Thursday, December 17, 2015

Join us for the Integrated Course Design Workshop in Chicago, May 25-27, 2016

[Announcement from he-sl listserv]

Dear Service-Learning / Community Engagement Colleagues,

If you would like to further build capacity with faculty on pedagogy and curriculum development, then consider attending the Integrated Course Design national workshop in Chicago, IL from May 25 – May 27, 2016 at Loyola University Chicago. This workshop is facilitated by Dee Fink, author of Creating Significant Learning Experiences: An Integrated Approach to Designing College Courses (2013) and provides faculty, administrators, and all educators with a hands-on opportunity for enhancing courses through the Integrated Course Design (ICD) model. This model supports service-learning as a deep learning experience, while connecting it to assessment and learning outcomes in courses.

This workshop is co-sponsored by Dee Fink & Associations and Loyola University Chicago’s Center for Experiential Learning.

For more information and to register for the national workshop May 25 – 27, 2016, visit

Best regards,

Director, Center for Experiential Learning                             
Clinical Instructor of Experiential Learning                              
Loyola University Chicago   
P: (773) 508-3366    

SEE our IMPACT: CEL by the Numbers   

ASEE 2016 International Forum Call for Papers

Call for Papers - Abstract Deadline, January 22, 2016
Do you have a paper that addresses international engineering education? Consider submitting to the 2016 ASEE International Forum!
The International Forum brings together engineering professionals from academia and industry from around the globe who are engaged in novel engineering education initiatives to share information on successful models, experiences and best practices. 
The 5th Annual ASEE International Forum will be held in New Orleans, LA, Saturday, June 25, 2016, immediately preceding the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition. 
There are many new enhancements to the Forum in 2016!
All accepted papers for a paper presentation will be indexed in the *new* ASEE PEER repository at and in SCOPUS at
Can’t travel this year?
Submit your abstract to the
virtual presentation track! For a registration fee of only $200 you can submit, send us your video presentation and your paper will be included in the proceedings and indexed!
Can travel but don’t have a paper to submit?
Come to hear numerous papers addressing international education and the three plenary speakers discuss:
·         International accreditation by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET)
·         How you can become involved in international activities by the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
·         Student activities in other countries by the Student Platform for Engineering Education Development (SPEED)
Call for Papers
Members of the ASEE and global engineering education communities are invited to submit abstracts for papers to be presented at the 2016 ASEE International Forum highlighting initiatives, projects, research, trends, programs and partnerships. There is particular interest in engineering education activities involving multiple nations. The abstracts and subsequent papers will be evaluated by a review committee for quality and best-fit with the aim of planning well-balanced sessions. Papers not selected for a podium presentation may be eligible for a poster session. The program will include but not limited to two (2) sessions with three (3) parallel tracks each.
Papers will be accepted for the following topics:
·         Accreditation
·         Modifying cross cultural attitudes through international programs
·         Best practices in various approaches for globalization of education and research
·         Student programs
·         Engineering education in developing nations
·         Successful partnerships; industry, academia, government, multiple nations
·         Global learning in engineering
·         Ethics in global engineering education
Additional topics in international engineering education will be considered.
Abstract deadline: January 22, 2016
Registration opens: January 4, 2016
For additional information please contact Stephanie Harrington-Hurd at, or the committee chair, Howard Appelman at

Request for Proposals: International Service-Learning Summit, October 23-25, 2016

[Announcement from he-sl listserv]

Request for Proposals: 4th International Service-Learning Summit

The ISL Summit seeks proposals for individual sessions and team panel presentations involving various stakeholders. The summit will take place October 23 - 25, 2016, at Kansas State University. The proposal deadline is January 30.
Preference will be given to sessions that address:
  • Domestic examples of global learning and cooperative development partnerships
  • Effective practices in host communities (i.e., volunteer internship placement, homestay networks/vetting, orientation for students, homestay families, in-country staff and NGO supervisors, etc.)
  • Flipped or collaborative cultural sensitivity/competency training, global citizenship development, global activism, or global solidarity-building
  • Community-based research or research on global engagement
  • Effective collaborations to jointly assess learning and community development outcomes
  • Community-driven pedagogy, co-creation of global learning efforts, joint program planning, and effective community partnerships
  • Research on global service-learning economies with attention to impact on host communities
  • Partnership models that involve joint planning, co-evaluation, and collaborative research
Now in its 4th iteration, the International Service-Learning Summit has developed an inclusive community of practice across stakeholders, including students, educators, practitioners, and community organizations – concerned with mobilizing for best practices and the highest standards in global service learning.

