Saturday, September 20, 2014

Public Engagement Grant Proposals Due September 26

[Announcement from the Office of Public Engagement]

 2014 Public Engagement Grant Program
Proposal Submission Deadline - Friday, September 26

The Office of Public Engagement is seeking proposals from faculty, students, and staff to fund community-related projects, scholarly work, creative endeavors, course development and other activities within the broad framework of public engagement. Grants of up to $20,000 will be made available on a competitive basis. Proposal submission deadline is September 26, 2014 at 5:00 p.m. Grant decisions will be announced no later than November 28, 2014. 
Please visit the Office of Public Engagement website here for the full Request for Proposals and to apply. 

Call for Proposals - NC Civic Engagement Conferences

[Announcement from he-sl listserv]

North Carolina Campus Compact is currently accepting workshop proposals for two upcoming conferences. 

Pathways to Achieving Civic Engagement (PACE) Conference
February 18, 2015, Elon University, Elon, NC
Call for Proposals (Released today)
Deadline: November 7th

This annual conference, now in its 16th year, is for community engagement faculty, staff, researchers, community partners, and graduate students who want to gain skills, knowledge and best practice models for a spectrum of civic engagement pedagogies and activities.  We are seeking workshop proposals in the following tracks:

·         Capacity-building, institutionalization: Integrating community engagement across campuses; best practices for engagement including risk management, community-campus partnerships; assessment of impact; building the engaged campus; promotion and tenure practices
  • Pedagogy: Service-learning, community-based research; social entrepreneurship; philanthropy; discipline-specific examples; new and diverse contexts for curricular engagement; engaging faculty
  • Research and theory: Research and scholarship deepening understanding of community engagement, trends, and innovations

Review the Call for Proposals here
Learn more about the conference here.  

Registration opens October 20th.   

CSNAP (Citizenship, Service, Networking and Partnerships) Student Conference
“Raise Your Voice and Take Action”
November 7-8, 2014 at NC State University, Raleigh, NC
Call for Proposals
Deadline: October 3rd

CSNAP is the largest annual conference in the Southeast developing college students to be effective leaders and participants in civic/community engagement. The 2014 CSNAP marks the 21st anniversary of this event.

We are seeking proposals for workshops with the following outcomes:

1) Develop leadership skills of students to manage campus-community civic engagement programs.
2) Provide models of civic/community engagement projects or programs. We are especially interested in models that are unique, innovative, sustainable, and replicable.
3) Demonstrate the effective use of the arts and/or social media to draw attention to/give voice to social issues.
3) NEW THIS YEAR - Priority will be given to workshops that help students understand how to be effective activists, advocates, and policymakers on the front line of social change.

Register To Attend
Deadline: October 13th

Now more than ever, young leaders are necessary to address the pressing issues facing our nation and world.  Our theme this year reflects the critical need for thoughtful voices to bring attention to the challenges but also the need for strategic action to address them. Participants will be introduced to the issues underlying the need for service and to best practices that build their understanding of how to engage, while networking with other students who are leading community engagement work on their campuses. 

Friday night includes a group service project, dinner, and reflection. Saturday includes plenary sessions and workshops. The keynote speakers are Jason Lee, Executive Director of the Jubilee Project, and Josephus III of the Poetry Project.

Learn more here.

Leslie A. Garvin, MSW
Interim Executive Director
North Carolina Campus Compact
2257 Campus Box
Elon, NC 27244
(336) 278-7198   Phone
(336) 278-2834  Fax or

Invitation to Social Entrepreneurship Institute

[Announcement from he-sl listserv]

Dear Colleagues,
You and your students and colleagues may be interested in attending the 2nd annual Social Entrepreneurship Institute on Friday, December 5, 2014, at the Shubert Theater in New Haven, Connecticut.  Presented by Unite For Sight, the Social Entrepreneurship Institute provides mentoring, guidance, and successful strategies for participants to apply to their work in global health, social entrepreneurship, and international development. In addition to unique interactive sessions by leaders in global health and social entrepreneurship, the Institute also includes lunch and dinner networking receptions with the speakers.  Space is limited, and early registration is encouraged.

