The following general principles have
been established for ways in which to influence attitudes and behavior.
These guidelines emerged from research and experience in laboratory or real
life settings involving diverse areas such as education, business, public
health, and political change. Because individuals differ and situations vary,
these techniques will not always work. However, if applied creatively, in
combination, over time, and in ways applicable to the situation, these
principles will help you to promote your cause. To best utilize these
ideas, time will be needed in order to brainstorm, practice, set objectives,
and regularly evaluate progress. At times, it may require doing research
about the individuals or groups you want to reach and their particular
circumstances. This can be done either informally or using a more structured
approach, such as a poll. These principles are applicable whether your
“audience” is approached in one-on-one or small group conversation, through
speeches, by written materials, or via media. As you strategize, you will need
to determine a) the causes of the situation you want to change, b) the proposed
solution, and c) who has the power to make the change that is needed. Determine
what advocates can apply pressure and what groups actually set the policy you
want to change.
Consider which principles outlined here
are most applicable to your work and how best to apply them. Such an effort may
require that you eliminate certain tactics of yours and, perhaps, expand your
efforts later. You will also need to judge whether any tactics are considered
unethical. Finally, please note that most of the ideas below derive from work
in psychology. There are other social change perspectives and principles that
might also be helpful-- and sometimes necessary-- in order for you to reach
certain goals, such as knowledge from political science, sociology,
communications, marketing, religion, the arts, or from activists who have
learned from practical experience.
I) Deep Listening
Employing “realistic empathy” means
seeing the other person’s point of view regardless of whether you agree with
it. And for practical reasons it is important to listen to the views and
understand the feelings of those you are hoping to influence. These
reasons include:
- Listening helps affirm the
people you are speaking with. In doing so, you acknowledge that they
have something legitimate to say, as do you.
- Listening to their view on the
topic and rationale gives them more of an opportunity to explore their
- By listening to them, there is
a greater chance they will listen to you.
- Listening to people allows you
to understand what they feel and why. This information can be useful for
framing your own message during the discussion or for a later interaction.
II) Influencing Attitudes (Although
the below describes attempts to influence the attitudes of others, we also
learn from honest dialogue in which both parties are open to change.)
A) Aspects of the message you
· Besides
any facts you present, provide vivid and dramatic examples and/or images that
support your case (i.e. focus on more specific examples/images rather than
· Link
your cause with American values such as: freedom, equality, individuality,
family, fairness, caring, privacy, opportunity, etc.
· Contrast
your position with less favorable alternatives.
· Typically,
what is viewed as scarce may also be more attractive, such as a commodity in
short supply or a proposed policy that can only be adopted for a limited time.
· Give
examples of others who are credible and support your position (experts, trustworthy
individuals, and those speaking against their own self-interest).
· Create
positive or negative moods by associating your cause with words, labels, or
ideas that bring about particular emotions. For a political cause, you might do
as President Reagan did when he said that his policies were “in the tradition
of John Kennedy” or as Central American activists did when they said that we
“didn't want to have another Vietnam in El Salvador”. Another example is
to frame messages to an audience, such as “Do you support the constitutional
right to”. Well-conceived usage of symbols and/or slogans can be powerful.
· If
you want to utilize fear in your message, the threat must seem real.
People must feel that it is desirable and feasible to adopt the new behavior or
attitude you propose, and that if they did so, they feel that their fear would
be alleviated.
· Reiterate
important messages over time and with a new twist.
B) Basing messages on the
listener’s current opinion
· Give
incentives as to why it is personally beneficial for them to adopt your
position and the topic should be relevant to their life. It can be useful
to frame your language in terms of your audience
· An
audience will be more inclined to listen closely to an argument when discussing
concerning issues, in which case, the quality of your argument is most
important. Those with only limited concern for an issue, which is likely
the majority of your audience, may not fully listen to your argument until it
becomes relevant to them. Until then, peripheral factors can be even more
important. For example, whether you seem believable and knowledgeable; whether
you possess “eyewitness testimony” on a topic; whether you are associated with
people your audience respect and can identify with; whether they see you as
similar to themselves; or whether you are friendly, appealing, and physically
attractive. We are particularly influenced by those we like; however, such
peripherally-based attitudes are more superficial, last for a shorter period of
time, and tend to change. When a topic is of limited concern to people, more
arousing and less rational approaches are, in general, better. Arguments
should not be complex, except when dealing with “true intellectuals”.
· It
can be easier to foster a new opinion or integrate your message into the values
that currently exist for a person, rather than changing their current
attitude. Thus, do background research if you can. Try to highlight
aspects of your audience's views that are consistent with your perspective so
that there are some points of agreement. A message that differs too far
from someone's present attitude will likely be rejected, especially regarding
important topics to the person.
· Gear
your message to the reason(s) why your audience has the opinions they do on a
topic. As yourself, what function does the attitude serve for them and can your
message serve the same function? Most importantly, you should determine
their general needs that you can appeal to and further emphasize by asserting
that they can meet those same needs if they take on particular new attitude or
behavior. Perhaps, you can discover what factors or forces help maintain
their current attitude/ behavior and how you might counteract that influence.
· Address
inconsistencies (“cognitive dissonance”) in people's attitudes and behaviors,
particularly as they might relate to their self-image, and provide a new way of
being or thinking that is consistent with your position and that allows them to
move away from their inconsistency. But make sure not to “attack” the person
directly, but to instead build their self-image via self-affirmation, because
it is easy to use rationalization to feel they do not need to remove any
seeming inconsistencies.
C) Aspects of the source,
interaction, and setting:
- An “active” audience is more
likely to be effected. So ask listeners to consider your arguments, or
direct them to imagine how they would feel if they acquired the new
attitude or behavior you propose, or ask them rhetorical questions.
