Thursday, April 26, 2012

YSA Grants for Teachers and Youth Now Available

[Announcement from he-sl listserv]

YSA is now accepting applications for two grant programs: our $1,000 State Farm Good Neighbor Student Achievement Grants for K-12 public schools in the U.S. to engage students in a fall Semester of Service and our $500 Get Ur Good On Grants for youth, ages 5-25, around the world to lead a service project during June - August 2012.

Please take a few minutes to share with teachers or young people in your network, and consider applying yourself.

State Farm Good Neighbor Student Achievement Grants
Deadline: May 31
State Farm™ is proud to team up with YSA to offer grants of up to $1,000 for programs enhancing student achievement through service-learning in K-12 public schools in all fifty US states, the District of Columbia, and in the Canadian provinces of Alberta, Ontario and New Brunswick. Each grant engages participating teachers and students in a service and learning program that promotes academic achievement, workplace readiness, and stronger communities. The State Farm Good Neighbor Student Achievement Grant requires a 12 to 14 week Semester of Service™.   

Get Ur Good On Grants
Deadline: May 27
If you're ready to make a positive impact in your community, Miley Cyrus and her friends at YSA want to help! With $500 Get Ur Good On Grants, you'll have the inspiration, project support, and necessary funding to turn your idea into a reality. Kids and young adults ages 5-25 worldwide are eligible to apply for a $500 Get Ur Good On Grant to support youth-led projects. Projects must address a demonstrated community need or issue, and must take place during June, July and/or August 2012.    

If you have questions about either grant program, please contact the YSA Grants team at


Michael Minks
Director of Outreach and Innovation
YSA (Youth Service America)
1101 15th Street, NW, Suite 200 | Washington, DC 20005
P: 202-296-2992 ext. 125 | F: 202-296-4030 |

Announcing the Banking on Youth Competition!

[Announcement from Sara Telzer <>]

Ashoka’s Youth Venture, in partnership with the Consumer Bankers Association (CBA) Foundation and banks from all across the U.S., is excited to announce the launch of the Banking on Youth competition!  

Please take a moment to visit:

This exciting competition provides youth a wonderful opportunity to showcase their exceptional ideas for benefiting society and creating positive social change! Youth between the ages 13-20 are invited to share their ideas for sustainable ventures that will directly benefit society through an original and fun 60-90 second video and entry form from now until June 10, 2012 for a for the chance to win over $100,000 in cash and in-kind prizes!

We are hoping that you can help us by sharing this information throughout your organization, networks and with any potential candidates! Entries are due by 11:59pm on June 10, 2012.     

Also, please do encourage your youth to upload their videos and entry forms sooner than later – we will be offering some exciting social media awards throughout the length of the competition!

Thanks so much for your participation – this is truly going to be an exciting competition! 

If you have any question or would like additional information, please contact Ilaina Rabbat, or Sara Telzer at ( or  (

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Honors Service-Learning Symposium April 26

You are inviting to attend:
CMN 101 Service Learning Symposium

Please join us April 26th from 2-4 pm in the ACES Library Monsanto Room, located on the basement level.

James Scholar students in CMN 101 will present on their volunteer experiences at organizations that work diligently to strengthen the Champaign-Urbana community.
Come learn about their work at Habitat for Humanity ReStore, Salt and Light Ministries, Wesley Evening Food Pantry and the Orpheum Children's Museum.

All are encouraged to attend. Light refreshments will be served.

This event is sponsored by the Division of General Studies Honors Program and the Department of Communication.

Laura Burns
Communication Instructor & Graduate Student Department of Communication University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Early registration and schedule for Midwest Engagement Summit!

[Announcement from he-sl listserv]

The complete schedule is now available for the Upper Midwest Civic Engagement Summit being held June 5 and 6 at Macalester College in St. Paul. Visit our web site for details: Discounted early registration rates are available only until next Friday, May 4 so register today!

Not sure whether you should attend? Here are five great reasons:

The Price Is Right - You can bring four people from your campus for the usual cost to send one person to a national conference.

Connect with Colleagues - Share successes, challenges, strategies, and questions [or just Network] with those you don't know--and those you know but rarely see.

Build a Strong Foundation - New to the field or still building knowledge? Advance your skills in critical areas including assessment, reflection, dialogue, and more.

