Thursday, February 13, 2014

Senior Research Associate job opportunity in California

[Announcement from SCRA-L]

Senior Research Associate II
ETR, a private, non-profit organization focused on advancing science, reducing risk and improving lives, is seeking a qualified person to join the Agency as a Senior Research Associate II. ETR’s applied research, program development and evaluation projects focus on understanding and testing strategies to promote sexual and reproductive health and mental health, and to increase diversity in STEM education. Research is done in partnership with schools, colleges, universities, community-based organizations, and clinics, and employs multiple methods to conduct studies across the lifespan. Candidates with expertise in sexual and reproductive health, STEM education, mental health and wellness, and other areas of health promotion are of particular interest. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to: Serving as Principal Investigator and/or Project Director on one or more projects, collaborating with and supervising Agency staff in area of expertise, writing research manuscripts for publication and presentation in professional contexts, developing new project ideas and taking the lead in writing grant proposals.

Qualifications: Ph.D. in Public Health, Psychology, Education, Program Evaluation, Social Work, or related area; educational background in research and evaluation. At least 4 years, post-Ph.D., research/evaluation experience, including serving as principal investigator/project director on multiple projects simultaneously. Extensive content and/or method expertise in a scientific field. Skills in qualitative and quantitative research methods, instrument development, and statistical analysis. Bilingual candidate would be a plus.  Experience with SPSS, Excel, and other similar software desirable.
ETR offers a competitive salary and excellent fringe benefits. Please submit cover letter, resume and salary requirements to: T. Sanders, Human Resources Dept., ETR Associates, 4 Carbonero Way, Scotts Valley, CA  95066. E-mail: For a complete job announcement, go to EOE – M/F/V/D

Monday, February 10, 2014

call for papers: CBPR focus on children and adolescents in Family & Community Health

[Announcement from SCRA-L]

Family & Community Health
Due to Issue Editor: April 1, 2014
Dear CBPR and Community-Engaged Research Colleagues,

Family & Community Health (FCH) is soliciting manuscripts for an issue on community-based participatory research focused on children and adolescents.

Community-based Participatory Research (CBPR) is a collaborative approach to research that equitably involves both community members and academicians as partners contributing unique strengths to the research process.1-3 In contrast to more traditional research, projects using a CBPR approach rely on input and collaboration from community members at many steps of the research process, from defining the research topic to disseminating the results.3 Barbara Israel and colleagues outline five phases of CBPR21) partnership formation and maintenance; 2) community assessment and diagnosis; 3) definition of the issue; 4) documentation and evaluation of the partnership process; and 5) feedback, interpretation, dissemination, and application of results (p.13). CBPR aims to combine knowledge and action for change to improve community health and eliminate health disparities.4 Various research methods are used within a CBPR framework; however, CBPR projects can be distinguished by the value placed on cooperative research efforts that engage community members and researchers and in the relevance of the research for communities.2
The purpose of this issue of FCH is to highlight family and community health-related CBPR projects focused specifically on youth as partners in the research process. Manuscripts submitted to this issue may highlight one, several, or all of the phases of CBPR. Manuscripts from academic and community collaborators, especially those partnering with youth, are encouraged.

1.             Brydon-Miller M, Greenwood D, Maguire P. Why Action Research? Action Research. July 1, 2003 2003;1(1):9-28.

Family & Community Health (FCH) is an inter-professional journal that provides a forum to discuss family and community health care, health promotion and maintenance, innovations, and evidence based approaches in health care. A particular emphasis is given to how individuals, groups, and populations can effectively promote and maintain health. Issues contain articles from health care educators, researchers, and practitioners.

