Monday, July 18, 2011

Partners in Research: Curricula to Prepare Community & Faculty for CBPR Partnerships

[Announcement from Comm-engagedscholarship listserv]

Just published through CES4Health! Partners in Research: Curricula to Prepare Community & Faculty for CBPR Partnerships

Dear community-engaged scholarship colleagues,

We're delighted to announce the latest product of community-engaged scholarship to be peer-reviewed and published through CES4Health!

The abstract appears below; to access the product and the application that accompanied it, visit

As you may know, CES4Health is an online mechanism for peer-reviewed publication and dissemination of products of community-engaged scholarship that are in forms OTHER THAN journal articles.  Products are reviewed by community and academic reviewers.  Submit a product or apply to be a peer reviewer at  The editorial team will be holding an informational conference call on Sept 12 at 12 noon ET for authors who have products that are ready or near-ready to submit to  To sign up, go to

Partners in Research: Curricula to Prepare Community and Faculty for CBPR Partnerships

Corresponding author: Michele Allen, University of Minnesota

Community and academic collaborators developed two separate but parallel comprehensive curricula designed to prepare community members and academic faculty to collaborate on community-based participatory research (CBPR) projects.

Background: Few curricula exist that offer parallel trainings on CBPR for community members who are novice  researchers, and academics who have little background on CBPR.

Methods of product development: We interviewed 13 faculty members regarding their perceived priorities for building faculty and community member proficiency in collaborative research. Similarly, we interviewed six community leaders regarding academic and community skills they would prioritize for inclusion in the curricula. Finally, we drew from existing programs to design two curricula.

Product Description: The CBPR curriculum for the community scholars includes six sessions (3 hours each). Topics include: 1) Introduction to CBPR, 2) Overview of research, 3) Quantitative/qualitative design and analysis, 4) Research ethics from community perspective, 5) Key challenges to CBPR partnerships, 6) Partnering skills to address key challenges (empowerment approach) including communication strategies and shared decision making. The faculty curriculum consists of 2 sessions (3-6 hours each). Topics include, 1) Introduction to CBPR, 2) Key challenges to CBPR partnerships, 3) Partnering skills to address key challenges), 4) Ethics in CBPR, 5) IRB applications, 6) Financials in CBPR. It is recommended that time be allocated to emphasize key challenges and partnership skills. Training manuals and exercises are included.


Rahma Osman
Program Assistant

Community-Campus Partnerships for Health promotes health (broadly defined)
through partnerships between communities and higher educational institutions.
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