Take it to the Next Level - Participate in discussions that incorporate the latest research, trends, and ideas in civic engagement to take your practice to new heights and depths.

Practice What You Preach - Don’t just lead reflection, but schedule the time to do it with thoughtful people from around the region.

Need more reasons? Find them here:

We hope to see you in St. Paul!

Emily J. Shields
Executive Director
Iowa Campus Compact
Pappajohn Education Center
1200 Grand Ave., Suite 200
Des Moines, IA 50309
Office (515) 235-4684
Cell (515) 321-6024
Fax (515) 235-4601

An Open Invitation to Participate in A Global Communique on Sustainability, Knowledge and Democracy - Apr 24 Launch

[Announcement from Comm-engagedscholarship listserv]

Dear community-engaged scholarship colleagues,

Community-Campus Partnerships for Health participates in the Global Alliance for Community-Engaged Research, established in 2008 to "facilitate the sharing of knowledge and information across continents and countries to enable interaction and collaboration to further the application and impact of community-based research for a sustainable just future for the people of the world" (see:

The Global Alliance participates in a group of international networks (known as the Big Tent group) working on community-university research and engagement issues (see attachment for more details).

On September 23, 2010, the Big Tent group released the first Global Communique on the Enhancement of North-South Cooperation in Community University Engagement (see:  On October 8, 2011, the Big Tent Group  released the second global dialogue communique on A Scenario for Community-University Engagement in 2030 (see:

Big Tent III will offer suggestions for how universities and communities can work together to make the transition to a sustainable world. As with the earlier communiques, this statement will be open source and will be owned by all who participate with the rights to re-distribute and share within all networks.

Theme of Big Tent III: The Questions

According to many, the technological potential for a transformation towards a sustainable society is available.  Business and financing models for the transition exist, and the political instruments needed for a climate-friendly transformation are known. In the interest of moving the forward, we need more interaction between politics, society, science and the economy. Can we move from the slow lane to the fast lane?

1. How can Community University Research and Engagement Partnerships contribute to environmentally sustainable economic and social development in the transformation of our societies?

2. How can knowledge and education be drivers of the transformation process?

To participate in Big Tent III, visit

Go to PERARES Debate at  Click on all debates and find Big Tent Discussion on Sustainability, Knowledge and Democracy - please note the discussion opens: April 24 and continues until 6 pm Central European time on May 11.

For more details, please read the attachment.


Rahma Osman
CCPH Program Assistant

Community-Campus Partnerships for Health promotes health equity and social justice through partnerships between communities and academic institutions.
Join us for our 15th anniversary conference, April 18-21, 2012 in Houston TX!
Stay on top of the latest CCPH news through Facebook, LinkedIn & Twitter!

New Edition: Community Works Journal, now available online

Connect, Inspire, Transform
CWI's Internationally Acclaimed Summer Institutes for Educators

CWI's Summer WEST
Institute on Service-Learning
July 30th - August 3rd, 2012

Los Angeles, California
at Loyola Marymount University
more information l register online email l 909.480.3966

CWI's Summer EAST
Institute on Service-Learning
July 16th -20th, 2012
Shelburne, Vermont
in partnership with Shelburne Farms

more information l register online email l 909.480.3966

"CWI's Institute has helped me refine and strengthen my teaching skills. A wonderful experience!"
Margot Glenos, Teacher
East Park School District
Moss Point, Mississippi

"I felt reaffirmed...Thank you for a stimulating, thoughtful, and useful week. I learned a lot, met wonderful people, and had time to think and plan. I was inspired!"
Chris Tananone
Global Issues/Service Coordinator
International School of Bangkok

more Institute alumni comments

K-16 teachers, community based educators, administrators, and program trainers and leaders. CWI Institutes are appropriate for beginner to veteran practitioners.

As an Institute Participant
you will...

* Identify academic connections between service-learning and essential knowledge.
* Find practical ways to encourage student voice in the learning process.
* Develop a deeper understanding of the role and practice of reflection.
* Learn strategies to develop authentic community partnerships
* Reinvigorate your practice and commitment to education.
* Find practical ways to engage students in compelling community based work.
* Become part of CWi's network of passionate educators.

