Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Peace and Education: The Way to a Transformed Community
Father Hilary Muheezangango, Executive Director COVE Alliance
Thursday, April 25, 7:00-8:00 p.m. with a reception at 6:30 p.m., Illini Union Room B
Growing up in a country that was at the time characterized by domestic violence, illiteracy, poverty, and civil wars, it makes a lot of sense to talk about these two variables: Peace and Education. Worldwide we talk about peace many times, but less do we think how much peace is needed for our own existence. The moment one talks about peace, it means there is violence on the other hand. Absence of peace has penetrated every country, race, culture, political structures, religious affiliations, and families. And each one of us has a stake in the creation of peace. While Education is a fundamental right entitled to every person, it is also a tool for peace building in a society. I will share my own experience and views on how violence and high rates of illiteracy have shielded the development of communities. I will also highlight the importance of education and how it is “the” tool that can bring about peace and transform the communities in which we live.
Fr. Hilary Muheezangango is a Roman Catholic Priest serving in the Diocese of Kasana-Luweero, Uganda, where he is the Director for Development and Social Services. He is also the Director of the Mulungyomu Agro-Training and Research Center and the Executive Director of COVE Alliance (Children’s Outreach and Vocational Education). Born in Uganda, he lived during the dictatorial times of President Idi Amin, and civil war prevented him from going to school until he was 12 years of age. After years of wandering the jungle for safety and living in a refugee camp in Kapeeka, he received sponsorship for his education and earned degrees at universities in Uganda and the U.S.
This presentation is free and open to the public. Sponsored by: Learning in Community (LINC), College of Engineering, COVE Alliance Illinois Chapter, and the Office of Volunteer Programs. 
Further details about the talk and Father Hilary can be found here

Monday, April 22, 2013

EPICS Workshop Invitation-Registration deadline May 15

[Announcement from he-sl listserv]

Limited spaces remaining….

Integrating Design and Service-Learning within the Curriculum
Date:  June 12-14, 2013
Where:  Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana

EPICS is a curricular approach in which multi-disciplinary design teams address needs within local and global communities. EPICS was created at Purdue University and has been adopted at more than 20 universities and colleges, engaging students from their first-year through senior year and even capstone design. 
The workshop will provide information, tools, and resources needed to create an EPICS course and will be facilitated by the directors of EPICS with experience from more than 50 faculty workshops on service-learning and design. Topics include course/curriculum, capstone courses, entrepreneurship, partnerships, institutional support, and assessment, evaluation. The workshop will actively engage participants to learn the principles and include presentations, discussions and individual reflections so that participants can develop a customized plan that can be applied to their own institution.   
Who should attend?   Current and future faculty and instructors and partners interested in:
  • Design Learning
  • Human-Centered Design
  • Multidisciplinary Teaming and Leadership
  • Service-Learning and Community Engagement (local, national or global)
  • Development of Professional Skills
  • Student Engagement and Retention
  • Diversity
  • Sustaining Design Projects Across Multiple Semesters or Years
  • Initiating and Sustaining Curricular Change
  • Assessing Multidisciplinary Design Teams
So whether you are interested in becoming part of the EPICS university consortium, or want to learn how you can integrate design and community engagement in your curriculum, the EPICS Workshop will guide you in reflecting how EPICS principles apply to your institution and curriculum to improve student learning and engagement.
Cost:  The workshop registration is free but registration is REQUIRED.  
Participants are expected to cover their travel and lodging costs.   Meals during the workshop are included with registration.  The workshop is supported by the endowment from the National Academy of Engineering’s Bernard M. Gordon Prize for Innovation in Engineering and Technology Education.

Registration:  Complete the Registration Form. A confirmation letter will be sent to each participant accepted as an email attachment.

