Wednesday, February 11, 2015

2015 Eastern Region Campus Compact Conference Call for Proposals, due April 7th

[Announcement from he-sl listserv]

Dear Colleagues:

ERCC invites Workshop and Poster Session Proposals for the Fifth Annual Eastern Region Campus Compact Conference: Moving Us Forward: At the Intersection of Community Engagement and Collective Impact, October 14-16, 2015 in Newark, New Jersey.

The goals of this conference are:
·  Demonstrate both innovation and broader impact as outcomes of community engagement.
·  Highlight best practices in place-based, issue-driven faculty/student engaged scholarship.
·  Advance our understanding of the intersection between community engagement and collective impact.
·  Offer a strong array of pre-conference workshops that advance community engaged practice in higher education.

Workshop Proposal Framing Questions:
·  What innovative ideas are advancing higher education's community engagement practices?
·  In what  ways  can the collective impact framework inform community engagement strategies and programs in higher education?
·  How are place-based consortia involving faculty and students in ways that produce shared benefit?
·  How are campuses assessing the effectiveness of such community-engaged scholarship, service-learning courses, partnerships, and community service activities?

If you're interested in submitting a proposal for this conference, due April 7th, see the attached Call for Proposals. [Submission of Proposals:]

For more information about workshop proposals, contact Laurie Worrall, NYCC Executive director: (

ERCC Conference Registration, including hotel information, will open April 15th. 

All the best


Char Gray, PhD
Executive Director, PA Campus Compact
28 S. Dewberry Street, Box 8, Harrisburg, PA  17101

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