Manuscripts are due no later than April 1, 2014 and should be submitted via the online manuscript submission system directly to the 38.1 issue on CBPR. References must be cited in text and styled in the reference list according to the American Medical Association Manual of Style, ed. 10, Copyright 2009, AMA. Please consult the journal’s website for more detailed information about manuscript submission:

Best Regards,

FCH 38.1 Issue Editor, Lisa M. Vaughn, PhD

Social Action - new issue now on-line

[Announcement from SCRA-L]

The peer-reviewed on-line Journal for Social Action in Counseling and Psychology is co-sponsored by Psychologists for Social Responsibility and Counselors for Social Justice (ACA) is available free at

Journal for Social Action in Counseling and Psychology - Fall 2013, Volume 5, Number 3

Peer-Reviewed Articles
Giving Voice: Utilizing Critical Race Theory to Facilitate Consciousness of Racial Identity for Latina/o College Students
Alison Cerezo, Benedict T. McWhirter, Diana Peña, Marina Valdez, Cristina Bustos
Guiding Principles for Community Engagement: 
Reflections on a School-Based Sustainability Project

Charlotte Blythe, Niki Harré, Sindra Sharma, Victoria Dillon, Briar Douglas and Amadia Didsbury
Power Politics: Advocacy to Activism in Social Justice Counseling
Marian A. Lee, Tammy Jorgensen Smith, and Ryan G. Henry
Tod Sloan, Ph.D. 
Professor, Dept of Counseling Psychology
Co-Director, Center for Community Engagement
Lewis and Clark Graduate School of Education and Counseling
Portland, Oregon 97219 USA

Inscrições - 5ª Conferência Internacional d e Psicologia Comunitária/Registrations - 5th International Conference of Community Psychology

[Announcement from SCRA-L]

Please be sure to read the note below, and submit an abstract for the 5th International Community Psychology Conference. The submissions will be accepted until March 20. The previous conferences were outstanding, and I am sure that this one will be too. I hope to see you all there.
 best, vtf

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: 5CIPC Fortaleza 2014 <>
Date: 2014-01-13 8:46 GMT-05:00
Subject: Inscrições - 5ª Conferência Internacional de Psicologia Comunitária/Registrations - 5th International Conference of Community Psychology
5ª Conferência Internacional de Psicologia Comunitária/ 5th International Conference on Community Psychology/ 5ª Conferencia Internacional de Psicología Comunitaria - Inscrições Abertas/ Open Enrollment /Inscripciones Abiertas

As inscrições e submissões de trabalhos para Simpósios, Mesas Redondas, Comunicações, Pôsteres eletrônicos e Mini-cursos para a 5ª Conferência Internacional de Psicologia Comunitária, estarão abertas no período de 07 de janeiro à 20 de março, 2014. Acesse o site:

Las inscripciones y presentaciones de trabajos para Simposios, Mesas redondas, Ponencias, Pósters electronicos y Mini-cursos para la quinta Conferencia Internacional de Psicología Comunitaria estarán abiertas en el período de 7 enero hasta 20 marzo, 2014. Visite el sitio:

Inscriptions and Submissions for Symposium, Roundtables, Oral communications, Electronic Posters and Minicourses for the 5th International Conference on Community Psychology will be opened during the period from January 7 to March 20, 2014. Access the website:

Vincent T Francisco, PhD
Associate Professor
Editor, Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice
Dept of Public Health Education
The Univ. of North Carolina at Greensboro
437 HHP Building, P.O. Box 26170
1408 Walker Avenue
Greensboro, NC 27402-6170
voice: 336.334.5520, Fax: 336.334.3238

Connecting Campuses with Communities in Indianapolis May 12-16

[Announcement from he-sl listserv]

Just a reminder that the deadline to apply for Connecting Campuses with Communities at IUPUI May 12-16th is March 3rd!

This is an annual event co-sponsored by IUPUI's Center for Service & Learning and Indiana Campus Compact. There are 2 events during this week and you can apply to participate in either one or both. The Service Learning Institute is ideal for those interested in developing a service learning course or enhancing an existing course. The Research Academy is designed to help individuals advance their community-engaged research project. Last year there were 56 participants representing 41 institutions. Past participants said they valued the opportunity to share ideas and network with colleagues. The event provides a space for intensive and focused community-engaged work to occur.

Apply online before March 3rd! Applicants will be notified if they have been accepted by mid-March. Space is limited.

Kristin Norris,
Assessment Director
IUPUI Center for Service & Learning

Position Opening - Graduate Assistant for Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement, NASPA

[Announcement from he-sl listserv]

Graduate Assistant, Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement
NASPA – Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education is offering a graduate assistantship to a doctoral student interested in civic learning and democratic engagement. This assistantship will allow the student to continue to develop research and program analysis skills, as well as expertise in civic learning initiatives, as part of a team of researchers, practitioners and higher education experts.

