Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Latest "Currents in Teaching and Learning," special edition on service-learning

[Announcement from he-sl listserv]

Please enjoy the latest release of the Currents in Teaching and Learning Online Journal, a special edition on service learning.

Volume 3 of Undergraduate Journal of Service Learning and Community-Based Research

[Announcement from he-sl listserv]


The editorial team is pleased to announce that Volume 3 of Undergraduate Journal of Service Learning and Community-Based Research has been published online. Undergraduate Journal of Service Learning and Community-Based Research is a refereed, multidisciplinary online undergraduate journal publishing intellectual and reflective work on service learning and community-based research. It is open to undergraduate students in the U.S. and across the globe. Volume 3 includes 20 essays by students from 19 colleges and universities in a wide range of disciplines.

The journal is published through the Penn State University, Berks Center for Service Learning and Community-Based Research.

I invite you to read it at

DC Summer of Service - March 17 Final Deadline

[Announcement from he-sl listserv]

Dear Fellow Service-Learning Professionals, 

The final application deadline (March 17) is fast approaching for our Summer 2015 Philanthropy & Voluntary Service program in Washington, DC. Our comprehensive program includes academic credit, a guaranteed internship placement and fully furnished housing in the heart of Washington, DC.
I ask that you please share the announcement below with undergraduates active in service and volunteerism on the campus and in their communities. We welcome students of all majors, freshmen through graduated seniors, and offer scholarship funding for strong applicants.
I've also attached a graphic for inclusion in your communications, should you choose. Please use it as you see fit in emails, newsletters and/or social media. You can connect with us on Twitter @IPVServe. 
More information on our programs may be found at Thank you for your time and please feel free to contact me if your students have any questions. 

Jesse Schaefer
Manager, Institute on Philanthropy & Voluntary Service
IPVS Alumna | 202.986.0384

Friday, February 20, 2015

2015 IARSLCE Conference Call for Proposals announcement

[Announcement from IARSLCE]

IARSLCE logo tree 

February 20, 2015
Announcing the 2015 Conference Call for Proposals

The International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement (IARSLCE) is pleased to announce that proposals are now being accepted for the 2015 conference in Boston. The conference will take place November 16 - 18, 2015 and is hosted by Northeastern University. Conference program co-chairs are Becca Berkey and Lori Gardinier

The theme of this year's conference is Revolutionary Scholarship: Innovation of Community Engagement Models.

For more information about the 2015 conference as it becomes available, to view the call, or to submit a proposal, please visit

Monday, February 16, 2015

Deadline is Today to Apply for the 2015 Community-Campus Partnerships for Health Annual Award!

[Announcement from Comm-engagedscholarship]

Dear Community-Engaged Scholarship Colleagues,

Send your applications today, February 16 (by 11:59 pm PST) for the 2015 Community-Campus Partnerships for Health (CCPH) Annual Award! The intent of the CCPH Award is to highlight the power and potential of community-campus partnerships to contribute to a number of significant outcomes, such as eliminating health disparities; producing community-responsive, culturally competent health professionals; increasing the diversity of the health workforce; expanding access to higher education, health care and technology; and advancing economic, social and environmental justice. Partnerships from anywhere in the world are invited to apply for our annual award. The award will be presented at C2UExpo ( Ottawa, Ontario, May 26-29, 2015.

Please read the Call for Applications on our website at for more information or contact us at if there are any questions.

Thank you!

Susan Lee
Program Assistant
Community-Campus Partnerships for Health
Phone: 206-666-3406 | Email:

Community-Campus Partnerships for Health promotes health equity and social justice through partnerships between communities and academic institutions.

Become a CCPH member and access resources to support genuine community-academic partnerships!

Stay on top of the latest CCPH news through Facebook, LinkedIn & Twitter!


Assessment Institute CFP due March 15th - Track on Community Engagement and HIPs

[Announcement from he-sl listserv]

I would like to extend to you and your colleagues an invitation to join us for the 2015 Assessment Institute in Indianapolis October 25 - 27, 2015.  Please consider submitting a proposal by March 15.  We would be particularly pleased to receive proposals addressing any of the topics listed in the bullet points below. 

