Monday, August 21, 2017

The Civvys: America’s First Awards Dedicated Exclusively to Celebrating Civic Collaboration

[Announcement from he-sl listserv]
Bridge Alliance

Zaneeta --
In a nation awash in divisiveness, there’s a profound need to recognize individuals and organizations who work together across differences for the best of their communities and this nation.
That’s why the Bridge Alliance and Big Tent Nation, organizations committed to the grapple against partisan rancor and division, have joined forces to announce the first annual American Civic Collaboration Awards, or the Civvys.
Driven by a panel of civic engagement leaders, including former members of Congress, key civic leaders with decades of experience, and political thought leaders, the Civvys will highlight best practices in collective action that put community and nation before party, ideology and narrow interests.
The awards will be presented in a ceremony in Washington, D.C. on October 20, at the close of National Conference on Citizenship, a distinguished event that brings together the best minds in civic engagement.  
In an era of animosity and division, it’s more important than ever to celebrate work that strengthens communities and reflects the collective fabric of American life.
By recognizing projects and processes that emphasize collaboration, civility and on-the-ground impact, the Civvys are a powerful means to honor this work and inspire more of it.
Nominations can be made online at Anyone is welcome to nominate a person or group through Friday, September 15, 2017.
Distinguished review committee members include:
Mickey Edwards, Aspen Institute
Betsy Hawkings, Democracy Fund
Peter Levine, Tufts University
David Sawyer, Converge for Impact

For more information, or to schedule an interview, contact Caroline Klibanoff:

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