Tuesday, March 22, 2011

PSU's International Institute on Partnerships (IIP) - Early Registration end April 1

[Announcement from he-sl listserv]

Friends and colleagues-
If you have not already done so, we invite you to register for the International Institute on Partnerships before Friday, April 1st and take advantage of our early bird discount.

Join us in May, along with participants from across the globe, as we engage in a wide breadth of innovative and interactive sessions exploring the role of community-higher education PARTNERSHIPS in society. This Institute will be dynamic; we have intentionally designed sessions to be focused, practical. authentic, and engaging. Alongside many local, national and international community partners our overarching goal for the Institute is to learn together.
International Institute on Partnerships || May 23rd-25th, 2011 || Portland State University Campus, Portland, OR. USA
To Register: http://www.peopleware.net/index.cfm?siteId=827&eventDisp=CAE More Info: http://www.pdx.edu/cae/international-institute-partnerships Questions?: iip2011@pdx.edu
Hope to see you in Portland this spring!
Best, Kevin
Kevin Kecskes, PhD
Associate Vice Provost for Engagement
Director, Community-University Partnerships
Center for Academic Excellence
Portland State University
PO Box 751
Portland, OR 97207
(503) 725-5642
**Join us for PSU's International Institute on Partnerships (IIP), May 23-25**

Service Learning Conference - Register Now

[Announcement from he-sl listserv]

The Community College National Center for Community Engagement (CCNCCE) invites you to register now and join us at our 20th annual national conference, May 25-27, 2011 at the DoubleTree Paradise Valley Resort in Scottsdale, Arizona.
We are honored to have as our keynote speakers four premier leaders in our country, Stephen A. Patrick, Senior Program Officer, U.S. Program, Education - Postsecondary Success, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation;  Andrew Furco, Ed.D., Associate Vice President for Public Engagement /Associate Professor, University of Minnesota;  Shela Hildalgo, Student, Mesa Community College and Casey Crabill , Ed.D., President, Raritan Valley Community College
The theme of this year's conference is: 
Hand in Hand:  Service Learning and College Completion
For complete information on our conference, please go to our conference web pages at:

All of our workshop presenters are prepared to assist you in enhancing and strengthening your service learning and civic engagement programs. But most of all we look forward to learning from each and everyone of you.

Early bird registrations is fast approaching - register now.
We look forward to seeing  you all in May!

Lyvier Conss
Executive Director
Community College National Center
for Community Engagement
1025 N. Country Club Dr., Suite 320
Mesa, AZ 85201
480-461-6281 - o
480-461-6284 - f

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Invitation to Graduate Students: The Community Research Workshop, April 15th, at Northwestern

[Announcement from OVCPE listserv]
The Center for Civic Engagement at Northwestern University invites you to the Second Annual:

Date: Friday, April 15, 2011
Time: 9:00am – 1:30pm
Location: Wildcat Room, Norris University Center at Northwestern University

The Community Research Workshop II, organized under the auspices of Northwestern University’s Center for Civic Engagement, is a half-day learning and networking event planned and executed for graduate students by graduate students. The purpose of the workshop is to provide participants with direction and resources for developing strong, mutually-beneficial relationships with communities and community organizations. Toward that end, the workshop hosts a discussion panel of speakers who can address the challenges and strategies involved in community-based research.  This panel is followed by a Q&A session, small group sessions, and a networking session designed to give participants the opportunity to discuss their ideas and experiences in a collaborative setting.  For more information, please see our registration page.

Registration is free but space is limited, so please RSVP by April 8, 2011.


[Announcement from he-sl listserv]

Dear service-learning colleagues,

The BE BIG Campaign invites everyone, big and small, to take action and raise awareness for how Clifford's BIG Ideas (Share, Be Kind, Help Others, Be a Good Friend, Play Fair, Have Respect, Be Truthful, Believe in Yourself, Work Together and Be Responsible) can make the world a better place.

As part of the BE BIG Campaign, the 3rd Annual BE BIG in Your Community Contest will award $75,000 in community grants to the BIGGEST ideas that best demonstrate Clifford's BIG Ideas!

Last year's Grand Prize Winner, Jennifer O. and her team's BIG Idea to create a hospital classroom for young cancer patients in her local hospital won $25,000 from the BE BIG Fund.  Among the first prize winners were programs that involved AmeriCorps members.  Your BIG Idea might just be next!