Summit co-hosts include Cornell University, Duke University, Kansas State University, Northwestern University, The University of Notre Dame, Washington University in St. Louis. 
We look forward to seeing you in Manhattan, Kansas in October, 2016!

Kathy Sikes
Senior Assistant Director for Student Programs and Outreach
114 S. Buchanan Blvd., 2nd floor
Bays 7 and 8 South
Box 90590
Durham, NC 27708


December 9, 2015
Meet the new IARSLCE logo!
Notice anything different up there? We have retired the IARSLCE tree and we have a new look! Thanks to the IARSLCE Membership and Communications Committee, particularly Abby Kiesa and Lane Perry, for all of their efforts in getting the new logo developed.

The 2016 Conference Program Committee wants to hear from you!
IARSLCE relies on members to shape programming and asks you to please join 2016 Conference Program Chair Elaine Ward on Wednesday, December 16 at 12 Noon CT to provide input for the 2016 conference. To reserve your spot in the meeting, please click here.

IARSLCE Hears....
The Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning (MJCSL) is now seeking articles for volume 23 (fall 2016, spring 2017).
The first step in the submission process is to send an abstract or précis to Jeff Howard ( by December 20th that is no more than a page in length. Invitations to submit an article will be made by email no later than mid-January, with invited articles due the last Monday in March (3.28.16).

The MJCSL is a national, peer-reviewed journal with faculty and administrator subscribers all over the world, and publishes articles on:
  • research, theory, pedagogy, and other issues pertinent to curriculum-based service-learning,
  • campus-community partnerships, 
  • scholarship of engagement, and  
  • scholarship on engagement.
Please consult submission guidelines for more information and to review the kinds of articles we have published in the past.

If you have any questions after reviewing the submission guidelines, please
email Jeff Howard.

Also, please note that the Michigan Journal will be disseminating a call for abstracts on graduate education and service-learning/community-engaged scholarship in a week, the abstract for which will be due January 1, invitations extended by early February, and articles due April 15. This special section will appear in the fall 2016 issue.

International Conference on Community Psychology 2016 Abstract Submission Deadline - January 8, 2016

[Announcement from SCRA-L]

From: ICCP2016 []
Sent: Monday, December 14, 2015 3:05 AM
Subject: ICCP2016 Abstract Submission Deadline


Please note that the Abstract Submission Deadline is Friday, 8 January 2016
Preparations for ICCP2016 are rapidly gaining momentum. We are particularly encouraged by the rate of abstract submissions, and the expressed interest and commitment to engage seriously with the chosen overall and track themes. There is an emerging and organic dynamism unfolding around discussions about the shape and intentions of ICCP2016.
So we invite the global fraternity of psychologists, activists, researchers and students to make their abstract submissions soonest and contribute to enacting the conference as a re-shaping and re-defining moment. Affirming and troubling global and localised events all point to the significance of understanding the knowledge creation-community-liberation nexus. We look to submissions that will support the enactment of ICCP2016 as a liberatory dialogic space.
We look forward to hosting you in South Africa in 2016.
Click Here to submit your Abstract
Mohamed Seedat, Conference Chair

Coordinator of Community Service/House Director position at Rider University

[Announcement from he-sl listserv]

Rider University's Office of Campus Life is seeking an energetic individual to serve as Coordinator of Community Service/House Director. 