To submit a proposal, go to:
For more information, please consult our website: or contact us at:    
Phone:  (317) 274-4111; Fax: (317) 274-4651
We will feature special track plenary sessions and workshops emphasizing assessment in: 
    • Community Engagement – Coordinators: Julie Hatcher and Kristin Norris, IUPUI
    • ePortfolios – Coordinators:  Susan Kahn and Susan Scott, IUPUI
    • Faculty Development Coordinator:   Megan Palmer, IUPUI
    • Global Learning – Coordinators:  Gil Latz, IUPUI; and Darla Deardorff, Duke University
    • Graduate/Graduate Professional Education – Coordinators:  Sherry Jimenez and Sarah Zahl, Marian University; and NaShara Mitchell, IUPUI
    • High Impact Practices (First-Year, Learning Communities, Service Learning, Capstones, etc.) – Coordinators:  Sarah Baker, Julie Hatcher, Kristin Norris, and Jennifer Thorington-Springer, IUPUI
    • Student Affairs Programs and Services – Coordinators:  Zebulun Davenport, IUPUI; and Katie Busby, Tulane University
 In addition, we will present sessions with national assessment leaders, a poster session, and additional learning opportunities emphasizing: 
·         Accreditation
·         Assessment in General Education
·         Assessment in All Major Fields
·         Assessment Methods
·         Assessment in Community Colleges
·         Institution-Wide Data Collection/Use
·         Use of Technologies in Assessment

KEYNOTE PANEL: Thomas A. Angelo, Queens University of Charlotte; Trudy W. Banta, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis; Peter T. Ewell, National Center for Higher Education Management Systems; George D. Kuh, National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment; Jeffrey A. Seybert, Higher Education Consultant

Now Offering a Group Rate to Attend Connecting Campuses with Communities (May 10-15th at IUPUI)

[Announcement from he-sl listserv]

Looking for opportunities to advance your community-engaged teaching or research? Attend the 7th Annual Connecting Campuses with Communities events and discover what others have found which is that this event creates a conducive space for thinking and advancing your course/project while also building a strong network of colleagues. The event is hosted by Indiana Campus Compact and the IUPUI Center for Service & Learning May 10-15th on IUPUIs campus. 

Registration ends April 6th! To register, click here

Featured Facilitators:
Lina Dostilio, Director for the Center of Community Engaged Teaching and Research at Duquesne University and member of the Board for the International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement (IARSLCE)
Julie Hatcher, Executive Director for the Center of Service & Learning at IUPUI
Our facilitators bring a wealth of experience and knowledge of the literature that will enhance your course/project.

*****Take advantage of the group rate ($50/per person for groups of 3 or more) which will foster a community of practice when you return to your campus.

-Kristin Norris,

Director of Assessment

Network Analysis for Social and Community Interventions (CFP)

[Announcement from SCRA-L]

Dear Colleagues,

Call for Papers

Special Issue of Psychosocial Intervention

Network Analysis for Social and Community Interventions

Guest Editors: Isidro Maya Jariego & Daniel Holgado Ramos

Universidad de Sevilla, Spain

Psychosocial Intervention
will publish a special issue on network analysis for social and community interventions. In recent years network analysis is increasing its presence in community psychology research and action. The network approach allows multilevel analysis and contributes to a relational interpretation of psychological sense of community, empowerment and other classical concepts of community psychology. Meanwhile, network analysis techniques are beginning to be used in needs assessment, program evaluation, and participatory action-research strategies. There are also applications in the study and improvement of community coalitions, neighborhoods and community mediation. This special issue welcomes submissions that use network analysis in understanding or improving the implementation of social and community interventions.

Psychosocial Intervention will provide a Spanish translation (available online) of papers originally written in English. That way authors have their papers published both in English and Spanish, reaching a wider audience.