Scholastic, HandsOn Network and American Family Insurance will work with the winners to bring their Big Ideas to life!  Everyone is invited-parents, kids, teachers or community leaders-to submit their ideas now through June 17, 2011.

For contest entry forms and official rules visit www.scholastic.com/cliffordbebig/contest

BIG Awards!

One (1) Grand Prize BIG Idea will win a $25,000 Grant, Ten (10) first place BIG Ideas will win a $2,500 Grant and Nineteen (19) second place BIG Ideas will be selected to receive a $1,315.79 Grant (via HandsOn Network affiliate organizations or designees) from the BE BIG Fund to be used towards implementing the winning proposals.


Rahma Osman
Program Assistant

Community-Campus Partnerships for Health promotes health (broadly defined)
through partnerships between communities and higher educational institutions.
Join us for "Community-University Partnerships: Bringing Global Perspectives
to Local Action," May 10-14, 2011 in Waterloo Region, ON, Canada!

Stay on top of the latest CCPH news through Facebook, LinkedIn & Twitter!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Master's in Community and Social Change at the University of Miami and Peace Corps Master's

[Announcement from Comm-engagedscholarship listserv]

The Department of Educational and Psychological Studies in the School of Education at the University of Miami is now offering a Master’s Degree in Community and Social Change. The program is designed to prepare a new generation of innovative leaders for the not-for-profit sector who are knowledgeable in the research, theories, and practice of promoting well-being in community settings.

The 30-credit program in Community and Social Change is designed to accommodate a variety of students by offering courses in the evening, on weekends and during summer institutes. The University of Miami is increasingly committed to civic engagement and “community-engaged scholarship” - scholarship that involves faculty members and students in a mutually beneficial partnership with the community. The masters program in CSC is similarly committed to building and maintaining these types of mutually beneficial partnerships.

For more information:

WEB: www.education.miami.edu/a>;http://www.education.miami.edu/>/socialchange
FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/UMiamiCSC
TWITTER: @umcscmasters
Email: Program Director, Dr. Laura Kohn Wood, l.kohnwood@miami.edu

The Peace Corps or Graduate School …Why not do both?

Announcing the new...

The Peace Corps Master’s International Program in Community and Social Change

The 30-credit Peace Corps Master’s International program in Community and Social Change is designed to allow students the unique opportunity of combining a master's degree in Community and Social Change at the University of Miami with overseas Peace Corps service in community youth development. The special emphasis on community youth development will provide students with a deep understanding of the current global issues facing young people and help build skills for working with and for young people in multicultural settings.

For more information:

WEB: www.education.miami.edu/a>;http://www.education.miami.edu/>/pcmi
FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/UMiamiCSC
TWITTER: @umcscmasters
Email: PCMI Coordinator, Dr. Scot Evans, s.evans4@miami.edu

Seeking Submissions for a Service Learning Special Issue of the National Forensics Journal

[Annoucement from he-sl listserv]

This special issue of the National Forensics Journal is devoted to service learning. As educators, helping students understand the importance of service is critical to personal growth.  The National Service-Learning Clearinghouse (2011) defines service-learning as "a teaching and learning strategy that integrates meaningful community service with instruction and reflection to enrich the learning experience, teach civic responsibility, and strengthen communities" (para. 1). This learning strategy provides practical application for classroom learning and individual reflection.

This peer reviewed special issue calls for articles that illuminate service learning within forensics or within education that has residual effects for the forensics community. Submissions should provide insight into the influences that service learning has on students, educators and the community. Explanation of the project, outcomes, and reflections are necessary aspects of the submission.  Additionally, if the service learning occurred within a classroom setting, conclusions must apply to the forensics community to achieve the mission of the journal. All types of research are welcome.

Submission Guidelines
Research submitted to the journal will be anonymously peer-reviewed; no material identifying the author(s) should appear in the body of the submitted work. The paper must not have appeared in any other published form. Each submission should be written in the 6th edition of American Psychological Association and submitted electronically. By submitting, authors warrant that (a) they will not submit the work to any other publications while the manuscript is under review with NFJ, (b) the work is original, and (c) appropriate credit has been given to other contributors, including students, to the project. Report of original research should not exceed 25 double-spaced pages (12-pt. Times New Roman, 1" margins; excluding references, tables, figures, and appendixes).