The Coordinator of Community Service reports to the Assistant Director of Campus Life for Service-Learning and the primary responsibilities include serving as a resource and leader for students in the Rider Bonner Community Scholar Program, advising the Rider Service Leaders (RSL), working closely with service and professionally oriented clubs and organizations, and providing service opportunities to all clubs, organizations and individuals on campus through campus wide days of service. 

Fraternity & Sorority House Directors report to the Assistant Director of Campus Life for Fraternity and Sorority Life and live-in one of six houses on campus. Primary responsibilities include working closely to support the undergraduate house manager and the chapter leadership by providing assistance with advisement, leadership development, policy education and enforcement, and co-curricular programming that supports the organization's mission. 

Required Qualifications: Bachelor's Degree and experience with planning, organizing, and participating in services events. Individual must also possess: a passion and commitment to Community Service Initiatives; excellent communication skills to work with a variety of on- and off- campus stakeholders; and excellent interpersonal and organizational skill. Flexibility with work schedule is essential as weekend and evenings are required. 

Preferred Qualifications: Master's Degree along with experience in Greek Life, Residence Life, Campus Activities, and/or Community Standards. 

Compensation: This 10-month position includes a full benefits package, a furnished apartment and a full meal plan. Salary is competitive with similar positions in the area.  

Joan Lennon Liptrot
Assistant Director of Campus Life for Service Learning
BLC 123
Rider University
2083 Lawrenceville Rd
Lawrenceville, NJ 08648
Ph: (609) 896-5247
Fax: (609) 895-5479

Cell: (267) 235-4974

International Undergraduate Journal for Service-learning, Leadership, and Social Justice

[Announcement from he-sl listserv]

The Fall 2015 volume of the International Undergraduate Journal for Service-learning, Leadership, and Social Justice is live at
The Journal  is dedicated to providing undergraduate students a venue to discuss their service-learning projects and experiences.  The Journal considers three types of articles:
            1) Articles that discuss the development of a service-learning project and the impact of
                the project on the community served;
            2) A case study of a service-learning project;
            3) A reflection on service-learning and the development of personal leadership.

Each article will be reviewed by selected readers and the member of the editorial board.  Manuscripts should be typed double-spaced, excluding block quotations which should be typed single-spaced, and references.  To ensure anonymity, author’s names and affiliation should appear on a separate cover page.  Articles should not exceed 15 pages.  Authors should follow APA format.

The Journal accepts Book Reviews on service-learning and social change.  Book reviews should not exceed 2 pages and include Book Title, Author, and Publisher.

Submissions should be sent in Word format.  DO NOT HAVE HEADERS OR PAGE NUMBERING.
Submit by e-mail to:

Ned Scott Laff                                                             Joyce Fields                                                   Professor of Child and Family Studies
                                                                                    Columbia College
                                                                                    Columbia, SC  29203

JPSHE Call for Manuscripts

[Announcement from SCRA-L]

As you prepare for your holiday/winter breaks, consider spending some time developing a submission for the Journal of Public Scholarship in Higher Education. 

The Journal of Public Scholarship in Higher Education is soliciting manuscripts for the 2016 edition.

The Journal of Public Scholarship in Higher Education is an academic peer-reviewed journal with a focus on community/civic engagement. JPSHE aims to advance the status and prospects for publicly engaged teaching and research in the academy by showcasing the new disciplinary and/or pedagogical knowledge generated by engagement with the community. Missouri Campus Compact has published 5 volumes, beginning in 2011 all in print form. JPSHE is now hosted online in an open access format. More information concerning JPSHE can be found on our website: 

Call for Manuscripts – DEADLINE MARCH 11, 2016

JPSHE provides a venue for higher education faculty and administrative leadership to reflect on the ways that community engagement affects work in higher education. JPSHE welcomes diverse manuscripts, from empirically-based examinations to critical reflection pieces, theoretical investigations, commentaries, case studies, and pedagogical and research designs. All submissions must identify implications for the growth and viability of public scholarship in the academy. For full instructions and author guidelines, please see the JPSHE website or email us at  
Tabitha Underwood
Tabitha Underwood, Ph.D.
Executive Director
Missouri Campus Compact