NASPA is the leading association for the advancement, health, and sustainability of the student affairs profession. We serve a full range of professionals who provide programs, experiences, and services that cultivate student learning and success in concert with the mission of our colleges and universities. The graduate assistant will provide assistance for NASPA’s Director of Civic Learning Initiatives, as well as provide program support to the Lead Initiative; share information through the Lead Initiative blog and scholarly writing; and promote voter engagement activities. 

The assistantship will begin in February of 2014 and conclude in the Fall/Winter of 2014.  Extensions may be possible based upon both student and NASPA interest.  The graduate assistant position requires approximately 20 hours of work per week.  Both local and remote candidates will be considered.

For more information, please download the full job description here or contact Laura Sponsler, Ph.D., Director of Civic Learning Initiatives at

IJRSLCE Call for Editor Applications

[Announcement from IARSLCE listserv]

IARSLCE logo tree 

February 4, 2014
Call for Applications: Editor
International Journal of Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement

The International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement (IARSLCE) is seeking applications for the position of Editor of the journal, The International Journal of Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement (IJRSLCE). IJRSLCE is a peer-reviewed, annual, online journal dedicated to the publication of high quality research focused on service-learning, community-campus engagement and the promotion of active and effective citizenship through education. An important aim of IJRSLCE is to reflect the diversity of topics of research on service-learning and community engagement, as well as the variety of forms of scholarship, research methodologies, and educational settings associated with these fields.

The Editor will be responsible for developing and producing journal content, including soliciting articles, reviews, and other journal content; managing the review of articles; selecting manuscripts for publication; providing feedback and support for authors; copy editing and preparing articles for publication; and managing the publication of the Journal on the online publication platform. The Editor will address future directions for the journal in collaboration with the Editorial Board. Other editorial activities will include working with the Administrative Director and Publications Committee in marketing the journal and planning and coordinating journal-related sessions at IARSLCE's annual conference in collaboration with the Conference Oversight committee. IARSLCE will provide partial support for a graduate student assistant editor. IJRSLCE is a very new venture, and the editorship provides an exciting opportunity to shape and contribute to emerging scholarship in the field of K-20 service-learning, community engagement, and civic development.

To Apply:

Each applicant should submit a CV and a letter of interest. Documents should detail areas of expertise; prior editorial experience; and record of scholarly work in service-learning and community engagement. Preference will be given to applicants with editorial experience. Given that serving as Editor of IJRSLCE will require significant professional, unpaid service, the potential for support from the applicant's institution, such as release time, graduate student support, and/or administrative support, will also be taken into consideration.
Applications are due to Tara Luparello at by February 28, 2013. Questions about the position may be directed to Dr. Susan Root, or Dr. Andy Furco,, Co-Chairs of the IARSLCE Publications Committee. 

New Book! Knowledge, Engagement and Higher Education Contributing to Social Change

[Announcement from Comm-engagedscholarship]

Dear community-engaged scholarship colleagues,

Knowledge, Engagement and Higher Education Contributing to Social Change:
Higher Education in the World 5 has just been published by Palgrave MacMillan

This Report looks at critical dimensions in our understanding of the roles, and potential roles, of higher education institutions (HEIs) as active players in contributing to social change and the creation of another possible world. The first aim is to look at our changing understandings about who the agents of knowledge creation are and how the creation, distribution and use of knowledge are linked to our aspirations for a better world. The Report offers us elements of a vision for a renewed and socially responsible relationship between higher education, knowledge and society.
The second aim is to provide visibility for and critically examine one of the most significant trends in higher education over the past 10–15 years:
the growth of the theory and practice of engagement as a key feature in the evolution of higher education.

The report is a product of three years research, consultations, academic seminars and an international conference.  The overall work was led by the GUNi team, with Cristina Esgrigas as the Executive Director.  Rajesh Tandon of India and Budd Hall of Canada, the jointly appointed UNESCO Chairs in Community-Based Research and Social Responsibility in Higher Education served as Guest Editors of the report.

Seventy-Six authors, specialists and scholars from all continents contributed to this most comprehensive report ever done on the global dimensions of community university knowledge partnerships and engagement.