In submitting, authors agree to assign copyright of their manuscripts, if accepted, to NFA.  Manuscripts should be submitted by June 30, 2011. The journal will be published for the Fall 2011 edition. Authors should send a manuscript (as well as inquiries) as an attachment to: Kittie Grace, NFJ Guest Editor, kgrace@hastings.edu. Please include a less than 150-word abstract of the research on a separate page. Additional materials can be sent to: Dr. Kittie Grace, Hastings College, 710 N. Turner Ave., Hastings, NE 68901.

Dr. Kittie Grace
Hastings College
710 N. Turner Ave.
Hastings, NE 68901

Call for Proposals for Institute on Global Service-Learning

[Announcement from he-sl listserv]

4th Annual Institute on Global Service-Learning
Pace University
June 9 & 10
Co-sponsored by Cornell University, Pace University, and New York Campus Compact

Call for Workshop Proposals

Interactive workshop proposals are now being accepted for the 4th Annual Institute on Global Service-Learning.  This institute is designed by faculty for faculty who work or are planning to work with students on global issues using service-learning pedagogy both in the U.S. and in international settings. Proposals will be accepted until Friday, March 18, 2011 by 5:00 p.m. Workshops should be proposed for 60 or 90 minute sessions.

Criteria for selection:

·         Extent to which proposal demonstrates the use of service-learning pedagogy while working with students on global issues either domestically or internationally;

·         Extent to which the proposal involves the audience;

·         Extent to which the proposal demonstrates best practices in service-learning, community-based research, and community partnerships.

Format – All proposals should include the following:

1.       Title of Workshop

2.       Names, titles, and short biographical statement for presenters

3.       Format (e.g., panel followed by Q & A; facilitation style of problem-solving; small group exercises)

4.       Abstract – three or four sentences that accurately describe what participants can expect from attending the workshop.

Please submit all proposals electronically to nycc@cornell.edu no later than Friday, March 18, 2011 by 5:00 p.m.

Service Learning Course Development: Design, Community Partnerships and Syllabus Creation

[Announcement from he-sl listserv]

 More information - http://www.innovativeeducators.org/product_p/550.htm
This 3 part series will combine theory and best practices to create a nuts-and-bolts approach to developing effective service-learning courses.  The sessions will guide service-learning faculty through the complicated, but rewarding process of building a service-learning experience that benefits students, the community and their futures.  See specific webinar descriptions below.   

Webinar 1 - March 22
Designing a Successful Service Learning Course: A Practical Approach
Join us for a nuts-and-bolts presentation that will guide service-learning faculty through the complicated, but rewarding process of building a service-learning experience that benefits students, the community and their futures. A practical, step-by-step approach will be presented.
Webinar 2 - March 29
Service-Learning Course Development: Developing Real Community Partnerships that Work
This course will help service-learning faculty to match their desired service-learning courses to appropriate, developmental service-experiences and reflections throughout the semester. It will take them through the idea stage, to community collaboration in course design, to syllabus development, to constructing productive assignments to exams or other culminating experiences.

Webinar 3 - April 5
How to Design an Effective Service Learning Course Syllabus This webinar will help participants learn how to communicate consistently, effectively and to the right people. It will take attendees through the critical steps of establishing strategies for use on campus, with the media, and with other important groups; developing messages; defining audiences, setting objectives, preparing budgets, structuring assessments and creating timelines. 
Who is the Instructor?
Maureen Shubow Rubin was appointed Associate Dean of the Mike Curb College of Arts, Media, and Communication at California State University, Northridge in 2010.  She served as Director of Undergraduate Studies from 2006 to 2010.  Prior to this position, since 1998 she served as founding director of the Center for Community-Service Learning where she helped to develop and secure funding for over 300 new service-learning classes.  She has written and implemented successful grant proposals to help students on her campus participate in projects centered on gang prevention, school readiness, computer literacy, self-help legal assistance, and bringing English and citizenship skills to immigrant elders, among others.  An experienced faculty trainer and peer mentor, she has published widely about service-learning pedagogy, civic engagement, community collaboration and effective outreach. In 2001, she was awarded the Richard E. Cone Award from California Campus Compact for excellence and leadership in cultivating community partnerships in higher education. 
Rubin joined the University in 1984 as a professor of journalism where she specialized in teaching law, public relations and media ethics, all of which have been subjects of numerous articles she wrote for both scholarly journals and mainstream media. In 1993, she was voted Outstanding Journalism Educator in the State of California by the California Newspaper Publishers Association. Prior to joining the university, Rubin was Director of Public Information for President Carter's Special Assistant for Consumer Affairs in the White House, and held similar positions for a U.S. Congresswoman and Consumer Federation of America. Rubin is a graduate of the Catholic University School of Law In Washington, D.C., holds a Master of Arts degree in Public Relations from University of Southern California and a Bachelor of Science degree in Journalism from Boston University.