“CWI gave me the opportunity to go deep in my understanding of service-learning and the way it can transform education. This Institute has given me a framework with which to return to my community with concrete ideas on how to implement service-learning.”
Elizabeth Ferguson, Educator
The Lawrenceville School
New Jersey

 “I feel empowered! Thank you! It was wonderful to see and feel the sincerity of the faculty
for service-learning.”
Kathleen Harte, Teacher
The Gillispie School, La Jolla, California
Discover Community Works Journal
Online Magazine for Educators l NEW Spring 2012 Edition NOW ONLINE
Dear Colleagues,

The latest edition of Community Works Journal online magazine is now available, at no cost, to the educational community. GO TO:

The ideals of service-learning, education for sustainability, and place based education resonate through Community Works Journal. As you read these inspiring stories written by educators in the field, consider your own place and efforts and think about submitting an article of your own. (Submission guidelines are available on our web site at:


Burning Brush: Playing with Fire
The glad animal play of childhood, the complete immersive quality, is one of the elixirs of life and also one of the indispensable proteins that build a sturdy adult soul. Middle childhood offers a window of opportunity to have these experiences, and if a child misses that opportunity, the quality of immersion is less accessible later in life. When, as adults, we sink into a novel or get lost in creative work or tussle with new ideas or improvise on the job, we’re using the skills that were roughed in during childhood play. read more

Join with educators from around the world for a week of intense exploration, learning, and practical application.
A reminder that space is limited for Community Works Institute's (CWI) annual summer series of unique professional development events. Registration is well underway and these events will fill rapidly. Among the events being offered are
CWI's Summer EAST and WEST Institutes on Service-Learning, along with our partner Shelburne Farms' Education for Sustainability Institute. All events are appropriate for K-16 and community educators and administrators. Register Now, Space is LIMITEDmore info

Digging a Hole: Clinical Teaching and the Journey of Learning
As educators and students, what gets us ready to commit to an endeavor, to a class or study, to a purpose, rather than grazing half-heartedly through another class?  What makes us tap in to something larger?  What causes us to cast off our timid shadows and engage fully in life and the largest purposes we can find for it? At some point, we believe that probably all the best lessons really are journeys; we hope our students can somehow experience new worlds and that a great lesson is like an expedition.  read more

Making Sustainability and Service-Learning Mesh in the Classroom
One way in which my classroom is going to improve the quality of life for all is through a service-learning project that I have designed that aligns with the first history unit I will be delivering, “North Street Then and Now.” Over the course of the unit students will learn about the history of the street on which their school is located, an area with rich cultural diversity and history but also traditionally an economically challenged area of the city. read more

The Ideal Engaged Citizen?
Sometimes the fork in the road also serves as a necessary slap in the face. There I was—an over-caffeinated Master’s student in Engineering Mechanics at Virginia Tech, dutifully working on my thesis in preparation for a May 2009 graduation.  Decent grades. A four-year veteran on a project sponsored by General Motors.  Supportive advisors happy to recommend me to potential employers. read more

A Wild Experience: The Transformative Power of Nature
What happens when you take a group of inner-city kids from Philadelphia, most of who have never traveled outside the state, and plop them on a remote Costa Rican beach with no electricity? The answer? Magic. Eleanor Boli, a Spanish teacher at Germantown High School in Philadelphia, spent the last year raising money to take six of her students on a field science and cultural exchange program. read more

The Grief Outreach Initiative: University Students Help Grieving
Children in the Community

She told him that her mother had died on Valentine’s Day. She still wanted to read the book, but Dean Rider could not forget the memory and how the child’s grief affected her—she was held back in school because she could not adjust socially and academically. “Right then and there, sitting outside Mrs. McCoy’s room at the school on a carpeted staircase, I was lost for words,” said Rider. read more

PAST PRINT ISSUE ARCHIVE In addition to the featured essays, reflection and articles listed here you will find a large archive of articles, ideas, and resources available through Community Works Journal Online Magazine, including an archive of past print issues of the Journal.


Joe Brooks
CWI Executive Director


Community Works Institute (CWI) is a non profit educational organization dedicated to supporting educators in creating curriculum with place as the context, service-learning as the strategy, and sustainable communities as the goal. learn more
copyright Community Works Institute 1995-2012, all rights reserved

Community Works Institute
PO Box 1390
Claremont, CA 91711