The report is structured into six sections: (1) The context, (2) Global Issues on Knowledge, Engagement and Higher Education, (3) Research on Knowledge, Engagement and Higher Education. (4) Regional Developments, (5) Future Visions and An Agenda for Action and (5) Further Reading

Details and free download of the introduction:

Launches of this ground breaking report that we are already planned for the Living Knowledge Conference in Copenhagen, April 2014, but also for UK, Canada, Spain, Korea, Malta, USA, Hong Kong, Ireland and India. GUNi would like to hear from others who have an interest in organizing a launch, symposium or other activities based on the report. Please contact Cristina Esgrigas for further information

Community-Campus Partnerships for Health promotes health equity and social justice through partnerships between communities and academic institutions.

Join us at CCPH’s 13th International Conference: From Rhetoric to Reality: Achieving Authentic, Equitable & Transformative Partnerships, April 30 - May 3, 2014, Chicago, IL

Become a CCPH member and access resources to support genuine community-academic partnerships!

Stay on top of the latest CCPH news through Facebook, LinkedIn & Twitter!


Nominate a Young Person for the Hasbro Community Action Hero Award!

[Announcement from he-sl listserv]

Hi All,

I wanted to let you know that generationOn is now seeking nominations for the Hasbro Community Action Hero award, which recognizes youth (ages 5-18) for completing outstanding community service. Nominations will be accepted through Tuesday, February 25, 2014 at 5pm EST. If you know any young people who are making a difference in their local or global communities, please consider completing a nomination form  by clicking here:

You can find additional details below.


Elizabeth D. Kaeser

Call for 2014 Hasbro Community Action Hero Award Nominations
Deadline: 5 p.m. EST - Tuesday, February 25th, 2014

generationOn is now accepting nominations for the 
Hasbro Community Action Hero Award!
The Hasbro Community Action Hero Award recognizes outstanding young volunteers who show that you are never too young to make a difference in your local or global community. Hasbro Children's Fund and generationOn will celebrate six young people between the ages of 5 and 18 for their extraordinary community service and volunteer activities at a special recognition event in New York City and award each winner a $1,000 educational scholarship.

A Hasbro Community Action Hero is a young person who makes an extraordinary mark on the world through service. The nominee's achievements must demonstrate one or more of the following characteristics:
  • Outstanding service to one's local, national or global community.
  • Extraordinary effort in creating innovative solutions to community needs.
  • Leadership of an exceptional service or advocacy activity.
Nominations accepted now through 5:00 p.m. EST on Tuesday, February 25th, 2014
GenerationOn is the global youth service movement igniting the power of all kids to make their mark on the world. As Points of Light's youth service division, generationOn inspires, equips and mobilizes youth to take action through generationOn service clubs, schools, youth organizations, campaigns and youth leadership initiatives. It also provides tools and resources to youth, families and educators to help kids change the world and themselves through service. To learn more about how to get involved, visit  

Apply Today! Summer Graduate Internship at Prevention Institute

[Announcement from SCRA-L]

From: [] On Behalf Of Prevention Institute
Sent: Friday, January 31, 2014 1:51 PM
Subject: Apply Today! Summer Graduate Internship at Prevention Institute

Prevention Institute
Prevention Institute alert: January 31, 2014
Now Seeking Graduate Interns to Work With Us This Summer (2014)
Prevention Institute is now accepting applications for Graduate Interns for the summer of 2014. We're looking for graduate students who are committed to improving health and safety and reducing inequities through a focus on prevention. You’ll have a chance to grow your skills by working with our organizational teams to address health and social issues using a prevention approach, including violence prevention, injury prevention, traffic safety, health reform implementation and healthy food and physical activity promotion.
Prevention Institute's internship program is for continuing graduate students (masters or doctoral) in public health, social work, public policy, urban planning, and related fields. Internships are paid and we ask students to commit to working 40 hours per week for 10-12 weeks. Our internship provides students with the opportunity to:
  1. Apply what they are learning in graduate school by delving deep into a project or set of projects
  2. Learn about Prevention Institute, our unique approach and how the practice of primary prevention is taking hold across the country. Applications are due February 16th.
To learn more, including how to apply, please visit our site. And please spread the word by forwarding this announcement to interested candidates and organizations or sharing with relevant online groups.

