Thursday, February 13, 2020

Develop Future Leaders with CEP!

[Announcement from HE-SL listserv]

Fellow Educators - 

Develop Future Leaders with the Civic Education Project 

Nominate a Student! 
CEP is seeking nominations for students in grades 7-12 for our "eye-opening, life-changing" spring & summer program opportunities!
  • Students gain hands-on experience in communities - living, learning, and serving alongside motivated peers from across the country.
  • Take their learning about social issues to the next level, through a challenging pre-college program.
  • Develop the leadership skills to make a difference in the world!
  • Nominate Today! 
Spread the Word!
Want a poster for your classroom or organization. Download one here.

We appreciate your support!


Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Invitation to Community Engagement Assessment Symposium on 2.28.20

[Announcement from HE-SL listserv]

 Community Engagement Assessment Symposium
Friday, February 28, 2020
Miami University Regionals' Hamilton Campus
1601 University Boulevard
Hamilton, Ohio 45011

For more details and to REGISTER, visit-

It is a dynamic time for community engagement in higher education. This interactive event will bring together our community to inform assessment practices that foster and improve student learning and institutional quality. 

Miami University Regionals' Center for Social Impact and Designing Sustainable Community Partnerships Faculty Working Group are excited to offer a day focused on community engagement assessment. The day will be led by H. Anne Weiss, director of assessment for Indiana Campus Compact.

8:30 - 9:00 a.m.--- Registration and light breakfast
9:00 - 11:00 a.m.--- Morning Session- Naming, Defining, and Measuring: Assessing the Hidden Outcomes of Community-Engaged Experiences
11:30 - 12:15 p.m.--- Buzz Lunch
12:30 - 4:30 p.m.--- Afternoon Session: What is Our “Flavor” of Service-Learning?- Identifying Essential Characteristics and Examining the Intensity of Engagement with Community
(Details for each session are below and can also be found on the link shared above.)

TICKET PRICING: (note: all ticket fees will be charged an additional processing fee from Eventbrite)
· - All Day Symposium ticket: 
o $100.00
o includes breakfast, morning session, lunch, and afternoon session
· All Day Trio ticket: 
o $255.00 plus fees (a $15 savings for each group member)
o discounted registration for groups of three
o includes breakfast, morning session, lunch, and afternoon session for each member of the group
· Morning Session ticket:
o $35 
o includes breakfast and morning session
· Afternoon Session ticket:
o $75
o includes Buzz Lunch and afternoon session
· Buzz Lunch ticket
o $15
o includes lunch only
o for individuals who attend the morning session but unable to participate in the afternoon session

- faculty and staff interested in community engagement
- program officers and chairs
- senior administrators
- civic engagement professionals and organizational leaders currently engaged as a partner with an institute of higher education

- INTEGRATE: Choose a practice to integrate into your own class or program
- CONNECT: Connect with a colleague or community partner who might help implement or model a useful idea
- RELATE: Relate your own student or community engagement to the bigger picture, or find a way to relate student or community engagement to enhance your own program outcomes and plans for change
- ADVANCE: Consider how learning about student outcomes and achievement can help your course, department and the university to advance both on campus and in the community

For more details and to REGISTER, visit-

Whether you come for one session or the entire day, we hope you will join us for this informative and engaging learning experience.

MORNING SESSION: 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. (Registration and a light breakfast will be available at 8:30 a.m.)
Naming, Defining, and Measuring: Assessing the Hidden Outcomes of Community-Engaged Experiences
· Explore elements of students’ civic learning for the purpose of building a robust assessment plan. Through conversations, we will identify research scales, constructs, and other measures for assessing civic learning. Bring your questions, real-life experiences, and creative ideas to this session.

BUZZ LUNCH: 11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
· This won't be your ordinary lunch break! Designed around topics that come directly from symposium participants, "bee" ready for an engaged and informative conversation of your choice. You will leave the Buzz Lunch not only with a full belly but also new connections and inspiring ideas.
· Note: We ask that all buzz lunch participants attend at least one of the assessment sessions.

