Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Village Adoption Project in Yunnan and other Service-Learning Programs in Lingnan University

[Announcement from he-sl listserv]

Dear colleagues,

Greeting from Office of Service-Learning, Lingnan University, Hong Kong!

The Office of Service-Learning (OSL) in Lingnan University was set up in 2006 and it is a pioneer in implementing Service-Learning among universities in Hong Kong. It provides various Service-Learning programs locally and internationally, which create opportunities for students to combine the theoretic and practical learning experiences together, which actualizes the long-standing motto of Lingnan “ Education for Service”.

The Village Adoption Project in Yunnan is one of the Service-Learning programs organized by OSL and Deloitte China starting from 2007. The Project aims to piloting and developing a model for the sustainable development of a rural community in China through academic research, corporate social responsibility and voluntary services. In addition, it promotes the concept and spirit of serving to learn and learning to serve to all participants. In the past three years, over 100 participants from Lingnan University and Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu have been involved in the Project. Various construction and educational programs have been accomplished for the rural village in Yunnan.

In order to share our experience, we have published “A Review of the Village Adoption Project in Yunnan, China” as a manual for Service-Learning and China’s rural development. In addition, many touching and unforgettable stories from the past participants have been complied to the storybook entitled “Unique Happiness and Path” to share and celebrates the Happiness and valuable experience that the Project participants have gained in the past three years.

Last but not least, with the joint effort of the Asia-Pacific Institute of Aging studies, Lingnan University, we successfully adopted world health survey to the target village to create a comprehensive health profile of the village. The full report has been published for different stakeholders who would like to know more about the health situation in rural China.

We are pleased to share our achievements and stories of our Yunnan project. Please feel free to download the publication at

There will be more stories and presentations about this project in the 3rd Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Service-Learning with the theme of “Make a Difference: Impacts of Service-Learning--Tender Moment, Touched Heart and Inspired Action”, which is organized by OSL and co-organized by United Board and Lingnan Foundation , on 9th-11th June 2011 in Hong Kong. For more details, please visit our conference website at

To know more about the service-learning programs in Lingnan University, please read our annual report at Thanks!

If there is any question, please feel free to email to

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Best Regards,
Office of Service-Learning, Lingnan University

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