2011 IARSLCE Annual Conference Proposal Submissions

[Announcement from IARSLCE listserv]

2011 IARSLCE Annual Conference
Research for Impact: Scholarship Advancing Social Change
November 2 - 4, 2011
Chicago, Illinois

Submission of Proposals - System Live

We are excited to announce the launch of our online Proposal Submission System for the 2011 IARSLCE Annual Conferece.  Please follow the submission instructions on the website.  For technical assistance, you may use the support link at the top of each page.  Proposals may be submitted here:

To be considered, all proposals must be received via online submission by April 15, 2011, 11:59 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time). Incomplete proposal submissions will not be reviewed. Proposals will be peer reviewed and notification of acceptance will be sent in June 2011.

Visit our website for further information.
ABSTRACTS should be limited to 100 words.
PROPOSAL NARRATIVES should be limited to 1000 words.

For questions about proposal content, please contact Patrick Green at pgreen@luc.edu

For general questions regarding the IARSLCE, please contact Stephanie O'Brien at sobrien1@tulane.edu


2011 Summer Research Institute on the Future of Community Engagement in Higher Education

[Announcement from Comm-engagedscholarship listserv]

Dear community-engaged scholarship colleagues,

Please see message below:

Hello all,

It is with excitement that we announce the 2nd annual Summer Research Institute on the Future of Community Engagement in Higher Education. The Institute - sponsored by Merrimack College's Center for an Engaged Democracy and Boston University's Center for Character and Social Responsibility, and hosted at Boston University's School of Education will be held this year on June 24-26, 2011. This year's keynote speaker will be Benjamin Barber, Distinguished Senior Fellow at Demos, president of the international NGO CivWorld at Demos and the Interdependence Movement, and the Walt Whitman Professor of Political Science Emeritus, Rutgers University.

This institute was begun because there are by now dozens of academic programs - certificates, minors, and majors - focused on community engagement, broadly defined, scattered across higher education. The first research institute in 2010 brought together 90 scholars, students, and community participants to engage critical questions of what it means to have an "academic home" for community engagement in higher education. This year, join an ever-growing group of administrators, faculty, researchers, graduate students, and community partners for the next step in growing this academic movement that is institutionalizing civic and community engagement in departments and academic programs through certificates, minors, majors, and interdisciplinary concentrations. Our goal for this conference and beyond is to support new and developing academic programs in community engagement; to provide a voice in the community engagement movement for the value of such academic programs; and to build a vibrant research base and academic community for scholars and practitioners committed to institutionalizing community engagement in higher education through such academic programs.

You can view a draft agenda, hotel information, key resources from last year's conference, and register on our website at

Space is limited, so please register early. For additional information or questions, contact Sarah Novick (a doctoral student at BU and the institute coordinator) at snovick@bu.edu. We look forward to seeing you and please pass this information on to colleagues who may be interested in this as well.

Best wishes,

Dan W. Butin and Scott Seider

Community-Campus Partnerships for Health promotes health (broadly defined)
through partnerships between communities and higher educational institutions.
Join us for "Community-University Partnerships: Bringing Global Perspectives
to Local Action," May 10-14, 2011 in Waterloo Region, ON, Canada!

Stay on top of the latest CCPH news through Facebook, LinkedIn & Twitter!

