Monday, July 23, 2012

Join us on Sept 23 in Baltimore for Innovative Practices in Peer Review: Expanding the Boundaries for Community-Engaged Scholarship

[Announcement from Comm-engagedscholarship listserv]

Dear community-engaged scholarship colleagues,

Community-engaged scholarship demands a rethinking of peer review & who is a peer. Join us in Baltimore on Sept 23 from 1-4 pm for a pre-conference session on the topic at the International Association for Research on Service-Learning & Community Engagement annual conference!

Innovative Practices in Peer Review: Expanding the Boundaries for Community-Engaged Scholarship

Community-engaged scholars often encounter challenges through traditional peer review processes as they seek to advance the public good through dissemination, sharing and discussion of products of community-engaged scholarship.  This pre-conference session will define and launch a research and action agenda to expand and rethink the concept of peer review – the process by which communities assess the quality of scholarly products and, at times, facilitate or restrict the dissemination of such products.  This interactive working session will involve faculty, administrators, graduate students, community partners, journal editors, disciplinary leaders, and funders.  Using a modified charrette format, participants will work collaboratively to design a research and action agenda around peer review.  The focus will be on designing a strategy for documenting perceptions of peer review within various sectors (faculty, administration, students, community partners, journal editors, disciplines), as well as identifying innovative practices that are already underway.

Learning outcomes for participants include:
   articulating principles of peer review;
   identifying innovative mechanisms for peer review and practices that recognize such strategies;
   defining a research and action agenda and/or specific research projects
to study the expansion of the notion of peer review; and
   establishing a network of individuals interested in working further on
this topic.

Sherril B. Gelmon, Portland State University and Community-Campus Partnerships for Health Cathy Jordan, University of Minnesota and CES4Health,info Susan Ann Gust, Community Activist/Small Business Owner and Community-Campus Partnerships for Health Cathy Burack, Brandeis University

Registration is limited; there is a fee of $70 for the pre-conference session.
You may register for the pre-conference session only and/or the full conference.

Register today at

If you have any questions or comments, please let me know.


Rahma Osman
CCPH Program Assistant

Community-Campus Partnerships for Health promotes health equity and social justice through partnerships between communities and academic institutions.
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