Below is a sample list of topics common within the scope of this special issue:

•    Uses of social network analysis in program evaluation.
•    Combination of network analysis with stakeholder analysis and participatory forms of governance.
•    Mediators, key players and network interventions.
•    Selection of health agents and community mediators through social network indicators.
•    NetMap, participatory sociograms and networks in the context of action-research.
•    The network approach in the study of empowerment and sense of community.
•    Surveys of personal networks in relational description of communities.
•    Analysis of interorganizational networks of community coalitions.
•    Relational assessment of neighbourhoods, spaces and behaviour settings.
•    The models of diffusion of innovation in prevention campaigns and health promotion.

The special issue will include papers that offer theoretical and/or practical insights. We welcome contributions relying on a broad range of methodological approaches; however, priority will be given to the submissions making original empirical contributions. All manuscripts should be submitted to the guest editors through or electronically via the Elsevier Editorial System (EES) In that second case you must select Network Analysis for Social and Community Interventions to make sure that your paper will be considered for the special issue. The submission deadline is July 12, 2015. The plan is to publish the special issue by the end of 2015 or in early 2016. Contact the guest editor Isidro Maya-Jariego for inquiries on this special issue.

Journal Psychosocial Intervention:

Call for Papers:

Kind regards,
Isidro Maya Jariego
Departamento de Psicología Social
Universidad de Sevilla
Calle Camilo José Cela s/n
41.018-Sevilla (Spain)
Tf.: + 34 95 455 73 44
Fax: + 34 95 455 77 11

Position Opening at University of North Georgia

[Announcement from he-sl listserv]

Position Opening at University of North Georgia – Director of Academic Engagement
The Director of Academic Engagement will be responsible for developing, implementing, and coordinating service-learning initiatives designed to promote community engaged learning by students, as well as scholarship and teaching by faculty. S/he will report directly to the Associate Provost for Research & Engagement and Chief Research Officer.       
·         Master’s Degree
·         Three years previous experience in service-|earning including knowledge of service-learning theory and practice.
·         Knowledge of current issues and future directions in higher education, service-learning and civic engagement
·         Knowledge of scholarship of teaching and learning. Excellent written and verbal communication skills. Strong interpersonal skills.
·         Implement University Strategic Plan in regards to service-learning. Confer with the Associate Provost for Research and Engagement on service-learning planning, programming, and budgets
·         Serve as a campus resource on service-learning and community-engaged scholarship
·         Collaborate with the Office of Regional Engagement and the Center of Global Engagement to develop and coordinate community based partnerships that create service-learning opportunities and offer faculty development to increase their knowledge of the values that service-learning provides
·         Develop training curricula and other resources to assist faculty engaged in service-learning, community based research, and other forms of engaged scholarship
·         Maintain ongoing data collection.
·         Work with state, regional, and national service-learning agencies and organizations.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

2015 Eastern Region Campus Compact Conference Call for Proposals, due April 7th

[Announcement from he-sl listserv]

Dear Colleagues:

ERCC invites Workshop and Poster Session Proposals for the Fifth Annual Eastern Region Campus Compact Conference: Moving Us Forward: At the Intersection of Community Engagement and Collective Impact, October 14-16, 2015 in Newark, New Jersey.

The goals of this conference are:
·  Demonstrate both innovation and broader impact as outcomes of community engagement.
·  Highlight best practices in place-based, issue-driven faculty/student engaged scholarship.
·  Advance our understanding of the intersection between community engagement and collective impact.
·  Offer a strong array of pre-conference workshops that advance community engaged practice in higher education.

Workshop Proposal Framing Questions:
·  What innovative ideas are advancing higher education's community engagement practices?
·  In what  ways  can the collective impact framework inform community engagement strategies and programs in higher education?
·  How are place-based consortia involving faculty and students in ways that produce shared benefit?
·  How are campuses assessing the effectiveness of such community-engaged scholarship, service-learning courses, partnerships, and community service activities?

If you're interested in submitting a proposal for this conference, due April 7th, see the attached Call for Proposals. [Submission of Proposals:]

For more information about workshop proposals, contact Laurie Worrall, NYCC Executive director: (

ERCC Conference Registration, including hotel information, will open April 15th. 