PACE webinar "Trend or Tipping Point: Arts and Social Change Grantmaking"

[Announcement from Comm-engagedscholarship listserv]

Dear community-engaged scholarship colleagues,

We thought this webinar sponsored by Philanthropy for Active Civic Engagement (a funder affinity group) might be of interest to some of you:

 PACE Webinar: 'Trend or Tipping Point: Arts and Social Change Grantmaking'
                           Monday, March 21, 2011
                           2:00 PM - 3:00 PM EDT
                             Space is limited.
                     Reserve your Webinar seat now at:

Across sectors, artists and arts organizations are increasingly being called
   upon to activate the social imagination, motivate civic participation,
broaden who has voice, ground grassroots organizing, and lend inspirational
images, messages, and meaning to catalyze and sustain the work of community
development, civic engagement, and movement building.  Join us to discuss
findings of the recent report, Trend or Tipping Point: Arts & Social Change
 Grantmaking.  Released by Americans for the Arts Animating Democracy
   program, the report assembles a first-time portrait of arts and social
  change funders, and others supporting civic engagement and social change
                 through arts and cultural strategies. 

 Animating Democracy co-directors Barbara Schaffer Bacon and Pam Korza will
    offer an overview of the range of funders supporting this work, how
 grantmakers think about community, civic, and social change in the context
   of agency goals, and what outcomes they are looking for through their
support. Whether exploring or affirming your place in supporting ?arts for
 change,? this webinar can inform planning conversations, program design,
   and assessment interests.  Learn, too, about related resources from
   Animating Democracy?s full Arts & Social Change Mapping Initiative.

   Barbara Schaffer Bacon and Pam Korza co-direct Animating Democracy, a
  program of Americans for the Arts that inspires, informs, promotes, and
 connects arts and culture as potent contributors to community, civic, and
social change. John Esterle, the Executive Director of The Whitman Institute
 and a member of the PACE board, will introduce and facilitate the webinar.

    The Trend or Tipping Point study is supported by the Nathan Cummings
  Foundation, CrossCurrents Foundation, Open Society Foundations, Lambent
                     Foundation, and Surdna Foundation.

     After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing
                   information about joining the Webinar.

Community-Campus Partnerships for Health promotes health (broadly defined)
through partnerships between communities and higher educational institutions.
Join us for "Community-University Partnerships: Bringing Global Perspectives
to Local Action," May 10-14, 2011 in Waterloo Region, ON, Canada!

Stay on top of the latest CCPH news through Facebook, LinkedIn & Twitter!

Proposals due March 30 for conference, "Arts and Humanities: Toward a Flourishing State?"

[Announcement from Comm-engagedscholarship listserv]

Dear community-engaged scholarship colleagues,

Arts & Humanities: Toward a Flourishing State?
Association of American Colleges & Universities' Network for Academic Renewal
November 3-5, 2011
Providence, Rhode Island
Proposals are due March 30

Arts & Humanities: Toward a Flourishing State? will focus attention on innovative and practical approaches to the arts and humanities as integral to liberal education. It will explore ways in which campuses and classrooms are addressing the well-being of the arts and humanities and connecting them with other disciplines, professional fields, and the common good of communities, from local to global.

Proposals are invited on four major themes:

    * The arts and humanities engaged by big questions, both contemporary and enduring
    * The arts and humanities practiced extensively across the curriculum, engaging creativity, critical thinking, inquiry and analysis, and an array of literacies
    * The arts and humanities as human expression, anchored through active involvement in civic life, in local and global communities, addressing real-world challenges across peoples lives
    * The arts and humanities in synthesis and advanced accomplishment, demonstrated through application and performance, using new pedagogies and forms of assessment

Learn more about this conference and the call for proposals online at

For more information, please call 202-387-3760 or write to network@aacu.org

Community-Campus Partnerships for Health promotes health (broadly defined)
through partnerships between communities and higher educational institutions.
Join us for "Community-University Partnerships: Bringing Global Perspectives
to Local Action," May 10-14, 2011 in Waterloo Region, ON, Canada!

Stay on top of the latest CCPH news through Facebook, LinkedIn & Twitter!

Nominations due Apr 29 for Lynton Award for Scholarship of Engagement for Early Career Faculty

[Announcement from Comm-engagedscholarship listserv]

Nominations due Apr 29 for Lynton Award for Scholarship of Engagement for Early Career Faculty at U.S. Higher Ed Institutions

Dear community-engaged scholarship colleagues,

                    2011 Ernest A. Lynton Award for the
             Scholarship of Engagement for Early Career Faculty

Sponsored by the New England Resource Center for Higher Education (NERCHE)

The annual Ernest A. Lynton Award for the Scholarship of Engagement for
Early Career Faculty recognizes a faculty member who is pre-tenure at
tenure-granting campuses and early career (i.e., within the first six years)
at campuses with long-term contracts and who connects his or her teaching,
research, and service to community engagement.

