Monday, July 21, 2014

Re: Critical Service-Learning

[Announcement from he-sl listserv]

Hi Harold and All: 

At, we have been pulling together resources that relate to these themes for a few years (including a recent reflective blog post from Tania Mitchell). Thinking about this framework and alternative breaks makes me think of a few related posts and resources there: 
I choose to emphasize the list above based on popularity of the posts / resources or other feedback I've received from faculty, staff, and community partners. Many more additional, related resources are on the site. 

The site will be re-launched in August, and will feature steady updates throughout the upcoming academic year. In addition to more formally partnering with a group of universities interested in careful and conscientious global university-community engagement, we're also thrilled that we will have the opportunity to share resources related to the Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning's special section on global service-learning this fall. 

Please, as you and your colleagues further interrogate these areas, keep our guest blog opportunities in mind. 

I am also interested in learning more about your sharing and research initiative. 

Best Wishes, 


Eric Hartman, Ph.D. 

Assistant Professor in the School of Leadership Studies at Kansas State University, where our mission is to develop knowledgeable, ethical, caring, inclusive leaders for a diverse and changing world.

Editor & Co-Founder, 

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