- Groups having a non-majority
view on a topic are more likely to win others over if they are consistent
over time in their thoughts but with a new twist and appear confident in
their views. It is also important to link the minority position to the
values of the majority (i.e. MLK linked civil rights to Judeo/Christian
and American values), to have a diversity of group memberships supporting
the position (for MLK, not just blacks but whites too), and to be seen as
defecting from the majority on the critical issue (but not others).
- Attempt to affect the leaders
of a group whose members you want to influence.
- During conversations, avoid
being arrogant and judgmental, and take notice to non-verbal ques.
III) Promoting behaviors which will
help your cause (e.g., volunteering, voting, practicing socially
responsible behavior, talking to friends about an issue, going to events, or
giving money)
- It is most important to
influence the attitude toward the particular behavior rather than a
general attitude about the political issue involved. For example,
you should argue why it is important to write or volunteer time rather
than influencing someone's attitude on promoting good health care and
assuming that a favorable attitude will lead to action.
- Make it as easy as you can for
people to take the actions you desire by providing various options and
incentives and limiting the negative effects. For example, limit the time
involvement for volunteers by recruiting many people, have a very
structured task, or give volunteers specific tasks that contribute to the
overall goal. Again, there is need to direct efforts to more than merely
establishing the general worthiness of your cause. Personal motivations
dictate or influence political behaviors and many people need more
incentive than simply hoping to reach a political goal, except those who
are truly committed. Specifically relating to volunteers, there are also a
number of ways to increase participation which include: a) giving
volunteers responsibility and proper training, b) providing reinforcement,
c) utilizing talents and expertise, and d) meeting their needs and values
by providing them options for what to work on. Also, have a system
whereby the person benefits materially or psychologically by taking
action. For some actions, it is good to also give feedback on how well the
person is doing.
- Emphasize the connection
between your work, the desired action you wish, and their life's concerns
(if you know that). The more important an attitude or issue is to a
helper’s life, the more likely they will act upon it. People do not
have time to act on every issue they have an opinion on.
- Promote the idea that people
have the ability to take action. It is within their power. The
more effective people feel, the more likely they will participate. Convey
the idea that your goals are attainable through their help and the help of
people in general. The goals you set can even be limited in nature, as
long as their attainment helps lead to the final political goal sought.
Show, when possible, that efforts regarding what you desire are already
- People are more likely to go
from having a positive attitude on an issue to taking action, if the
action is viewed as socially desirable.
- Get people to take small
actions relevant to an issue, such as signing a petition, volunteering for
an hour, or giving a small amount of money. Doing so makes it more likely
that they will participate to a greater extent in the future.
Changes in behavior will also influence one's attitude, sometimes leading
to further behavioral change. One of the stronger influences on
attitudes and behavior is previous behavioral change, in whichever
noncoercive way that occurs. People may very well do something small
if they have first had to turn down a larger request.
- A person is more likely to
follow through with a commitment if it is made public.
- People are more likely to help
on a project if they have previously helped.
- Encourage a sense of
responsibility to get involved (e.g. they are helping those in desperate
- Assert that they are the kind
of people who like to help and get involved so they are more likely to
acquire such a self-identity.
- Have others, who are similar,
demonstrate the kinds of behaviors you wish them to do.
IV) Ways of spreading your
message to the public
Distribute/post fliers or fact-based postal sized cards in
public places such as windshields;
· Send
letters to the editor, write “op-eds” for newspapers, or do “speak out”
editorials on local TV/radio;
· Ask
to use the window or floor space of a business for displays;
· Have
speakers give talks or show videos/films at service clubs, churches, schools,
· Stage
community forums or debates;
· Host
neighborhood potlucks and informal discussions;
· Provide
materials to schools and churches;
· Perform
guerrilla theatre;
· Paint
murals on walls;
· Set
up a table/booth in a public place (malls, flea markets, street corners) to
distribute literature and have passersby write letters;
· Canvass
a neighborhood;
· Prepare
pictorial or other displays for libraries, schools, museums, etc.;
· Insert
cartoons, news clippings, or brief articles in correspondence;
· Distribute
videos of talks, workshops, and conferences;
· Arrange
a political parade or make a float for a parade;
· Get
popular personalities to speak out;
· Set
up political fairs;
· Hold
regular vigils;
· List
events in community calendars;
· Conduct
a regular Sunday school class;
· Start
a political essay or poetry contest;
· Stage
a political play;
· Hold
a house meeting and meal to discuss issues with others;
· Ask
a cereal manufacturer to use the back of a box for a political concern;
· Walk
around a busy street with a political poster on your chest and back;
· Put
up political signs on lawns and in home windows;
· Place
political stickers on cars, on home mailboxes, letters, etc.;
· Set
up political literature boxes at schools and churches;
· Get
textbook publishers and local libraries to cover your political agenda;
· Establish
a church political library;
· Get
a church to become involved in particular political concerns;
· Get
local radio stations to sponsor music- related political events (concerts,
dances, festivals);
· Call
radio talk shows;
· Place
notices, articles, ads, inserts, and classifieds in a church, club, school
newspapers, newsletters, or “trading post” publications;
· Do
a billboard or bus shelter display;
· Ask
a newspaper to have a social issue column;
· Regularly
send political materials and ideas to local media;
· Ask
a skywriter to do a political message at a big event;
· Print
political messages on cards, calendars, scratchpads, stationary, order forms/
invoices, business cards, matchbooks, etc.;
· Prepare
a political public service announcement;
· Hold
press conferences with public figures;
· Present
programs on public access TV;
· Stage
unusual events;
· Sponsor
· Utilize
electronic mail, bulletin boards, listservs, Face Book, Twitter, web pages, and
other social media;
· Spread
the word to advocate for communities and contact government officials;
· Call/write
elected officials
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