Thursday, December 8, 2011

Michigan Journal Call for Abstracts

[Announcement from he-sl listserv]

Dear Service-Learning and Community-Engaged Practitioners and Scholars:

Are you interested in submitting an article to the Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning (MJCSL)? 

We seek articles for volume 19 (fall 2012, spring 2013). The first step in the submission process is to send an abstract or precis by December 20th to the editor, Jeff Howard, at

Information about the complete submission process may be found at Past abstracts and articles may be found at

The MJCSL is a national, peer-reviewed pubication with a circulation of about 1000 (with subscribers all over the world), and includes articles on research, theory, pedagogy, and other issues pertinent to curriculum-based service-learning in higher education, campus-community partnerships, and other forms of community-engaged scholarship intended for a faculty and administrator audience.

There are no length guidelines for abstracts.  Please submit as an email attachment a description of your planned article that adequately conveys the focus/plan for the proposed submission. 

Invitations to submit an article will be made by e-mail no later than mid-January, with invited articles due the last Monday in March.

If you have any questions after reviewing the submission guidelines, please e-mail me.

And please consider subscribing. The cost is only $24 for an individual and
$30 for
an institution.  Doing so would contribute to sustaining the self-supporting Michigan Journal.

Thank you.
jeff howard
editor, michigan journal of community service learning assistant director, faculty development steans center, depaul university

EPA Requests Proposals for Urban Waters Small Grants

[Announcement from he-sl listserv]

EPA Requests Proposals for Urban Waters Small Grants

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency expects to award between $1.8 to $3.8 million in funding for projects across the country to help restore urban waters by improving water quality and supporting community revitalization. The funding is part of EPA’s Urban Waters program, which supports communities in their efforts to access, improve, and benefit from their urban waters and the surrounding land.  Healthy and accessible urban waters can help grow local businesses and enhance educational, recreational and employment opportunities in nearby communities.

The goal of the Urban Waters Small Grants program is to fund research, studies, training, and demonstration projects that will advance the restoration of urban waters by improving water quality through activities that also support community revitalization and other local priorities such as public health, social and economic opportunities, general livability and environmental justice for residents. Examples of projects eligible for funding include:
   •          Education and training for water quality improvement or green
      infrastructure jobs
  •          Public education about ways to reduce water pollution
   •          Local water quality monitoring programs
   •          Engaging diverse stakeholders to develop local watershed plans
   •          Innovative projects that promote local water quality and community
      revitalization goals

Information about Urban Waters Small Grants including the Request for Proposal (RFP) and registration links for the webinars is available at  EPA expects to award the grants in Summer 2012.

Note to Applicants:  In accordance with EPA's Assistance Agreement Competition Policy (EPA Order 5700.5A1), EPA staff will not meet with individual applicants to discuss draft proposals, provide informal comments on draft proposals, or provide advice to applicants on how to respond to ranking criteria.  Applicants are responsible for the contents of their proposals.  However, consistent with the provisions in the announcement, EPA will respond to questions from individual applicants regarding threshold eligibility criteria, administrative issues related to the submission of the proposal, and requests for clarification about the announcement.  Questions must be submitted in writing via e-mail to and must be received by the Agency Contact, Ji-Sun Yi, by January 16, 2012 and written responses will be posted on EPA’s website at

Dates to Remember:
   •          Deadline for submitting proposals:  January 23, 2012.
   •          Two webinars about this funding opportunity:  December 14, 2011
      and January 5, 2012.
   •          Deadline for submitting questions:  January 16, 2012

Related Links:
   •          For more information on EPA’s Urban Waters program, visit
   •          EPA’s Urban Waters program supports the goals and principles of
      the Urban Waters Federal Partnership, a partnership of 11 federal
      agencies working to reconnect urban communities with their
      waterways.  For more information on the Urban Waters Federal
      Partnership, visit

Elson B. Nash
Acting Director of Strategic Partnerships
The Corporation for National and Community Service

Gulf South Summit Award Nominations Due December 19th

[Announcement from he-sl listserv]

The Gulf South Summit is proud to present five awards recognizing the hard work and dedication of outstanding people and programs in the field of service-learning and civic engagement in higher education. Please take the time to think of those especially dedicated and competent colleagues you have working around you and nominate one or more for a coveted Gulf-South Summit Award!

Award recipients will receive a plaque in recognition of their accomplishments in addition to a monetary award of $500.