All the best


Char Gray, PhD
Executive Director, PA Campus Compact
28 S. Dewberry Street, Box 8, Harrisburg, PA  17101

Monday, February 9, 2015

Position Available - EPICS Program Manager

[Announcement from he-sl listserv]

Please direct questions and inquiries to Francine Demeno at

EPICS Program Manager

IEEE is the world’s largest professional association advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. We publish technical journals, sponsor conferences, develop technology standards, and support the professional interests of more than 400,000 members. IEEE creates an environment where members collaborate on world-changing technologies – from computing and sustainable energy systems to aerospace, communications, robotics, and healthcare – to engineer a better tomorrow.

The overall purpose of this position is to establish Engineering Projects in Community Service (EPICS) in IEEE as the flagship program for IEEE that empowers members to develop sustainable technical solutions that impact communities around the world. The incumbent in this position is primarily responsible for expanding and institutionalizing the program and managing the day to day operations. S/He will assume a leadership role in cultivating partnerships with non-profit/non-governmental organizations, developing educational resources and establishing a mentoring program. The role reports to a Senior Manager and manages no direct reports. This position works under general guidelines on overall business strategies and objectives; and is authorized to approve program expenditures within limits determined by the Educational Activities Department.

Essential Functions:
Specific duties include but are not limited to:
  • Program Management
    • Manages the planning, strategic implementation and delivery of the overall EPICS in IEEE program and its activities in accordance with the mission and the goals of IEEE EAB (Educational Activities Board)
    • Identifies and develops new opportunities and partnerships to support the strategic direction of the program
    • Develops and implements short-term and long-term goals and objectives and measurable methodologies to successfully operate and evaluate the program
    • Designs and administers the processes and systems needed for the submission, screening, committee evaluation, and funding recommendations for the identification and selection of projects. Serves as the point of contact with vendor to oversee maintenance of the system.
    • Develops, plans, organizes and executes educational materials and training events (virtual and in-person)
    • Designs and executes a mentoring program to enhance the engagement of volunteers, undergraduate and high school students in the program
    • Devises and implements effective and efficient strategies to expand pre-university education products and services
  • Relationship Management
    • Seeds, cultivates, maintains and grows relationships with numerous external partners including but not limited to, non-profit/non-governmental organizations, higher education institutions, funding agencies and donors
    • Supports the work of appropriate committees, e.g., PECC, EPICS in IEEE Committee
    • Manages the working relationship with the IEEE Foundation and the IEEE Development Office
    • Liaise with other IEEE OUs to foster collaborations between departments
  • Program Branding, Communications & Fundraising
    • Leads the development and implementation of a brand presence (i.e., web presence, print and electronic media, participation in conferences, meetings, social media etc.) for a) promotion and publicity, b) dissemination of projects, and c) knowledge sharing and networking
    • Supports the implementation, in cooperation with the IEEE Foundation, of an effective and multi-faceted communications plan for EPICS in IEEE that integrate into the IEEE Foundation’s overall communications and marketing plans
    • Identifies, plans for and represents IEEE and EPICS in IEEE at relevant venues and events around the globe
    • Collaborates with the IEEE Development Office to design, execute, and manage a comprehensive fundraising program to achieve the desired annual and long-term fundraising objectives for EPICS in IEEE. Specific activities include, but are not limited to, preparation of funding proposals and solicitation materials, identification of prospective donors, donor cultivation, and stewardship activities and initiatives
  • Data Analysis and Reporting
    • Develops, maintains, collects, analyzes and reports quantitative and qualitative program metrics and evaluations criteria, in cooperation with IEEE Research, and recommends changes to enhance the program, as appropriate
    • Ensures the program has a sound business plan, operates within the approved budget and timeline, and all financial records are up to date.
    • Responsible for monitoring and approving all budgeted program expenditures as regulated by signing authority limits.
    • Responsible for preparation of compelling and persuasive presentations and reports, IEEE & IEEE Foundation Boards, Committees, IEEE Leadership on program activities
Education and Experience:
  • BA/BS degree in related area
  • 5+ years of related professional experience in project management, student engagement, community development, and/or non-profit program coordination.
  • Grant management, community outreach experience desirable
  • Knowledge of service learning would be helpful
  • An understanding of not-for-profit organizations and working with volunteer, boards and committees is a plus.
Skills & Other Requirements: 
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills.
  • An understanding of engineering, technology and computing is a plus.
  • A background in community engagement activities is preferred.
  • Must possess outstanding managerial and interpersonal skills
  • Experience and skill in developing and delivering effective presentations to a variety of audiences is preferred.
  • An understanding of IEEE is a plus.
  • May be required to travel domestically/internationally.
  • Must have sensitivity to domestic, international and cultural protocols
  • Must be proficient in the use of or understanding of Office Suite Products (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Access) and Google Docs
  • HTML/web and blogging software (e.g., Wordpress, Drupal) and Social Media Vehicles and Management tools (e.g., FB/Twitter/Hootsuite/Bitly) experience is a plus
  • Individual must be self-motivated, disciplined, and organized
  • Demonstrated abilities in applying business solutions to changing needs
  • Capacity to work across the organization.
  • Must demonstrate the highest degree of professionalism when dealing with sensitive and/or confidential matters
  • Positive, proactive work attitude
For information on work demands and conditions required for this position, please consult the reference document, “Physical, Mental, and Work Environment Standards for IEEE Positions.” This position is classified under Category I – Office Position.