Housing:  A block of rooms has been reserved at the Union Club Hotel on Purdue's campus. Please call (800) 320-6291 and tell them you are with the EPICS workshop. As a reminder, participants are expected to cover their lodging costs

Questions: Email epics.university@purdue.edu

Maeve Drummond
University  Coordinator
Purdue University
ARMS 1214
Ofc  (765)494-3750
Cell (765)491-6428

Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement suspends manuscript submission as of Apr 26

[Announcement from Comm-engagedscholarship]

Dear community-engaged scholarship colleagues,

Beginning on Friday, April 26, 2013, the Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement will temporarily suspend accepting new manuscript submissions.
They have been receiving a steady flow of high-quality submissions, and this suspension will allow them to catch up on concentrating on the manuscripts that they have in line for publication. If you have already submitted a manuscript for consideration, or if you submit prior to April 26, the process will continue as usual. They will begin to accept manuscripts for publication consideration again beginning on Monday, September 2, 2013. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Drew Pearl at jheoe@uga.edu

Community-Campus Partnerships for Health promotes health equity and social justice through partnerships between communities and academic institutions.
Stay on top of the latest CCPH news through Facebook, LinkedIn & Twitter!

Alternative Service Experiences Institute

[Announcement from he-sl listserv]

Alternative Service Experiences Institute
June 18 -19, 2013 at High Point University, High Point, NC
sponsored by North Carolina Campus Compact

For the last two decades there has been a consistent increase in the number of colleges and universities participating in alternative break programs. As a result, the body of knowledge about effective implementation of these experiences has grown tremendously. NC Campus Compact invites you to explore various aspects of this topic including student leadership development, partnership development and sustainability, liability and risk, pre-orientation, and post-trip reintegration.  

Visit http://bit.ly/ZBNnHS for complete details and to register.

Leslie A. Garvin, MSW
Associate Director
North Carolina Campus Compact
2257 Campus Box
Elon, NC 27244
(336) 278-7198   Phone
(336) 278-2834  Fax

www.nccampuscompact.org or http://www.elon.edu/nccc
Uniting campuses, engaging students, impacting communities

IARSLCE Conference--Call for Proposal due Friday, April 26

IARSLCE logo tree 

April 19, 2013
IARSLCE Conference Call for Proposals Due Friday, April 26

You have one week!

The deadline for proposals for the IARSLCE Annual Conference in Omaha in November 2013 is Friday, April 26, 2013.  Please visit www.researchslce.org/conferences for the complete call for proposals and the link to submit.  Please contact Tara Luparello at info@researchslce.org with questions.

Webinar meeting Friday, April 26

Also one week from today, IARLSCE will be having a conference call discussion abot webinar development on April 26 at 11AM EST.  Space is limited, so please contact Tara Luparello at info@researchslce.org to RSVP and for instructions.

IARSLCE Board of Directors nominations are due April 28

You have (slightly) more than one week for this!

IARSLCE is seeking nominations for candidates to serve on the Board of Directors for terms beginning September 2013. The openings are for two members at-large and one international member.

The Board of Directors is charged with providing vision and direction for the Association. Through the work of committees, the Board engages with the membership to maximize IARSLCE's role in advancing the study of service-learning an community engagement.

Board members are elected by the membership, have fiduciary responsibility for the organizaion, and play a key role in decision-making to advance IARSLCE initiatives. We are seeking to fill three positions on the board as of November 2013; these positions are for three-year terms (2013-2016). New board memebrs will begin their terms if office in November 2013 at the IARSLCE Annual Conference in Omaha, Nebraska.
Nominations are due on April 28, 2013. Please send all nominations to Tara Luparello at tluparel@tulane.edu. Elections will be held from May 6-May 17, 2013. New board members will be announced by May 24, 2013.

Conference Keynote Announcement (in case you missed it...)

Parker J. Palmer, Ph.D., has influenced educators, politicians and spiritual leaders for more than 40 years and, this November, he will share his views on spirituality, politics and civic engagement at the 2013 International Association for Research on Service Learning and Community Engagement (IARSLCE) conference, which will be hosted by the University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO).