AFTERNOON SESSION: 12:30 - 4:30 p.m.
What is Our “Flavor” of Service-Learning?: Identifying Essential Characteristics and Examining the Intensity of Engagement with Community
· Higher education's response to calls for greater engagement with communities continues to evolve. Pedagogy of active, community-engaged experiences support progressive levels of learning providing opportunities for service learning and research. Our time will be focused on the following topics-
o characterizing “high impact” practices,
o assessing the fidelity of teaching and learning interventions, and
o faculty development
· You don't want to miss this hands-on workshop with a lot of group activities and only moments of lecture woven throughout.
For more details and to REGISTER, visit-

Contact Collette Thompson, MU Regionals' Center for Civic Engagement director, at

Thursday, February 6, 2020

June 2020 Community Engagement Professionals Retreat

[Announcement from HE-SL listserv]

Help us spread the word about a Community Engagement Professionals Retreat planned for this June outside Chicago. This retreat is designed by and for Community Engagement Professionals (CEPs) to create a unique reflective learning space. We are seeking to create a diverse group of attendees representing a variety of contexts, cultures, identities, and experiences to enhance learning, reflection and growth for all. See below and at the link for more information. Applications to attend due April 24, 2020.
Location and Costs:
Loyola Retreat and Ecology Campus
2710 S. Country Club Road, Woodstock, IL 60098
Retreat registration is $500 per participant includes housing (hotel style rooms with all linens provided), all meals, and parking.
Loyola’s Retreat and Ecology Campus (LUREC) provides a peaceful setting where individuals and groups are empowered to do the work necessary for reconnection and renewal of the mind, body, and spirit. Located in rural Woodstock, Illinois, about 50 miles northwest of Chicago, the campus boasts a prairie, woodlands, an oak savannah, ponds, and wetlands.
A limited number of scholarships are available that would reduce the cost to $250. Please indicate in the application if you request consideration for this.
·       April 24, 2020 Application due
·       May 4, 2020 Applicants notified of acceptance
·       June 22-24, 2020 Retreat

Emily J. Shields
Executive Director
Iowa & Minnesota Campus Compact
(515) 635-5875
pronouns: she/her/hers

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Register for the 2020 IUPUI Research Academy

[Announcement from HE-SL listserv]

Dear Colleagues,
Registration is now open for the 2020 IUPUI Research Academy. Convened from May 13-15, 2020 on the IUPUI campus, the Research Academy is an intense, interactive 3-day workshop designed to develop research, assessment, and evaluation skills, learn about methods, and develop a research and/or assessment project on high impact practices or other engaged learning. Convened since 2009, the Research Academy historically focused on service learning research.  However, beginning in 2019 the Research Academy has expanded its scope to cover other types of high impact practices and engaged learning (e.g., themed learning communities, ePortfolios, global engagement).
Please see the attached flyer for additional information and contact Tom Hahn ( if you have any questions. 

In Service,
Dr. Patrick M. Green

Interim Assistant Provost, Student Academic Services                             
Clinical Assistant Professor, School of Education                              
Loyola University Chicago   

DEADLINE EXTENDED: Call for Papers for 2020 Community Engagement Institute in Spokane, WA

[Announcement from HE-SL listserv]

Colleagues -- Partners in Campus and Community Engagement (PICCE), a regional cooperative of five higher-ed campuses and community partners, will host its biennial conference in Spokane, Washington, on 27-28 May 2020. PICCE is now accepting proposals for the 2020 Community Engagement Institute to be held at Whitworth University. The conference features peer-reviewed tracks for campus and community practitioners in community-based research and in the scholarship of teaching and learning. We also accept proposals from community-engagement professionals in an unreviewed track.

A link to submit proposals, as well as information on review criteria, can be found here. Proposals are due by  Monday, 17 February 2020.

Ross Brooke Watts, Ph.D.
Director, Dornsife Center for Community Engagement
Whitworth University

Community College Public Good Conference: registration now open

Dear colleagues,

On behalf of the planning committee, I am thrilled to invite you to Salt Lake Community College for the National Community College Conference on Service Learning and Community Engagement on May 29 and 30, 2020. The conference will include presentations covering a range of timely issues, interactive deep-dive sessions to create and apply concepts, and networking opportunities to continue to build the field, all with a specific focus on two-year institutions. Find more details and register here:

We hope to see you in May,

Sean Crossland
Thayne Center for Service & Learning
Salt Lake Community College