Sunday, December 4, 2011

Tagging service-learning courses

[Announcement from he-sl listserv]

The Office of Leadership and Service-Learning (OLSL) at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG) facilitates a process whereby courses are designated as service-learning. Faculty must complete a form to demonstrate that the standards for service-learning are met. The courses that are approved through this process are then marked by the university registrar as SVL, which students can then search for when seeking out service-learning classes, just as they would if they were looking for other course markers.

More on this can be found online at:

You will also find a list of reasons why faculty should designate their courses as service-learning, as it requires an extra step to apply for the designation (and they often wonder and ask, "why, should I seek designation?").

Coordinating this with the university registrar and curriculum committees has been wonderful for helping to institutionalize and integrate this work at UNCG.

I hope this helps!

Emily M. Janke, Ph.D.
Special Assistant for Community Engagement
Office of Research and Economic Development
University of North Carolina Greensboro

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