Palmer, director and founder of the Center for Courage and Renewal, is the author of nine books, including award-winnings titles like "The Promise of Paradox," "The Courage to Teach" and, his latest work, "Healing the Heart of Democracy." Palmer also holds 11 honorary doctorates from institutions across the country and was named one of the 30 "most influential senior leaders" in higher education by 10,000 fellow educators as part of the Leadership Project. In 2010, Palmer was given the William Rainey Harper Award, which has also been given to visionaries such as Margaret Mead, Marshall McLuhan and Paolo Friere.
Palmer will provide the keynote address on Thursday, Nov. 7, at the IARSLCE conference. His remarks will draw heavily from his latest book, which addresses the negative effects of hyperpartisanship through spirituality and the ability to disagree while still respecting each other.

7 days left for hotel rate - 29 days for Community College National Center for Community Engagement 22nd Annual International Conference

[Announcement from he-sl listserv]

Conference hotel rooms filling up fast…   

Demand is high for a seat at the Community College National Center for Community Engagement 22nd Annual International Conference, May 21 – 24, 2013.  Our room block at the DoubleTree Paradise Valley Resort in Scottsdale, Arizona is filling up fast and the guarantee room rate of $105.00 will expire Monday, April 29, 2013

Please make your reservations before the room block is sold out. Room rate is being made available four nights prior and after the conference based on availability.

We have invited a formidable group of keynote and concurrent session speakers to take us on our journey as we look on how to inspire our students, as well as, move forward in our paths as transformational leaders:

Jeff Cohen, Director, FSG, Mickey Edwards, Vice President Aspen Institute, Marissa Theisen, President and CEO of the Arizona Grantmakers Forum, Rhonda Oliver  President/CEO of HandsOn Greater Phoenix, Cynthia Kaufman, Director of the Institute of Community and Civic Engagement at De Anza College, and Bernie Ronan, Associate Vice Chancellor for Public Affairs of the Maricopa Community Colleges

For complete details on our conference, please visit our website at:

Lyvier Conss
Executive Director
Community College National Center for
Community Engagement
145 N. Centennial Way, Suite 204
Mesa, AZ 85201
Please join us at our 22nd Annual International Conference, May 22-24, 2013

UCLA Summer Social Innovation Research Program

[Announcement from he-sl listserv]

UCLA Center for Community Learning


Are you a “Changemaker?” Contribute to the public good, solve problems, and work with inspirational leaders in one of the most diverse, urban environments in the world.

June 24th –August 16th (UCLA Summer Session A)
8 Units in 8 Weeks!.

Classes on Mondays:
Social Innovation Theory and Practice; and Client-based Program Evaluation and Research (service learning course)

Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday:
Conduct a research project at one of four innovative nonprofit organizations in Los Angeles (Bresee Foundation, Burbank Temporary Aid Center, Centro Latino for Literacy, & Museum of Tolerance)

Open to 16 current sophomores and juniors, who are interested in problem-solving and creating change in Los Angeles.

For more information, see http://www.summer.ucla.edu/institutes/socialinnovation/overview.htm, or contact Dr. Doug Barrera at dbarrera@college.ucla.edu.


Doug Barrera, PhD
Assistant Director
UCLA Center for Community Learning
A265 Murphy Hall
Los Angeles, CA 90095

"Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday, April 12, 2013

Call for Posters: Service-Learning Showcase at University of Illinois (April 30)

Call for Posters
Service-Learning Showcase
Tuesday, April 30, 5:00-6:30 p.m.
Illini Union Rooms B&C

Have you been involved with a service-learning project this year? The Service-Learning Showcase is an all-campus event that features service-learning courses and programs at the University of Illinois. It provides opportunities for students, faculty/staff, and community members to network and learn about ways to get involved in academic and co-curricular projects that strengthen communities and foster civic responsibility.  Any member of the campus community is eligible to submit a poster proposal, which may include non-University partners as presenters. The following topics will be considered for this event:

¨ Academic service-learning courses, including community-engaged research that involves students in reflection and action
¨ Co-curricular service-learning or social entrepreneurship programs that involve students in real community-engaged projects  
 [No volunteer and philanthropy projects, please.]