‘An Invaluable Experience’

“Interning at Prevention Institute has been the most important professional experience of my academic career. The work is rewarding and the opportunities for skill-building, professional development and real-world learning have been invaluable.”
– William L. Haar
MPH/MSW Student,
UC Berkeley, 2014

Apply Today

Applications for 2014 Summer Graduate Internships are due February 16. Learn more and apply.

E-Cigarette Makers Give Public the Finger

E-cigarette use is rising rapidly, with teenagers a key target of marketing efforts. In our latest Forbes blog, we explore what's at stake for public health as e-cigarettes make their way onto the market and into the mainstream, targeting youth and bringing smoking back into the public eye.
See Calendar
Visit the Forum

Stay Connected

Visit our website:
Prevention Institute
221 Oak Street
Oakland, CA 94607
t 510-444-7738 | email:

Accepting Applications: Community & Social Change Masters Program at the University of Miami

[Announcement from SCRA-L]

The Community and Social Change Masters Program (C&SC) in the Educational and Psychological Studies Department at the University of Miami is accepting applications for the 2014 Fall semester. Although the admissions deadline is rolling, applicants seeking program scholarships, international students, and Peace Corps Masters International students should apply by March 1st.

The Program
The mission of the program in Community & Social Change is to prepare globally aware leaders, researchers, and agents of change who create, inspire, and engage community organizations to foster well-being in diverse community settings.
C&SC is an interdisciplinary program that prepares students in community organization leadership, evaluation, applied research, and more. Our 30 credit program is a flexible executive-model hybrid that allows students to attend full time while working. Graduates of the program are employed in community organizations, education, and program evaluation.

C&SC courses are scheduled with sufficient flexibility to accommodate working professionals and students who cannot relocate to South Florida. Most core program courses are held over 1 weekend per month during the fall and spring. Two of the core courses are held as week-long intensive courses at the beginning and end of the first academic year. Other courses are taught online, by arrangement, or during the regular semester. We have dedicated travel funding for outstanding students who wish to commute long-distance to attend courses.

Core program faculty offer a variety of expertise, including organizational operations, applied research, community and organizational theory, program evaluation, and numerous topics of specialization:

The Community and Social Change Program has need and merit-based scholarships available. For consideration, all application materials must be submitted by the March 1st deadline. Additionally, applicants seeking program scholarships should attach a letter (1 page maximum) to their personal statement in their application that outlines outstanding need and/or merit. City Year alumni receive a 25% tuition fellowship. Students seeking loans should complete the FAFSA (, making sure to include the University of Miami as a recipient of the FAFSA materials. Students may also apply for graduate student work opportunities include Federal Work-Study, departmental hirings, and graduate assistantships.

Peace Corps Masters International: This C&SC specialization is designed to allow students the unique opportunity of integrating a master’s degree with overseas service in community youth development. The mission of the program is to prepare a new generation of creative leaders for the not-for-profit/non-governmental sector. Master’s International students serve in over 70 different countries and participate in every aspect of life overseas. For more information, contact Scot Evans (
Joint Law (JD)/Community and Social change (MS): This joint program allows students to pursue a law degree and a masters in C&SC with 15 overlapping credits. Students first apply to the law school and then C&SC after one year of attendance. For more information, contact Sandra Abraham in the Law School ( and Courte Voorhees in C&SC (

Applications and Deadlines
The C&SC program has rolling admissions, but for international students, Peace Corps Masters International (PCMI) students, and priority consideration for scholarships, students should apply by March 1st. All application materials must be submitted online to the Graduate School ( The program begins in late August.
We look forward to your application! We especially encourage students from ethnic and racial minorities or who identify with historically marginalized groups. For further information on applying to the Community and Social change Program, please contact our recruitment coordinator Fareza Kahn ( for further information on the program, please visit our website (
Current mid-day temperature in Coral Gables is 79 degrees.

Courte Voorhees, Ph.D.
Clinical Assistant Professor
Educational & Psychological Studies
Director, Community & Social Change Master's Program
University of Miami School of Education & Human Development
Society for Community Research and Action Southeast Regional Coordinator
Campus Office: Merrick Building 311-G
C-mail: HGBL@unseen
Ph: 305-284-5956
Fx: 305-284-3003