Dear Community-Engaged Scholarship Colleague,
I am looking for peer reviewers for the case studies
developed as part of the STIRS initiative
(Scientific Thinking and Integrative Reasoning Skills) (,
a project designed to develop faculty capacity, curricular resources, and assessment
tools in order to help students develop and demonstrate proficiency in
evidence-based thinking and reasoning. We are piloting student case studies and
facilitator guides to be offered as evidence-based thinking modules appropriate
for a wide variety of general education courses. The peer-reviewed case
materials will be published on our website.
We are looking for two reviewers per case who would
volunteer their expertise using our rubric to review a student case and
facilitator guide. At least one reviewer
should be experienced using case studies in undergraduate teaching, and at
least one reviewer should have content expertise. The process will be
double-blind, and I will provide you with case materials and guidelines for
The case content areas include the following:
* Public
health (child/adolescent health, immigrant health, epidemiology)
* Ecology
Environmental science/climate science
* Biology
(human sexuality, immunology, cancer biology/epidemiology)
Biochemistry/molecular biology
Linguistics/cultural anthropology
* Cultural
* Health
* Integrative
studies (w/expertise in environmental studies)
I am in the process of securing reviewers for this case
study project who can commit to a three week turnaround time. We will do a
rolling review, sending out case materials to reviewers as they are ready (now
through late September). If you are interested in serving as a reviewer, please
send me your contact information (email and phone numbers), your discipline,
and your familiarity with case-based teaching at your earliest
convenience. The selection of reviewers
will be dependent on the number of responses and the fit with the case studies.
Thank you in advance for your consideration, and please let me know if you have
questions or concerns.
Kind regards,
Esther S. Merves, PhD
Project Manager
Scientific Thinking and Integrative Reasoning Skills
Initiative (STIRS) 202-387-3760,
x 241
Cell: 202-253-4214
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