IEEE is an EEO/AAP Employer/Protected Veteran/Disabled
This job description outlines the general nature and key features performed by various positions that share the same job classification. It is not designed to contain or be interpreted as a comprehensive inventory of all duties and qualifications required of all employees assigned to the job. Nothing in this job description restricts management’s right to assign or re-assign duties to this job at any time due to reasonable accommodations or other business reasons.


[Announcement from IARSLCE]

IARSLCE logo tree 
January 5, 2015
2015 Conference News

Make a new year's resolution you'll want to keep!  Save the dates and plan now to attend the 2015 IARSLCE Conference in Boston, Massachusetts, November 15 - 17. The conference will be held at the Boston Marriott Copley Place. Stay tuned for the call for proposals and more details as they emerge.

Get Involved...IARSLCE Publications Committee 

IARSLCE is committed to member involvement. As such, we would like to highlight one way that members can join in on the association's activities. Lina Dostilio and Andy Furco, chairs of 
IARSLCE's Publications and Scholarship Committee, invite you to shape the field's research agenda by joining IARSLCE's Publications and Scholarship Committee.

As an international research association, IARSLCE is committed to producing and disseminating high value publications that can inform and advance the field.  Since its establishment, IARSLCE has produced an annual peer-reviewed publication as part of the Advances in Service-Learning Research Series.  In addition, IARSLCE has published a series of conferences proceedings that highlight the sessions presented at the annual conference.

In 2012, in response to feedback from association members, who asked for a more robust and expansive journal, IARSLCE transitioned its annual, online, peer-reviewed publication to the International Journal for Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement (IJRSLCE).

Today, we are working on the third volume of this journal, which is reaching a wider international audience and disseminating some of the field's most cutting research analyses.  In addition, we are working on securing the journal's inclusion in the international scientific journal ranking systems. The journal is available for free to all IARSLCE members and is available for purchase for individuals and groups not affiliated with the association.  As an IARSLCE member, you can access the first two volumes of the journal can be found here.

We invite you to shape the future of this journal and the broader scholarship agenda of IARSLCE by joining the association's Publications and Scholarship Committee.

This committee is composed of IARSLCE members and is co-chaired by two IARSLCE board members.  In 2015, the Committee will address several important issues to advance our field's research and scholarship, including the following:
1) Securing a broader international scope and reach and of the Association's publications;
2) Developing strategies to track the impact of the Association's journal on its members and the broader field;
3) Devising paths for the greater involvement of participation of IARSLCE members in ensuring  to the Association's publications as authors and peer-reviewers; and
4) Identifying new pathways for advancing the dissemination of high quality service-learning and community engagement research and scholarship
The committee meets quarterly using an online meeting platform (GoToMeeting), and holds an in-person meeting at the annual conference for those committee members who are present.

If you are interested in joining this committee or have any questions about its work, please contact us.   Our first meeting of 2015 will be held in mid-January.  We look forward to hearing from you. 

IARSLCE Hears...