Thursday, August 3, 2017

IARSLCE: Here's The Latest

[Announcement from IARSLCE]


Don't Forget to Register for the IARSLCE 2017 Conference

Registration continues for the 2017 Conference! This year's annual research conference will be held September 14-16, 2017 in Galway, Ireland and will visit the theme Gateways- Charting New Territories & Forging Authentic Relationships. 

For all things conference - including the link to register, hotel information and more, please visit our conference website . 

Spotlight On Pre-Conference Sessions

If you are looking to get a jumpstart on learning at the 2017 conference, we are offering a variety of preconference sessions on the morning of Thursday, September 14, which is the day that the conference begins. Preconference sessions are not included in regular registration and are $70.

Newly added to the preconference lineup and back by popular demand...The Practitioner-Scholars Forum! 

The Practitioner-Scholars Forum (PSF) offers a dialogue and development space for community engagement professionals who see IARSLCE as a critical venue through which practitioners activate their scholarship and scholarly identities. The collaborative space session will provide participants with an opportunity to explore scholarly approaches to various practitioner areas.
To learn more about all the outstanding pre-conference sessions being offered this year, please visit our conference website

Looking for the Schedule of Conference Presentations?

If you are looking for this year's presentation schedule, the wait is almost over! We are putting the finishing touches on the program and cannot wait to share it! Please be on the lookout for a notification on or before July 31, which is when we are planning to upload the tentative schedule. 

Are you a scheduled presenter and not able to attend? Please let us know  so we can adjust the program before it is published.

IARSLCE Hears...

Keck Foundation Funds Multi-State Partnership to Develop Indigenous Knowledge

The W.M. Keck Foundation announced today that Kapiolani Community College will be a recipient of an Undergraduate Education Grant to fund a multi-state consortium of colleges with Hawaii and Alaska. The project entitled, "Transcending Barriers to Success: Connecting Indigenous Knowledge to Science," includes the University of Hawaii at Manoa and Kapiolani Community College.

The Keck grant will support the Kapiolani CC Strategic Plan objectives to integrate STEM and environmental studies with indigenous knowledge and Western science. The Kapiolani CC portion of the project will be lead by Bob Franco (Director, Office for Institutional Effectiveness), an expert on Samoan, Polynesian, and Pacific Islander demographic, ecological, health, and cultural issues. 

According to Franco, who will be serving as a co-investigator for the project, the project "advances the core idea to develop synergies between indigenous knowledge and natural and social science in order to bring more coherence to the curriculum, advance indigenous student success, and develop authentic partnerships with informal science (museums, arboreta, acquaria, community-based learning centers) and place-based sites."
Franco's work will expand upon his prior work on STEM grants, including his leadership roles as the NSF Hawai`i EPSCoR liasion, and Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation coordinator for Kapi'olani Community College.

The project will integrate ongoing initiatives promoting an indigenous serving institution, including place-based learning, service-learning, and undergraduate research as high impact teaching practices.

The indigenous knowledge integrated by the project team will follow various themes throughout the projects, including Conservation/Cultural Perpetuation in the first year, Water/ Wai in the second year, and Food/ 'Ai in the final year.

The Stony Brook Foundation will serve as the official recipient of the award and subgrant two sites in Hawaii to conduct the project activities. Ulla Hasager (Associate Specialist & Civic Engagement Director, Ethnic Studies Department, University of Hawaii at Manoa) will lead the Hawaii team. Other partnering campuses include Windward CC - Dave Krupp, Biology and UH West Oahu - Albie Miles, Sustainable Food Systems.

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