A very reduced early bird registration rate is available through the end of September.  Students and professionals may also apply to give a presentation and to engage on the Shubert Theater stage in a conversation with the expert speaker panelists.
Social Entrepreneurship Institute
Friday, December 5, 2014
Shubert Theater, New Haven, Connecticut

Confirmed Social Entrepreneurship Institute speakers thus far include:

Moving From Rhetoric to Impact
  • "mHealth Innovations in Global Health," Bobby Jefferson, Director Informatics, Futures Group​
  • Jocelyn Brown, Product Manager, Medical Devices, 3rd Stone Design, Inc.
  • ​"Putting Farmers First in the Fight to End Hunger," Jenny Best, Global Communications, One Acre Fund
Key Lessons in Health and Entrepreneurship
  • Dean Cycon, Founder and CEO, Dean's Beans Organic Coffee Co.
  • Dave DeLuca, Head of Campaigns, Do Something
  • ​Speaker TBA
​Growing Effective Programs and Measuring Impact
  • "Use of Patient-Centered Evaluation Models to Drive the Implementation of Community-Based Mental Health Services into the Public Sector Primary Care System of Rural Haiti," Shinichi Daimyo, Clinical Program Officer, Partners In Health
  • Rohit Naimpally, Senior Training Associate, Poverty Action Lab
  • Speaker TBA

Complete details and the Institute schedule can be seen at

Gulf-South Summit: Awards Nominations, RFP, and Registration Now Open

[Announcement from he-sl listserv]


The 2015 Gulf-South Summit on Service-Learning & Civic Engagement through Higher Education will be held in Little Rock, Arkansas on March 11-13, 2015, hosted by the University of Arkansas at Little Rock and the Clinton School of Public Service.

Three updates:

1.     The link for registration is now live on the Gulf-South Summit website:

2.     Proposals may be submitted for individual presentations, panel discussions, interactive workshops, and posters; deadline for submission is October 17. See details at
The Gulf South Summit is proud to present five awards recognizing the hard work and dedication of outstanding people and programs in the field of service-learning and civic engagement in higher education. Please take the time to think of those especially dedicated and competent colleagues you have working around you and nominate one or more for a coveted Gulf-South Summit Award!

·        Outstanding Practitioner Contributions to Service-Learning in Higher Education
·        Outstanding Community Partner Contributions to Service-Learning in Higher Education
·        Outstanding Faculty Contributions to Service-Learning Instruction in Higher Education
·        Outstanding Student Contributions to Service-Learning in Higher Education
·        Outstanding Service-Learning Collaboration in Higher Education

Recipients of each award will receive a plaque in recognition of their accomplishments, and a $500 monetary award.
Nominations for awards are due November 5, 2014.  Award Nomination Form

Please share with other interested faculty, students, staff, and community partners—Thanks!

-Paul Matthews

Communications co-chair, Gulf-South Summit Executive Committee

7th Annual Global Service-Learning Institute

[Announcement from he-sl listserv]

Advancing Community Driven Global Service-Learning: Promising Practices
November 5-7, 2014
Stella Maris Retreat and Renewal Center, Skaneateles, NY

The 7th annual Global Service-Learning Institute will build upon established institute strengths in global service-learning pedagogy and program development, while also integrating more explicit attention to best practices in community-based planning, community development, and movement-building within global service-learning. This year's Institute will feature Patti Clayton, a national expert on community and civic engagement, and a focus on assessment strategies and linking assessment to learning outcomes. 

The GSLI provides the space, time, and faculty consultation to enable new and seasoned service-learning faculty to deepen their practice and understanding of service-learning pedagogy in an international setting. The GSLI also provides the opportunity to workshop global service-learning programs, along with deep collaboration, dialogue with, and learning from like-minded peers. Join us in the beautiful upstate NY village of Skaneateles, NY, for this unique retreat.

The Global Service-Learning Institute is a collaboration between Cornell University, New York Campus Compact and Amizade.
Campus Compact Members: $195.00
Non-Members:  $295.00
Graduate Student Scholarship Available
Lodging available at Stella Maris for $75.00 per night

Registration deadline: October 5th

Coordinator of community-based learning (environmental) at the University of Vermont - position open

[Announcement from he-sl listserv]

Hello folks,
the following position is open at UVM.  Would love to see strong SL folks in the applicant pool!


Coordinator of Community-Based Learning
Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources at the University of Vermont Vermont Agency of Natural Resources

The Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources (RSENR) at UVM has long-standing programs to support students in service-learning, internship, and research opportunities. This position is in collaboration with the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources. The Coordinator of Community-Based Learning will: Advise RSENR faculty in developing and implementing high quality service-learning experiences; Connect faculty with community partners to design these opportunities; Advise ANR staff in developing and implementing high quality internship, service-learning, and research experiences;  Serve as liaison between ANR and RSENR, connecting ANR staff with appropriate resources at RSENR and UVM.  Coordinator will assist with new efforts to assess student learning.  Time will be split between direct consultation and delivery of services to the RSENR and the ANR. This is a full-time, 9-month position contingent on continued funding. Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in a specialized or related field and 2-4 years related experience. Master’s degree preferred. Demonstrated commitment to diversity and inclusion. Valid Driver’s License. Excellent communication skills (oral and written). 
Prior experience with service-learning or community-based learning highly desirable. Experience with assessment of student learning preferred.