Missouri State University

Assoc Dir, SL center at Johns Hopkins (Med, Nursing, Public Health) - Baltimore, MD

[Announcement from he-sl listserv]

Dear Service-Learning Colleagues,

We are excited to announce that we’re looking to hire a new Associate Director for Johns Hopkins University SOURCE (Student Outreach Resource Center) – the community engagement and service-learning center for the JHU Schools of Medicine, Nursing & Public Health – for a Spring 2016 start, as our current Associate Director will be leaving at the end of the academic year.
The Associate Director’s primary focus is academic service-learning, specifically the administration of the SOURCE Service-Learning Faculty & Community Fellows Program, among many other duties. Strong experience in service-learning pedagogy and working with faculty to integrate service-learning into their courses is highly desired.

Below is the full position description and application information.
To apply, visit, requisition #302065. Please include both a cover letter and resume or CV. Priority application deadline is January 11, 2016.

Position Description:
SOURCE (Student Outreach Resource Center), the community engagement and service-learning center for the Johns Hopkins University Schools of Medicine, Nursing, and Public Health, has an upcoming opening for the Associate Director. The Associate Director supports the growth and effectiveness of academically-based community engagement activities, including service-learning courses. The Associate Director works closely with community partners, faculty, and health professional students in developing community outreach skills, exploring and understanding social justice issues, accessing community resources, and making connections to the Baltimore community, particularly as it relates to students’ future roles as health professionals.  More information about SOURCE can be found online at

This position reflects a key value of SOURCE’s work, which is to create transformative learning through establishing and enhancing meaningful and sustainable relationships with local community-based organizations who are addressing pressing social needs and social determinants of health.
Job Duties & Responsibilities:
Create and implement service-learning courses in conjunction with faculty, ensure faculty and student development, and create and sustain meaningful relationships with community partners.
Educates students, faculty, and community partners about service-learning partnerships and related requirements within the health professions, with special emphasis on adhering to accreditation criteria.
SOURCE Service-Learning Faculty & Community Fellows Program Management
The SOURCE Service-Learning Faculty & Community Fellows Program (Fellows Program) is a professional development opportunity for faculty from the JHU health professional schools (Faculty Fellows) and SOURCE community partners (Community Fellows). Each year, the program accepts up to 9 Fellows who receive a stipend to integrate a service-learning component into their courses (Faculty Fellows) or agree to work on a service-learning project at their community-based organization (Community Fellows). The Associate Director serves as the main administrator of the Fellows Program working with the Director to carry out program goals. Duties within this area include the following:
·         Manage and implement the recruitment and application process for new Fellows.
·         Coordinate the materials, logistics, and communication for the Fellows Program Service-Learning Seminar (2 ½-day training seminar occurring in early- to mid-June).
·         Schedule and manage ongoing monthly meetings that occur throughout the academic year for Fellows.
·         Oversee communication with all Fellows cohorts.
·         Administer and analyze program evaluations.
·         Supervise Federal Work-Study student serving as Fellows Program Assistant.

Service-Learning Course Advising and Supervision
As an extension of work with the Fellows Program, the Associate Director will advise faculty in service-learning course development which involves the following:
·         Meet regularly with faculty teaching service-learning courses
·         Advise and provide feedback on curriculum and syllabus development tailored to each course.
·         Recruit and match projects to service-learning courses.
·         Assist faculty with project management during the course.
·         Administer and manage student and CBO evaluations upon completion of the course.
·         Compile and track data for service-learning upon completion of the course.

Additional Faculty Outreach and Development:
·         Outreach to academic units and individual faculty/staff to build awareness of and involvement in community-engaged scholarship.
·         Develop for-credit practicum opportunities related to academic competencies. Serve on MPH Practicum Working Group.
·         Develop materials, both print and web-based, for outreach and faculty development in the area of service-learning and academic-community partnerships.

