Sunday, January 28, 2018

IARSLCE: Call for Reviewers, Conference Proposal Webinar, IJRSLCE Volume 5 Announcement

[Announcement from IARSLCE]


Call for Conference Proposal Reviewers
IARSLCE is seeking proposal reviewers for the 2018 Conference to be held in New Orleans, Louisiana July 18th-20th. Submission reviews are being accepted now through January 19th. Reviews will be assigned in early February and reviews will be due on March 5th. With the support of the conference planning committee and the IARSLCE Board, proposal reviewers are responsible for reading and evaluating presentation/poster proposals within a selected proposal type: research paper presentation, panel, poster, roundtable, or pecha kucha. Reviewers will conduct these reviews using standardized criteria within each presentation type, and will be asked to provide specific written feedback for both positive and negative reviews. An online document review system will be provided by the IARSLCE office. We hope that you will consider serving as a proposal reviewer as a way of supporting research and scholarship in service-learning and community engagement.
Reviewers will be assigned five to eight proposals and should plan on a time commitment of approximately two to two and half hours between early February when proposals are assigned and March 5th.
To indicate your interest, please complete this form by February 7, 2018.

To submit a proposal or to view the call for proposals, please visit our website. The deadline to submit a proposal is January 19, 2018.

Conference Proposal Submission Webinar - January 12
Are you interested in learning more about submitting a proposal for the 2018 IARSLCE conference? Would you like insight into the elements of an outstanding conference proposal? 

IARSLCE invites you to attend a conference proposal submission webinar on Friday, January 12 at 2PM CT. Space is limited, so we ask that you arrive early to get a seat. 

Below you will find instructions to access the webinar. You will have the option of participating via the web using a computer, tablet or smartphone (VOIP) or calling in by telephone. We suggest that you access the webinar via web link rather than by phone if at all possible as those connecting by phone will not be able to submit questions/comments in the GoToMeeting chat box.  To keep the webinar flow manageable, questions from the audience will be taken only through a chat box on the screen so only those accessing using a web-based interface will have the opportunity to ask questions/make comments.  Also, materials will be shared on screen during the webinar which will require a web-based interface to see so we highly recommend connecting by computer, tablet, or smartphone rather than by calling in. 

Conference Proposal Webinar 
Fri, Jan 12, 2018 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM CST 

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. 

You can also dial in using your phone. 
United States: +1 (646) 749-3131 

Access Code: 417-732-661 

Joining from a video-conferencing room or system? 
Cisco devices: 417732661@ 

First GoToMeeting? Let's do a quick system check: 

The 2017 Volume (5) of IJRSLCE is available online!

We are pleased to announce the publication of Volume 5 of the International Journal of Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement! We believe that this volume represents examples of some of the most rigorous thinking and research currently in the service-learning and community engagement field. Articles, appearing within four sections including Advances in Theory and Methodology, Faculty Roles and Institutional Issues, International Service-Learning and Community Engagement, and Student Outcomes (Primary, Secondary and Higher Education), seek to better frame, underpin, and practically advance the field. Additionally, the volume includes a call for new research on Community Partnerships/Impacts and two book reviews on recent 2017 publications. To view the volume, please go to the IJRSLCE website and click on Current.

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