Thursday, March 12, 2015

CFP Deadline for the Assessment Institute is March 15th!

[Announcement from he-sl listserv]
Please consider submitting a proposal for either service-learning assessment activities (under the HIPs track) or community engaged activities!  
I would like to extend to you and your colleagues an invitation to join us for the 2015 Assessment Institute in Indianapolis October 25 - 27, 2015.  Please consider submitting a proposal by March 15.  We would be particularly pleased to receive proposals addressing any of the topics listed in the bullet points below. 
To submit a proposal, go to:
For more information, please consult our website: or contact us at:    
Phone:  (317) 274-4111; Fax: (317) 274-4651
We will feature special track plenary sessions and workshops emphasizing assessment in: 
    • Community Engagement – Coordinators: Julie Hatcher and Kristin Norris, IUPUI
    • ePortfolios – Coordinators:  Susan Kahn and Susan Scott, IUPUI
    • Faculty Development  Coordinator:   Megan Palmer, IUPUI
    • Global Learning – Coordinators:  Gil Latz, IUPUI; and Darla Deardorff, Duke University
    • Graduate/Graduate Professional Education – Coordinators:  Sherry Jimenez and Sarah Zahl, Marian University; and NaShara Mitchell, IUPUI
    • High Impact Practices (First-Year, Learning Communities, Service Learning, Capstones, etc.) – Coordinators:  Sarah Baker, Julie Hatcher, Kristin Norris, and Jennifer Thorington-Springer, IUPUI
    • Student Affairs Programs and Services – Coordinators:  Zebulun Davenport, IUPUI; and Katie Busby, Tulane University
 In addition, we will present SESSIONS WITH NATIONAL ASSESSMENT LEADERS, a poster session, and additional learning opportunities emphasizing: 
·         Accreditation
·         Assessment in General Education
·         Assessment in All Major Fields
·         Assessment Methods
·         Assessment in Community Colleges
·         Institution-Wide Data Collection/Use
·         Use of Technologies in Assessment

KEYNOTE PANEL: Thomas A. Angelo, Queens University of Charlotte; Trudy W. Banta, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis; Peter T. Ewell, National Center for Higher Education Management Systems; George D. Kuh, National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment; Jeffrey A. Seybert, Higher Education Consultant

Summer Instructional Service-Learning Job Opportunities

[Announcement from he-sl listserv]

The Civic Education Project (CEP), a leadership and civic engagement program at Northwestern University, is NOW HIRING exceptional instructional staff for our 2015 Civic Leadership Institutes in Baltimore, Chicago & Berkeley. We’re looking for expert service-learning practitioners to serve as Instructors and Academic Deans. 

Desired Instructor Candidate Qualifications include:
           Minimum 3-5 years of full-time classroom teaching experience or youth facilitation experience
           Experience facilitating service-learning experiences for middle or high school students
           Commitment to CLI mission

Desire Academic Dean Candidate Qualifications include:
           5+ years of full-time classroom teaching experience
           Extensive experience facilitating service-learning or experiential education programs 
           Experience supervising/coaching teachers
           Strong communication, organizational, interpersonal, and supervisory skills
           Commitment to CLI mission

Staff receive a cash stipend, room and board, and training in service-learning and experiential education. For complete employment details and to apply online, visit:  

YOU have the power to create life-changing experiences for young student leaders from across the country! Live and learn from a community of dedicated, passionate staff - Apply today!

Lindsay Wall Succari
Assistant Program Director, Civic Education Project

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Position Available - CCI Assistant Director, University of the Pacific

[Announcement from he-sl listserv]

Center for Community Involvement (CCI) Assistant Director
Review begins immediately and applications accepted until March 31, 2015

University of the Pacific’s Center for Community Involvement invites applications for the position of CCI Assistant Director. This position is responsible for advising and supporting Pacific students who run educational, tutoring, and mentoring programs. In this role, the Assistant Director has oversight of programs that make a significant and positive impact on our local Stockton community while working alongside a world-class student life team. The Assistant Director works directly with undergraduate students mentoring and advising them and provides training and programming that incorporates social justice concepts.

The Center for Community Involvement is a student-centered learning environment that supports both co-curricular community service and tutoring programs within University of the Pacific’s division of student life.

Please find the full position description attached. To apply submit a cover letter, resume, as well as a university application to Pacific’sonline application system.

If you have questions about the position or would like more information abut the program see or contact the current director, Erin Rausch

Sunday, March 8, 2015

New Issue of Community Psychology in Global Perspective available online

[Announcement from SCRA listserv]

Dear all,

Community Psychology in Global Perspective has just published its premiere
issue at

We invite you to review the Table of Contents below and then visit the web site to read the articles and items of interest.  We are pleased to feature, in addition to many interesting empirical articles,  a commentary by Michelle Fine and ground-breaking theoretical work by Shelly Harrell. Come see what's new in Community Psychology around the globe.


Anne (for Terri Mannarini, Caterina Arcidiacono, & Chris Sonn)

Community Psychology in Global Perspective
Vol 1, No 1 (2015): Culture and Community Interactions
Table of Contents
Introduction to the issue
Culture and community interactions: Essentials for understanding in a globalized world (1-4)
Caterina Arcidiacono,  Terri Mannarini,       Christopher Sonn,      Anne E. Brodsky
Global provocations: Critical reflections on community based research and intervention designed at the intersections of global dynamics and local cultures (5-15)
Michelle Fine
Culture, Wellness, and World “PEaCE”:  An Introduction to Person-Environment-and-Culture-Emergence Theory (16-49)
 Shelly P. Harrell
Considering culture and context when supporting the development of communities (50-63)
AndrĂ©-Anne Parent,     Paule Simard,  Manon Roy,     Michel O'Neill
Decolonizing the contact hypothesis:  A critical interpretation of settler youths’ experiences of immersion in Indigenous communities in Canada (64-85)
Joel John Badali
A cross-cultural comparison of campus-community partnerships to build evaluation capacity in rural Pennsylvania and urban Cairo (86-104)
Carie L. Forden,       Amy M. Carrillo
The local identity functions in the age of globalization: A study on a local culture (105-121)
 Stefano Tartaglia,     Monica Rossi