she, her, hers)
Graduate Student
North Carolina State University

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