Susan Munkres, PhD -- Director
Office of Community-University Partnerships & Service-Learning University of Vermont
409 Billings Center
Burlington, VT 05405


September 2014 News from Community Science

September 2014

Measuring Sense of Community

Julia Lee, Ph.D., Managing Associate, Community Science 

Research has conclusively found that a sense of community (also described as social support, social cohesion, etc.) is one of the most important factors needed for social, psychological, and physical well-being. Community Science has been the leader in the field in the measurement of a sense of community. The Sense of Community Index version 2 (SCI-2) is based on a well-known theory introduced in a seminal piece on sense of community by David McMillan and Community Science's CEO David Chavis in 1986. The authors describe sense of community using four elements: membership, influence, meeting needs, and a shared emotional connection. Community Science developed the measurement tool to help assess sense of community. It is the most frequently used measurement of sense of community among researchers and practitioners globally. The original tool was a 12-item scale. The current version of this assessment instrument - the SCI-2 (which is a 24-item scale with four subscales) - was developed to better reflect the four elements of the theory and advances in research on this topic.   

Project Spotlight:
Strengthening Community in Action: Using the Sense of Community Index-2
Jon Clarke, Community and Neighborhood Resources Manager, City of Longmont, CO

I use the concepts of the Sense of Community Index to design programs that build a sense of community and to measure the effectiveness of those programs in building a sense of community. Those of us working for the City of Longmont, we know inherently that building a sense of community is a good thing. The Sense of Community Index has given me the ability to demonstrate to city leadership the results of the work that we are doing in our community.

Staff Profile: Sarya Sok 
Sarya Sok, MPA, Analyst, has a background in international evaluation for public health, democracy, human rights and governance, youth, civic education, refugees and immigration, natural resources, and climate change interventions. She is experienced in advising evaluation teams, developing qualitative and quantitative data collection tools, analyzing data, and writing reports. Before joining Community Science, she served as an independent consultant for a national education reform program in Jordan, a pilot impact evaluation of a Cambodian civic education program, and a global network analysis of newborn program partners. 
Fun fact: Sarya once pleaded with Thai bowling staff in Bangkok to allow her to purchase the bowling shoes she wore when she broke 150.
Cost: 200 baht (roughly $6).
Sour look on the bowling staff's face: Priceless.

Community Science Day of Service

On August 22, Community Science participated in its biannual day of service at A Wider Circle. A Wider Circle is a nonprofit organization with a mission to end poverty. They address the whole person through various programs targeting job preparedness, health and wellness, and housing. Through their Neighbor-to-Neighbor program, A Wider Circle provides beds, dressers, tables, and other large and small home goods free of charge to individuals in need. A student crew filmed A Closer Look at A Wider Circle on the day of service. 

"At A Wider Circle, we meet people every day who are living in unacceptable conditions - conditions that in this country we have the knowledge, creativity, and energy to change.  The only way it will change, however, is when companies (yes, companies!) lead the way.  Community Science has become an integral part of what we do at A Wider Circle, beyond the fantastic volunteer days they have here.  We learn a lot from Community Science, and we like putting them to work as well!  Here's to more volunteering - and to even more progress in the movement to end poverty," said Mark Bergel, PhD, Founder and Executive Director. Community Science staff spent the day sorting furniture, clothing, and stocking the organization's showroom. We have provided them with free planning and evaluation as well as placed an intern at their office last summer.

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Presentations and Publications

David M. Chavis, Ph.D., Principal Associate/CEO presented on
Evaluating Community Change at the Institute of Medicine's Meeting on Designing Evaluations for What Communities Value held in Washington, DC on August 27, 2014. Click here for a copy of the presentation.

David Chavis and Scott Hebert were the primary authors of a recently released publication by Grantmakers for Effective Organizations (GEO), entitled Evaluating Community Change: A Framework for Grantmakers. Click here to download a copy of this interactive document.

The Annie E. Casey Foundation released a report in July written by Scott Hebert, Principal Consultant to Community Science, entitled Local Voices: On-the-Ground Perspectives on Driving Community Change in the Making Connections Sites. The Local Voices report summarizes the findings of an evaluation of the initiative's effectiveness in enhancing these community sites' ability to pursue their local change agenda on an on-going basis. You can download the report from the

Upcoming Conferences

Community Indicators Consortium (CIC)
September 29-30, 2014
Washington, DC

October 15-18, 2014
Denver, CO

Community Science Logo 
Join Us!

Community Science is currently recruiting for the following positions:
(Washington, DC)  

(Washington, DC)

To learn more about each position, or apply now, visit 
the Community Science CAREERS page.

About Community Science

Community Science is an award winning research and development organization that works with governments, foundations, and non-profit organizations on solutions to social problems through community and other systems changes.

To learn more, visit our PROJECTS page. 

To discuss how Community Science can collaborate with your organization, contact us at 301-519-0722 or

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Community Science | 301-519-0722 | |
438 N. Frederick Ave.
Suite 315
Gaithersburg, MD 20878

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