Welcome to Character Clearinghouse for April 2011!
Character Clearinghouse
Vol 2, No. 1
April 2011
Click below to read about the latest programs, practices, and resources relating to moral and civic development of college students. Character Clearinghouse is sponsored by the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs at The Florida State University with funds from a grant from the John Templeton Foundation.
Cassie Meyer, director of content, Interfaith Youth Core, talks about the importance of building interfaith cooperation on college campuses across the country and her work with Eboo Patel, founder and president of this growing organization, which is playing a major role in a current White House intitiative.
Sam Bird is an an undergraduate in Global Resource Systems at Iowa State University. He participated in the service learning, school garden program in Uganda in 2009, which is part of the Center for Sustainable Rural Livelihoods. Sam will return to Uganda this summer in 2011 to complete an internship and his senior research project.
Clearinghouse provides readers a brief look at what students are writing about in college newpaper opinion pages.
The EXPLORE! retreat is part of The Wild Hope Project, a university commitment to enhance the quality of student reflection on vocation made possible by funding from the Lilly Endowment and PLU.
A gap year is a year during which students take time off from their formal education to travel, volunteer, or work. The gap year most commonly occurs between secondary and post secondary school. Read about gap year programs in this issue.
Just added to our list of programs on spirituality are college institutions or programs on Buddhist thought and practice. These include "Five Colleges," "Dharmakirti College," "International Buddhist College," "Maitripa University," "Naropa University," and "Tibet Center, University of Virginia."
The mission of the Character U program at DeSales is to facilitate the adjustment, development, and success of first-year students through the acquisition of Salesian character traits: gentleness, humility, patience, and love of knowledge.
Clearinghouse editor Pam Crosby provides a brief overview of the role of the female student in selective women’s colleges as described in an article published in 1935 in the Journal of Higher education by Kathryn McHale, director of the American Association of University Women.
Read about future leaders in higher eduation as they describe how their experiences in organizing and implementing a major college event influences their research and preparation for their life's calling.
Clearinghouse, in this ongoing series, examines the roles persons in the profession assume that make a difference in the lives of young people, their college campuses, and the extended communities in which they work. In our first feature, April Heiselt, assistant professor at Mississippi State University, talks about the service learning and volunteering projects she directs and why her work has special meaning for her.
The Big Picture looks at moral education initiatives authored by university faculty, administrators, and students and offers glimpses into the kinds of college character programs from our neighbors around the world. For its first series of snapshots, fhe Big Picture welcomes Yan Yan, who is an associate professor in moral education at Tianjin Normal University in Tianjin, China, for the second article in the series.
CC lets you know about the past and future happenings going on in college programs and other organizations today. Included in this list of upcoming events are "Educating for Personal and Social Responsibility: A Twenty-First-Century Imperative, "Second annual Summer Research Institute for Departments and Academic Programs with Minors and Majors in Community Engagement," and "National, Faith, Justice and Civic Learning Conference."
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Contact Information
Please send all correspondence to Pamela Crosby, editor, at
Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs
313 Westcott Building
Tallahassee, FL 32306-1340
Submission Guidelines
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