Gulf South Award Nomination Form  Deadline:  December 19, 2011. Submit here:

Outstanding Practitioner Contributions The Gulf-South Summit Award for Outstanding Practitioner Contributions to Service-Learning in Higher Education will be given to a practitioner (faculty member, staff member, or administrator with responsibility for administration and/or coordination of service-learning activities) who has demonstrated excellence in creating, providing, and sustaining opportunities for engaging college/university students in service-learning. Evaluation criteria are as follows:
             Advancement of a culture of engagement within his or her institution
             Promotion of a scholarship of engagement among his or her colleagues
             Demonstrated leadership in the field of civic engagement
             Advancement of the principles of effective practice
             Demonstration of program growth and sustainability over time
Outstanding Community Partner Contributions The Gulf-South Summit Award for Outstanding Community Partner Contributions to Service-Learning will be given to an individual who has demonstrated excellence in creating and sustaining opportunities for engaging college/university students in service-learning. This individual should have collaborated with a service-learning program for more than one year in order to be nominated. Evaluation criteria are as follows:
             Evidence of having an active voice in the planning and implementation of service-learning
             Evidence of benefits to students
             Demonstration of effort in sustaining the collaboration over time
Outstanding Faculty Contributions to Service-Learning Instruction The Gulf-South Summit Award for Outstanding Faculty Contributions to Service-Learning Instruction will be given to a member of the teaching faculty who has demonstrated excellence incorporating service-learning pedagogy in the college/university classroom. Evaluation criteria are as follows:
             Demonstration of engaged teaching methodologies
             Evidence of benefits to students
             Evidence of collaboration with community partners and/or service beneficiaries in course design
             Demonstration of sustained commitment by incorporating service-learning consistently for at least three academic terms
Outstanding Student Contributions  The Gulf-South Summit Award for Outstanding Student Contributions to Service-Learning will be given to a full or part-time undergraduate student who has demonstrated extraordinary public or community service efforts while attending an institution of higher education.
             Evidence of the effects of his/her service-learning participation on the community
             Evidence of the effects of service-learning participation  on his or her academic learning, civic commitment, community awareness, and personal development
             Evidence of how service-learning efforts have furthered the mission of his/her institution
             Demonstrated innovative and sustained work to address an issue in the community
Outstanding Service-Learning Collaboration The Gulf-South Summit Award for Outstanding Service-Learning Collaboration will be given to a team of practitioners, faculty, and community partners who have demonstrated success in achieving a mutually beneficial collaboration that has successfully addressed a genuine community need.
             Evidence of a formalized relationship between community organizations and a college/university. This may include a copy of a Memorandum of Understanding or a Letter of Partnership outlining the commitments of each stakeholder.
             Evidence of beneficial effects of the collaboration on local concerns
             Indication of how the collaboration advanced objectives of engaged scholarship in the college or university
             Evidence that the collaboration has been sustained for at least three years

Please Address Questions to:
Amanda Buberger, Awards Chair
Gulf-South Summit Executive Committee
Assistant Director, Campus-Community Partnerships Center for Public Service Tulane University
Office: 504-862-8058

Richard L. Conville, Chair
Executive Committee, Gulf-South Summit
Professor, Communication Studies
The University of Southern Mississippi

Character Clearinghouse, December 2011

Character Clearinghouse
Vol. 2, No. 4
December 2011

Click below to read about the latest programs, practices, and resources relating to moral and civic development of college students. Character Clearinghouse is sponsored by the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs at The Florida State University with funds from a grant from the John Templeton Foundation.


