Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Call for Policy Grant Proposals

[Announcement from SCRA-L]

Hi All-

I am happy to announce that the SCRA Executive Committee has approved funding for the Public Policy Small Grant program for 2012.  See the call for proposals (below). Note that the Due date for this year’s proposals is SEPTEMBER 30th, 2012.

Judah Viola
SCRA Policy Committee Chair

Call for Grant Proposals: SCRA Public Policy Initiative

To encourage, promote and support public policy work by its members to benefit communities, the Society for Community Research and Action (SCRA) has initiated a small grants program.

Proposals may address a wide variety of public policy issues, affecting communities at the local, state, national or international levels.  Projects may take many forms but preference will be given to collaborative projects and those that increase the capacity of SCRA and its members to engage in effective and innovative policy work.  All applications will be subject to blind review.

Who may apply?
Anyone may apply, though the lead applicant on the proposal must be a SCRA member.  Collaborative projects and partnerships with community organizations are strongly encouraged.

What is the maximum grant?
The maximum request is $5,000 each with a minimum of 3 awards expected to be granted during a funding cycle.  The Review Committee will determine the number and amount of the awards.

What is the deadline for proposals and timeframe for completion?
All grant requests must be received by SEPTEMBER 30.  The Review Committee expects to notify all applicants of final decisions by NOVEMBER 15.  The expectation is that all projects will be completed within two years of funding approval.  Recipients must provide brief status reports (two page max.) to the Review Committee by January 1 and June 1 of each year until the project is completed.

What are the specific standards and criteria upon which Proposals will be evaluated?
No activities may result in a violation of SCRA’s 501(C)(3) status or its by-laws.  Proposals will be evaluated based on how well they:
·       address a current public policy issue of importance to the community of interest
·       connect to community psychology (CP)
·       address a policy area where CP has a  contribution to make
·       demonstrate the potential to establish or build upon relationships with other organizations and their resources
·       demonstrate potential to have a successful impact
·       increase capacity of communities/groups, to influence public policy
·       increase capacity of SCRA, to influence public policy
·       articulate an appropriate budget that effectively supports the proposed activities and ensures accountability of expenditures
·       includes a plan for dissemination of results or outcome, such as including, but not limited to, publication in AJCP or TCP, Biennial and/or APA Conference presentations or dissemination to other relevant publications and stakeholders

How will the grant funding be disbursed?
Generally, recipients will be awarded 25% upon the start of the project, with the balance spread over the duration of the grant, after receipt of the status reports due January 1, June 1 each year.  All applicants shall include a timetable with deliverables, as appropriate, and may propose other timing with justification.

Filing Process
Requests shall include a cover letter and a Grant Proposal (5-10 pages) with all identifying information removed for blind review, in Word document format, sent to:  scrapolicygrant@gmail.com by SEPTEMBER 30. 

How  can further information be obtained?
See the SCRA Policy Connection webpage at http://www.scra27.org/policy and look in the section titled SCRA Policy Grants for basic info and examples of last years’ successful grant awardees. Finally, any questions may be directed to scrapolicygrant@gmail.com.

Judah Viola
Assistant Professor
Co-Director Community Psychology Ph.D. Program

Phone & Fax
(312) 261-3527


NATIONAL LOUIS UNIVERSITY | 122 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60603

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