Tuesday, August 14, 2018

2019 NASPA Annual Conference Call for Program Proposals Closes September 4, 2018

[Announcement from he-sl listserv]

The 2019 NASPA Annual Conference is the closing of one chapter of NASPA's history and the start of something new!
Los Angeles, a city known for reinvention and innovation will be the backdrop for the 2019 NASPA Annual Conference. The Conference Leadership Committee invites you to think differently about student affairs, to renew your own passion and commitment, to think anew about the education of our students and their role in the world, and to engage your colleagues in the primary goal of postsecondary education - Student Success. The 2019 NASPA Annual Conference content will align the individual and collective exploration of the future of the student affairs profession as we begin the next century of leadership in higher education.


The 2019 Conference Leadership Committee seeks conference proposals focusing on the three core content areas, Belonging & Student SuccessCommunity & Democratic Engagement, and Leaning into the next 100 Years. 
Seeking proposals that respond to: 
Higher education is under scrutiny for its role in the democratic process. On one hand, universities are seen as echo chambers that reinforce liberal biases and marginalizes conservative students. On the other hand, student affairs educators struggle to engage students across difference in meaningful ways. We must create an environment where we assist students in navigating the complex world of activism and democratic engagement.
  • What are emerging practices in advising, challenging, and supporting student activist?
  • How do we help students understand their role as change agents and involved members of a democratic society?
  • How do we create pathways to purposeful engagement in the community?
  • How do we facilitate and sustain dialogue around polarizing viewpoints?
  • What opportunities exist for academic partnerships focusing on civic engagement and student activism?
  • How do student affairs educators construct a professional identity that is congruent with personal core values? Or what do we do when it’s not?
Submit a proposal for consideration by September 4, 2018 here: https://conference.naspa.org/program//call-for-programs
Stephanie King
Assistant Director for Civic Engagement, Knowledge Community, and Social Justice Initiatives
NASPA - Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education
111 K Street, NE | 10th Floor
Washington, DC 20002
tel (202) 265-7500 ext. 1193 | efax (202) 280-1355 | fax (202) 898-5737
Pronouns:  She | Her | Hers


  1. http://www.weekendscount.com/2018/09/10-ways-to-get-year-started-and-rock.html

  2. Dear Valeri Werpetinski, your post has one thing that caught my attention! Its information is more useful than many other articles on this topic. Anyway, can you extend your supports a little more with the community & Democratic Engagement? If anyone is newbie, have any idea! That would be a great help to this Garmin Edge 1000 Color Touchscreen GPS. This cycling computer helped me to know everything that I wanted.