Community engagement describes the collaboration between faculty and their
larger communities (local, regional/state, national, global) for the
mutually beneficial exchange of knowledge and resources in a context of
partnership and reciprocity.

--Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching

The Lynton Award emphasizes community-based scholarly work across faculty
roles. The scholarship of engagement (also known as outreach scholarship,
public scholarship, scholarship for the common good, community-based
scholarship, and community-engaged scholarship) represents an integrated
view of the faculty role in which teaching, research/creative activity, and
service overlap and are mutually reinforcing, is characterized by scholarly
work tied to a faculty member's expertise, is of benefit to the external
community, is visible and shared with community stakeholders, and reflects
the mission of the institution. In addition, NERCHE conceptualizes scholarly
engagement in terms of social justice in a diverse democracy.

The award will be presented at the 17th Annual Conference of the Coalition
of Urban and Metropolitan Universities (CUMU) which will be held from
October 9-11, 2011, at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis.
CUMU is a co-sponsor of the Award.

The recipient of the award will have several opportunities to disseminate
his or her community based work, including presenting at the CUMU
conference, publishing in the Metropolitan Universities Journal, and
participating in one or more of NERCHE's Virtual Think Tanks focused on
community-based scholarly work.

2011 Lynton Award Nominations:

 *  Nominations can be made by academic colleagues, administrators,
    students, and community partners.
 *  More than one faculty member from a single college or university may be
    nominated. Please complete separate applications for each nominee.

Nominators will submit nominations via an online application.  To submit an
application, please see the Application Instructions at http://bit.ly/g3sO7U

Application Deadline: Friday, April 29, 2011.

If you have any questions regarding the Ernest A. Lynton Award, please
contact NERCHE via email at nerche@umb.edu or by phone at (617) 287-7740.


Rahma Osman
Program Assistant

Community-Campus Partnerships for Health promotes health (broadly defined)
through partnerships between communities and higher educational institutions.
Join us for "Community-University Partnerships: Bringing Global Perspectives
to Local Action," May 10-14, 2011 in Waterloo Region, ON, Canada!

Stay on top of the latest CCPH news through Facebook, LinkedIn & Twitter!

Community-Campus Partnerships: What Makes Them Work? CACSL Symposium at CUExpo on May 10

[Announcement from Comm-engagedscholarship listserv]

Dear community-engaged scholarship colleagues,

Community-Campus Partnerships for Health is supporting the Canadian-led CU Expo conference in lieu of our own conference this year.  The conference theme is Community-University Partnerships: From Global Perspectives to Local Action," May 10-14 in Waterloo Region, ON Canada.  CCPH members can register at a 20% discount. Register today at http://cuexpo2011.ca

The Canadian Alliance for Community Service-Learning (CACSL) is sponsoring a symposium connected with CU Expo on May 10, "Community-Campus
Partnerships: What Makes Them Work?"

Symposium Highlights:
Keynote speaker, Randy Stoecker, co-editor of The Unheard Voices Panel
discussion on Measurable CSL Impacts Consultation session in support of
Community First: Impacts of Community Engagement

Top 3 Reasons to Register:
Get ideas to enhance your collaborations.
Meet and connect with colleagues from coast-to-coast.
Share solutions, challenges, and experiences.

Symposium Details:
Date: Tuesday, May 10
Time: 8:30 am-3:30 pm
Location: Wilfrid Laurier University
Cost: $75 CACSL members; $100 non-members (*includes breakfast and lunch) Online Registration: http://bit.ly/f0TQkw

Rahma Osman
Program Assistant

Community-Campus Partnerships for Health promotes health (broadly defined)
through partnerships between communities and higher educational institutions.
Join us for "Community-University Partnerships: Bringing Global Perspectives
to Local Action," May 10-14, 2011 in Waterloo Region, ON, Canada!

Stay on top of the latest CCPH news through Facebook, LinkedIn & Twitter!