Monday, July 9, 2012

CCPH E-News July 2012

[Edited CCPH E-News July 2012] 

Dear Colleague,

Below are highlights for Community-Campus Partnerships for Health (CCPH) in the month of July.  We hope this helps you stay better connected to our events, activities, and opportunities for involvement! 

August 6 Deadline for Papers & Products on “Maximizing Community Contributions, Benefits, and Outcomes in Clinical & Translational Research."  Progress in Community Health Partnerships,, and Albert Einstein College of Medicine have released a themed call for papers and products to “understand the accomplishments, best practices and challenges that community partners have experienced in their engagements with Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSAs) and other research institutions.”  For details, visit  The audiofile and handouts from a March 22 informational conference call are available at

How Can Communities Ensure They Have a Say in What Research is Conducted, How & By Whom?  Read Community IRBs and Research Review Boards: Shaping the Future of Community-Engaged Research to find out! Published in collaboration with The Bronx Health Link and Albert Einstein School of Medicine, the report highlights nine community-based research review models, identifies crosscutting points and critical issues, and suggests next steps.  Download the report at  Learn about CCPH’s Community-Based Participatory Research Ethics program at

Countdown to CU Expo – Webinar Series!  In lieu of our own conference next year, CCPH is supporting CU Expo, the Canadian-led international conference on community-university partnerships, June 12-15, 2013 in Corner Brook, Newfoundland.  In the lead up to CU Expo, the organizers are sponsoring a series of webinars.  The first takes place July 5 from 2:30-4:00 pm NDT (1:00-2:30 pm EDT).  The topic is "Exploring Public Engagement: Principles, Practice and Ways to Strengthen our Work" featuring speaker Bruce Gilbert, Assistant Deputy Minister of the Rural Secretariat.  For details and to RSVP, email Kim at  For more info on CU Expo, download a flyer at and visit

Three New Products of Community-Engaged Scholarship have been peer-reviewed and published through CES4Health in the past month! 
Peer-Leader Training to Improve the Health of Veterans: The POWER Curriculum is a comprehensive curriculum for health-focused, small-group peer leaders that contains three main categories of materials: 1) An initial 8-hour training session for peer leaders to acquire a foundation of information and resources to plan and conduct health-focused activities 2) Mini-training sessions that cover 12 health topics and provide peer leaders with supportive resources and information and 3) Monitoring and evaluation tools and reports for on-going evaluation of the processes and products of peer leader training. Find more information here:

The Battered Immigrant Women Project Community Toolkit is designed to guide communities in a step-by-step process to: 1) Help familiarize community agencies with immigrant protections 2) Identify key sectors of the community, including but not limited to victim services, legal services, law enforcement, justice system, social services, faith-based organizations, and immigration law enforcement entities 3) Detail the roles and responsibilities of individual agencies in facilitating identification and referral of services to immigrant victims of domestic violence and 4) Provide training and resources to support the coordinated community response. More information is available here:

Qanuqtuurniq Finding the Balance TV Series: "How are we as men?" is the first of a 3-part public TV series on Inuit health and wellness.  Inuit men have experienced many changes to their way of life in just two generations.  This has sometimes left Inuit men feeling lost and unsure of their place in the family and community.  Their level of distress can be seen in the low school completion rates and high levels of incarceration and suicide.  Programs and services for men – many created and led by men – are giving them an opportunity to seek help, better understand their needs and strengths, and revive their traditions and culture.  Viewers will see live discussions, information from the International Polar Year's Inuit Health Survey, and stories of community programs that are helping Inuit men to improve their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Further information available here:

Why Publish in CES4Health?  Here’s what CES4Health author, associate editor and University of Alberta faculty member Fay Fletcher has to say!
“As a community-engaged researcher, what excites me about CES4Health is its potential to widely disseminate high quality products that can improve the health of communities and "count" in the faculty promotion and tenure process.  Every product submitted is peer reviewed by community and academic experts.  If it's published, the Editor sends an email about the publication and the rigorous peer review process to people that authors identify, such as deans, department chairs and supervisors.  CES4Health also tracks how many times a product is downloaded and can follow-up with users to find out how it was used - important data that can be included in promotion and tenure dossiers and grant proposals.  CES4Health does not retain copyright for any of the products it publishes.”

This E-News is CCPH's Free E-Newsletter for Non-Members.  We invite you to become a member of CCPH!  Your modest investment allows us to continue to serve as a resource for service-learning, community-based participatory research and community-campus partnerships more broadly that are working to improve higher education, civic engagement and the health of communities.

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Community-Campus Partnerships for Health promotes health equity and social justice through partnerships between ­communities and academic institutions.  Stay on top of the latest CCPH news through Facebook, LinkedIn & Twitter!

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