Community Partnership Coordination for Service-Learning Courses, Internships, and Practica:
·         Develop and sustain viable community partnerships with local public health organizations. 
·         Assist community partners in structuring their identified needs into engagement opportunities for health professional students. 
·         Assist in deepening SOURCE’s responsiveness to community inquiry, and the level of engagement of local community partners in existing SOURCE programs and service-learning courses.
·         Develop and lead community partner capacity building activities, including orientations, educational workshops, and webinars.
·         Manage SOURCE Community Council meetings, communication, and recruitment of new members.

Student Outreach and Development:
·         Assist with Preparation, Action, Reflection, and Evaluation of service-learning activities.
·         Develop and implement an ongoing orientation and training program for students working with local organizations.
·         When necessary, meet individually with service-learning students to assist in the selection of sites, advise students to resolve conflicts at placements, and consult with faculty and community partners.
Alumni Outreach and Development:
·         Manage tracking of new alumni in conjunction with External Affairs’ Alumni Relations Manager.
·         Manage communication with SOURCE alumni through bi-annual newsletter and various individual outreach efforts.
·         Create strategy for engaging alumni in various SOURCE efforts including donating to SOURCE, telling their story, and tracking longitudinal impact of SOURCE activities on alumni’s professional development.

Data Management, Research Agenda, and Strategic Planning
·         Manage data for Fellows Program and service-learning courses.
·         Manage progress of the Research Agenda (consisting of Senior Faculty Fellows and SOURCE leadership) for advancement of SOURCE’s scholarly work.
·         Develop with Research Agenda Team a long-term strategy for data management and analysis including longitudinal data collection from alumni.
·         Work with faculty and institution leadership in advancing recognition and communication of SOURCE’s work within the institution.

Service to SOURCE:
·         Develop, review and implement necessary policies and procedures to ensure maximum educational value of service-learning experiences; exposure to diverse populations; personal safety; management of risk.
·         Keep current with service-learning theory, methods and initiatives in order to assist with service-learning efforts at JHU. Participate in relevant conferences when possible.

In addition, the Associate Director functions as an integral member of SOURCE’s team, assisting the Director in managing the general operations of the center, and responding to the needs of the center through contributing to special projects, strategic development, committee representation, and other duties as assigned.
Special Skills/Knowledge:
·         Must have an understanding of public health organizations. Academic administration preferred.
·         Demonstrated ability to interact effectively and exert leadership in programs and activities involving faculty, staff, students and community organizations, and to consult with faculty on matters of service-learning pedagogy and curriculum development, particularly in a research-intensive environment.

·         Possess deep understanding of theory and practice of service-learning pedagogy; theory and practice of student development in higher education; program development and implementation experience; curriculum development and teaching experience at the higher education level.

·         Possess understanding of data management skills; statistical data analysis skills a plus, but not required.

·         Ability to work effectively under pressure and with multiple demands while maintaining flexibility and a good sense of humor.

·         Strong communication skills, both verbal and written.
·          Experience with Microsoft Office Suite required.

·         Demonstrated ability to develop, facilitate and lead workshops, meetings and training experiences.

Qualifications:             Masters degree required in Public Health, Education, or College Student Personnel/Higher Education. 3-5 years of related experience in an institution of higher education or the non-profit field. Prior experience working with college students, service-learning, or other experiential education programs is required. Transportation, valid driver’s license, and willingness to spend significant time traveling to meet with community partners throughout Baltimore.
Reports to:            Director, SOURCE (Student Outreach Resource Center)
Starting Salary:    $49,000 - $62,000 annually

To Apply:              Apply online at:, requisition #302065. Please include both a cover letter and resume or CV. Priority application deadline is January 11, 2016.
SOURCE | Student Outreach Resource Center
The Community Engagement and Service-Learning Center
Serving the Johns Hopkins University Schools of Medicine, Nursing, and Public Health
2017 E. Monument St., Baltimore, MD  21205
P. 410-955-3880 | F. 410-502-2736 |