The summer issue of North Carolina Campus Compact’s online
journal, Partnerships:
A Journal of Service-Learning and Civic Engagement, was just released.
With this issue we welcome new editor Dr. Spoma Jovanovic,
Associate Professor in Communication Studies (Community, Ethics and Social
Change), at the University of North Carolina, Greensboro (UNCG). Spoma received
NC Campus Compact’s 2012 Robert L. Sigmon Service-Learning Award for her
commitment to integrating service-learning into the curriculum, training other
faculty in service-learning, and sustaining service that has impacted her
community and profession. Spoma will pursue the journal’s vision and
engage increasing numbers of faculty and leaders in developing the journal.
UNCG also now serves as web host for Partnerships thanks
to the technical team headed by Stephen Dew. Many thanks to Appalachian
State University and Dr. Norman Clark for hosting the journal since it began.
Leslie A. Garvin, MSW
Associate Director &
ADVANCE Program Director
North Carolina Campus Compact
2257 Campus Box
Elon, NC 27244
(336) 278-7198 Phone
(336) 278-2834 Fax or
Uniting campuses, engaging students, impacting communities
Associate Director &
ADVANCE Program Director
North Carolina Campus Compact
2257 Campus Box
Elon, NC 27244
(336) 278-7198 Phone
(336) 278-2834 Fax or
Uniting campuses, engaging students, impacting communities