Submit Poster Proposals Online No later than Monday, April 22.
Notifications of acceptance will be sent ASAP.
Sponsored by: Learning in Community, College of Engineering, Action Research Illinois, and Center for Teaching Excellence

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Center for Engaged Democracy Summer Research Institute

[Announcement from IARSLCE listserv]

4th Annual Summer Research Institute on the Future of Community Engagement in Higher Education – July 17-18, 2013

The Center for Engaged Democracy is pleased to announce its 4th annual summer research institute on The Future of Community Engagement in Higher Education. The summer institute brings together scholars, students, and community participants to engage the theory and practice of what it means to have an “academic home” for community engagement in higher education. It will take place July 17 & 18, 2013, at Tufts University in conjunction with the “Frontiers of Democracy” conference.

·        REGISTRATION: Click Here to Register. (Registration is $70.)
·        CALL FOR PRESENTATIONS: Click Here for the Call for Presentations. (Submissions should include an abstract of 500 words or less.)
·        CRITICAL FRIENDS GROUPS: Click Here for the Critical Friends Groups. (Submissions should include a 1-2 sentence description of the informal session you would like to lead.)
·        AGENDA: Click Here for the Agenda.

This year’s institute will have three presentations tracks:
1.      Strengthening Academic Programs in Community Engagement: presentations on developing, supporting, and expanding academic programs focused on civic and community engagement.
2.      Core Competencies in Civic Engagement: presentations that make use of, critically engage with, and expand upon the Center’s policy report Core Competencies in Civic Engagement.
3.      The Impact of Online Education for Community Engagement: presentations that examine the impact and implications of online education in higher education for the future of “place-based” learning and civic and community engagement.

Additionally, this year’s institute will have several invited sessions focusing on key literature and issues in the field. Confirmed invited sessions include:
·        Marshall Welch, Saint Mary’s College of California and John Saltmarsh, New England Resource Center for Higher Education, Invited SessionBest Practice and Infrastructures for Campus Centers of Community Engagement
·        Ari Hoy, Senior Program Officer, Bonner Foundation, Invited Session: Forthcoming edited book, Deepening Community Engagement in Higher Education: Forging New Pathways.
·        Ashley Finley, Senior Director of Assessment & Research, AAC&U, Invited Session: Forthcoming monograph through Bringing Theory to Practice’s Civic Monograph Series: Civic Learning & Teaching
·        Amy Traver and Zivah Katz, Queensborough Community College-CUNY, Invited Session: Forthcoming edited book, Service-Learning at the American Community College: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives
·        Susan Iverson, Kent State University, Invited Session: Anticipated edited book, Feminist Community Engagement [working title]

Finally, a key theme will be the role of civic and community engagement in an increasingly online world. Paul LeBlanc, President of Southern New Hampshire University, will give the opening keynote talk: “College for America – The Future of Civic Engagement in an Online World.” Read his recent op-ed – “Accreditation in a Rapidly Changing World” – in InsideHigherEd. Read also Dan W. Butin’s recent op-ed – “Does Community Engagement Have a Place in a Placeless University” – in the New England Journal of Higher Education.

Questions: inquiries and questions should be directed to democracy@merrimack.edu.

About the 2013 Summer Research Institute
The 4th annual summer research institute on The Future of Community Engagement in Higher Education brings together scholars, students, and community participants to engage the theory and practice of what it means to have an “academic home” for community engagement in higher education. It will take place July 17 & 18, 2013, at Tufts University in conjunction with the “Frontiers of Democracy” conference. We encourage all attendees to take advantage of the affiliate conferences to be held July 18-20, which are sponsored by the Tisch College of Citizenship and Public Service at Tufts University, the Democracy Imperative, and the Deliberative Democracy Consortium.

