[Announcement from SCRA listserv]
Dear SCRA colleagues,
The results of community-based participatory research (CBPR) and other forms of community-engaged scholarship (CES) are often disseminated through diverse products such as educational videos, policy briefs, resource guides, toolkits and photovoice exhibits. CES also often leads to the development of tools that can assist others in implementing or adapting an intervention or project in their communities, such as assessment instruments, instructional manuals and partnership agreements.
CES4Health.info was launched in November 2009 as a unique mechanism for peer-reviewed publication and dissemination of CES products. Its rigorous peer review process helps to ensure the publication of high quality products that can "count" toward faculty promotion and tenure and be used or adapted in other communities working on similar issues. Twenty-four products have been published on the site to date, including (just to mention a few) a video on CBPR in Aboriginal communities, a toolkit to promote walking in rural communities, a video on the health impacts of Hurricane Katrina, an online curriculum on developing and sustaining CBPR partnerships and a manual for a promotora-based diabetes management program.
Do you have such products from your work - or are in the process of developing them? We are sponsoring 2 conference calls for authors to speak with Cathy Jordan, the Editor of CES4Health.info, about their products, what's involved in submitting them for peer review, and any questions or issues they'd like to discuss. We sponsored a call last year that provided an overview of CES4Health.info (the audiofile &
handouts are posted at http://depts.washington.edu/ccph/pastpresentations.html#June162010Call).
These upcoming calls are designed specifically for authors who either already have products that may be suitable to submit to CES4Health.info or are in the process of developing them.
The calls will take place on Tues Feb 15 from 2-3:30 pm ET and on Wed March 9 from 3-4:30 pm ET.
There is no registration fee, but advance registration is required at http://bit.ly/gyilCG
Please share this announcement with colleagues who may be interested!
If you have any questions, please email ccphirb@u.washington.edu
For more information about CES4Health.info, visit http://www.CES4Health.info or read an article about it that was just published in the Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice at
Rahma Osman
Program Assistant
Community-Campus Partnerships for Health
Community-Campus Partnerships for Health promotes health (broadly defined)
through partnerships between communities and higher educational institutions.
Join us for "Community-University Partnerships: Bringing Global Perspectives
to Local Action," May 10-14, 2011 in Waterloo Region, ON, Canada!
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