Joel Cruz
is an resident assistant in the Social Justice Living and Learning Community at the University of Denver. Speaking about his experiences in social justice, he explains, "The human interaction can make such a difference and those small relationships and interactions have opened my eyes to new things that happen within my community and with the world." Read about this young activist who works for change both on and beyond his campus.
Two articles in this issue highlight the work of the University of Louisville's International Service Program. In this feature faculty members in justice administration, dentistry, communication, and civic engagement, who travel long distances with student leaders, discuss the international service projects that have changed their teaching, research, practice, world views, and other aspects of their lives.
The second article in this feature on the University of Louisville International Service Learning Program focuses on the program itself and provides a description of its mission, goals, and challenges.
Clearinghouse asks vice presidents of higher education institutions to share their thoughts about character education and the character programs and practices on their campuses. In this feature of this series, Kay Patten Wallace, vice president for student experience at The University of Toledo, talks about her university's initiatives that relate to the moral development of college students as well as her experiences as a VP.
Loyola University Chicago professor Terry Williams is involved in the Loyola's Global Faculty Immersion program in Vietnam and teaches a summer seminar at Loyola's John Felice Rome Center in Rome, Italy. Read about Williams and his involvement in these two Loyola international programs.
City University of New York doctoral student Jesse Margolis was a Visiting Fellow at the Fernand Braudel Institute of World Economics and a Fulbright Scholar in São Paulo, Brazil. Margolis talks about his international studies and work and their impact on his career plans and research.
Journalist and publisher Sonya Bernard-Hollins talks about her discovery and research of the life story of Merze Tate, Howard University professor and world citizen extraordinaire.
The Institute on College Student Values began in Wakulla Springs in February 1991. In this issue we look at the 1994 Institute program with keynote speakers Arthur Levine, Benjamin Barber, Susan Stroud, and James Lyons. Read the program which includes the addresses of these noted leaders in higher education, as well as abstracts of session presenters, online for the first time.
Here are examples of student-led movements across the nation's campuses.
These programs examine various aspects, perspectives, education, and/or careers that focus on responsible civic involvement and activism.
Read the current issue and don't miss the most popular papers; the rankings are updated daily.
The theme of the the Februrary 2012 Jon C. Dalton Institute on College Student Values is "Values to Action: Preparing College Students to be Positive Changemakers in the Global Society." The January 2012 Character Clearinghouse will be the annual Dalton Institute on College Student Values issue.
Read interviews with keynote speakers Eboo Patel, founder and president of Interfaith Youth Core (IFYC); Jessica Jackley, co-founder of and ProFounder; Elizabeth Griego, past president of NASPA and vice president for student life, University of the Pacific; Spencer Ton, assistant director of the Global Center for Social Entrepreneurship at the University of the Pacific, and Jacob Okumu, Ph.D. candidate in higher education and student affairs at Ohio University.
A special section that highlights selected session presenters offers an overview of current research and practices in character education and initiatives in college and universities as well as a closeup look at the scholars and practioners who lead in this field.
CC lets you know about the past and future happenings going on in college programs and other organizations today.

Contact Information

Please send all correspondence to Pamela Crosby, editor, at

Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs
313 Westcott Building
Tallahassee, FL 32306-1340

Submission Guidelines

Please go to submissions

IMPACT Conference: First Round of Workshop Proposals Due December 9, 2011

[Announcement from he-sl listserv]

IMPACT 2012:  The National Student Conference on Service, Advocacy and Social Action
Request for Conference Workshop Proposals
IMPACT is...
* historically the largest national gathering of college students focused on community service and social action
* taking place in sunny Florida in March 2012!
* 80+ workshops, 700+ service-minded students, national speakers and ...
* YOU???
First Round of Workshop Proposals due: December 09, 2012
Workshops submitted early will receive notification by December 20, 2011
Submit early for advanced travel planning!

Final Round of Workshop Proposals due: January 20, 2012
Notification by February 1, 2012
Experience the energy of a national conference that has been going strong for over two decades. By offering workshop at the IMPACT conference, you will gain experience presenting and marketing to a vibrant and motivated group of dynamic change agents. Your contributions will enrich and empower the youth of today to be the leaders of tomorrow.
 Registration for the IMPACT Conference is currently open. Please register at

IMPACT 2012 will showcase a variety of workshops at all levels (beginner, intermediate, advanced) surrounding these themes:
·         Issue Me Change: These workshops explore the issues to develop the awareness, knowledge, and skills to necessary to impact social change, and include ways in which different campuses have taken action to address these issues. Topics of particular interest include: Sustainability, Political Participation and Action, Economics, Immigration, Corporate and Consumer Responsibility, Human Trafficking and Social Entrepreneurship.
·         Career Development and Professional Skills: These workshops develop the skills needed for socially conscious careers in today’s economic and political times, including topics such as: assessment, grant and proposal writing, intercultural communications, advocacy, leadership, and networking. These workshops may also provide opportunities to explore differing paths into the social justice field, such as non-profit organizations, corporations, social entrepreneurs, grassroots organizations, and policy writing.
·         Administrators Track: These workshops are geared toward professionals in the field of civic engagement and will focus on hot topics within service learning and community engagement in higher education. Participants will have the opportunity to network with other administrators to discuss issues and develop or refine their skills.

Kristine Kengor
Housefellow for The Residence on Fifth
Coordinator of Residential Service Learning

Carnegie Mellon University, Student Life Office
1060 Morewood Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Phone: 412.268.2142    Fax: 412.268.4999