About the Center for Engaged Democracy
The Center for Engaged Democracy acts as a central hub for developing, coordinating, and supporting academic programs – certificates, minors, and majors – around the country focused on civic and community engagement, broadly defined. The Center, which is housed within Merrimack College’s School of Education, brings together faculty, administrators, and community partners to support such academic programs through a variety of initiatives and practices: compiling existing research and documentation to support new and developing programs; sponsoring symposia, conferences, and research opportunities to build a vibrant research base and academic community; and providing a voice and space for dialogue for the value of such academic programs across higher education.

Dan W. Butin, PhD
Dean and Associate Professor
School of Education
Merrimack College
office: rm. 203 Austin Hall
mailing address: 315 Turnpike Street, North Andover, MA, 01845

Tara Luparello
Administrative Director, IARSLCE
Tulane University, Alcee Fortier Hall
6823 St. Charles Avenue
New Orleans, LA 70118
(504) 862-3366
(504) 862-8061 (fax)

The mission of IARSLCE is to promote the development and dissemination of research on service-learning and community engagement internationally and across all levels of the education system.

Eastern Region Campus Compact Conference

[Announcement from he-sl listserv]

2013 Eastern Region Campus Compact Conference October 23-25, 2013 Philadelphia Marriott Downtown

**View the save the date card for the conference here: http://wp.me/p3bTiF-1CR**

Moving Us Forward: Aligning Civic and Community Engagement with Mission and Institutional Effectiveness.

The mission of this conference is to bring higher education stakeholders together as we seek to align civic and community engagement with campus mission and institutional effectiveness.

1. Support institutions to stay out in front of emerging trends in higher ed, with emphasis on the Carnegie classification for community engagement

2. Work with leaders to advance structural and cultural strategies for rewarding engaged scholarship in promotion and tenure

3. Explore the challenges associated with assessing campus-wide engagement and articulate strategies for shared success

Please note that a Request for Proposals and Registration information will be available SOON!

Clemson University - Collaborations in Service-Learning Webcast, April 9, 2:00 pm. EST - “The Pink Octopus in the Room: Embracing the Many Tentacles of Service-Learning”

[Announcement from he-sl listserv]

Clemson University - Collaborations in Service-Learning Webcast, Tuesday, April 9, 2013,  2:00 pm - 3:00 pm EST
“The Pink Octopus in the Room: Embracing the Many Tentacles of Service-Learning”
While there are times that as teachers, we feel trapped by having to teach to the standards or our drive to meet Promotion and Tenure guidelines seem to cloud what we know can be positive learning experiences for the students, there comes a time where we must embrace the many positive aspects that service-learning can provide. This presentation will describe a multifaceted approach to using service-learning to enhance the classroom experience for both public school teachers and University faculty. Components of study abroad, service-learning, creative inquiry, promotion and tenure and University/public school partnership will be discussed.
Skye Arthur-Banning, Ph.D. teaches Community Sport Management at Clemson University.  He has worked on various programming and sportsmanship initiatives, teaches about positive youth development, Outcome Based Management and Programming in community recreation programs, offers seminars for parents and coaches on ethical behavior in sport and focuses on reducing obesity through increased sport participation. In addition, Dr. Arthur-Banning has coordinated multiple study abroad experiences that involved service-learning components such as volunteering at the Olympics games or service learning trips to Tanzania to work in Orphanages and afterschool programs.
Brandi M. Crowe, M.S., CTRS is a doctoral student in the Department of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Management at Clemson University. Her current research interests include therapeutic recreation, adapted sports, and stress/coping processes.
Kathy Woodard
Service-Learning Education
Community Scholars Program
Civics and Service House
2063 Barre Hall
Clemson University
Clemson, SC  29634-0101
(864)656-0205 (phone)
(864)656-1288 (fax)